
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Survey: Retirement of Holiday Familiars
@BassNectar [quote name="BassNectar" date="2014-06-18 10:53:24"]I just didn't understand why it would only be next year's familiars and not a chance at all if the retired festival skins familiar and apparel. [/quote] Because it's not what being discussed here at all and people keep derailing the thread, as well as the question posed. I think a few of us (myself included) are just a tiny bit annoyed at the fact that people keep voting/commenting with something in mind that doesn't has much to do with the poll. If the poll were to include the past year's sprite? Fine by me. But it's not. Undel has stated several times it's not, and yet people will not let that go. And personally, I think there's a slight difference between the chance of winning a rare adoptable in CS with its thousand of pets (=/ familiars) and FR with its around 200 familiars. It's not the same % at all. Especially if they were to be limited to the sprites and next year's familiars rather than every obtainable familiar (excluding KS and Beta familiars).
BassNectar wrote on 2014-06-18 10:53:24:
I just didn't understand why it would only be next year's familiars and not a chance at all if the retired festival skins familiar and apparel.

Because it's not what being discussed here at all and people keep derailing the thread, as well as the question posed. I think a few of us (myself included) are just a tiny bit annoyed at the fact that people keep voting/commenting with something in mind that doesn't has much to do with the poll. If the poll were to include the past year's sprite? Fine by me. But it's not. Undel has stated several times it's not, and yet people will not let that go.

And personally, I think there's a slight difference between the chance of winning a rare adoptable in CS with its thousand of pets (=/ familiars) and FR with its around 200 familiars. It's not the same % at all. Especially if they were to be limited to the sprites and next year's familiars rather than every obtainable familiar (excluding KS and Beta familiars).
I understand where you're coming from, but you have to realize that anyone who participated in the past festivities purchased (and possibly hoarded) the holiday sprites under the assumption that they were to be retired. For Flight Rising staff to lift the retirement of said familiars (which they won't) would be to go back on their word.

I'm sorry that you missed out on the holidays. I did, too, because of college, but I'm confident that with a little (or a lot) of hard work I'll be able to buy myself a few retired familiars. Stay positive! There are a lot of ways to make treasure/gems, none of them instantaneous, such as: breeding, grinding the Coliseum, and making accents/skins if you're artistically inclined.
I understand where you're coming from, but you have to realize that anyone who participated in the past festivities purchased (and possibly hoarded) the holiday sprites under the assumption that they were to be retired. For Flight Rising staff to lift the retirement of said familiars (which they won't) would be to go back on their word.

I'm sorry that you missed out on the holidays. I did, too, because of college, but I'm confident that with a little (or a lot) of hard work I'll be able to buy myself a few retired familiars. Stay positive! There are a lot of ways to make treasure/gems, none of them instantaneous, such as: breeding, grinding the Coliseum, and making accents/skins if you're artistically inclined.
Once the site has open registration, priceless items will cause hacking and/or botting. Its actually better for the site each year if there are popular items that influx with the same rarity as those from the year/s before -because then something the new players have that's unique can be traded for the older ones. So I feel both questions in this survey are negatives. Simply allowing people to purchase holiday familiars in the second year exactly as the first, will goof up the economy.
Once the site has open registration, priceless items will cause hacking and/or botting. Its actually better for the site each year if there are popular items that influx with the same rarity as those from the year/s before -because then something the new players have that's unique can be traded for the older ones. So I feel both questions in this survey are negatives. Simply allowing people to purchase holiday familiars in the second year exactly as the first, will goof up the economy.
@Dalinar I don't think people don't understand the poll. (I assume some people are mixed up about it, but that's because anytime you get this many people talking, someone is probably misunderstanding the details.)

I'm seeing a lot of, "yes, keep the new familiars available - and I'm also in favor of unretiring the old ones." The discussion focuses around the old ones, because we know how the economy and social dynamics work for those; we don't yet have a good idea how the new ones will work.

I'm in favor of no retired items at all, including KS items. I am not, however, suggesting the current retired items be brought back - it'd be horribly disruptive, and it'd lead to a lack of trust from many KS buyers; the benefits to play and the future of the site wouldn't be worth the drama. I can be in favor of a policy without thinking it would be a good idea to implement in the existing circumstances.

I'm entirely aware this is only talking about the next round of holiday familiars. I would be very happy if they were available as usual for festival currency--and after that, were random Pinkerton drops, or found in gold chests, or available through some other activity.

I am also aware that this isn't being proposed. I mention the idea so people will consider how they stand on the idea of considerably less limited items. I am not in favor of a scarcity economy; we have enough limitations with cooldown periods and gene rarities to keep us invested; we don't need to have limits on the adornments and accessories that go with our dragons.

That, too, is not at stake in this conversation. But that opinion is what's behind my support of the December event allowing some access to the holiday familiars - and stating it means the devs know I'm not going to be upset if the event is "too easy" or if "the market gets flooded" with semi-retired holiday familiars. Some of us like the idea of everyone having all the pretty things they want.
@Dalinar I don't think people don't understand the poll. (I assume some people are mixed up about it, but that's because anytime you get this many people talking, someone is probably misunderstanding the details.)

I'm seeing a lot of, "yes, keep the new familiars available - and I'm also in favor of unretiring the old ones." The discussion focuses around the old ones, because we know how the economy and social dynamics work for those; we don't yet have a good idea how the new ones will work.

I'm in favor of no retired items at all, including KS items. I am not, however, suggesting the current retired items be brought back - it'd be horribly disruptive, and it'd lead to a lack of trust from many KS buyers; the benefits to play and the future of the site wouldn't be worth the drama. I can be in favor of a policy without thinking it would be a good idea to implement in the existing circumstances.

I'm entirely aware this is only talking about the next round of holiday familiars. I would be very happy if they were available as usual for festival currency--and after that, were random Pinkerton drops, or found in gold chests, or available through some other activity.

I am also aware that this isn't being proposed. I mention the idea so people will consider how they stand on the idea of considerably less limited items. I am not in favor of a scarcity economy; we have enough limitations with cooldown periods and gene rarities to keep us invested; we don't need to have limits on the adornments and accessories that go with our dragons.

That, too, is not at stake in this conversation. But that opinion is what's behind my support of the December event allowing some access to the holiday familiars - and stating it means the devs know I'm not going to be upset if the event is "too easy" or if "the market gets flooded" with semi-retired holiday familiars. Some of us like the idea of everyone having all the pretty things they want.

SOOOOOO sorry my simple suggestion annoyed you. I'm not worried about being able to get all the festival familiars, I'm only missing the light sprite which I could afford if I were trying hard enough to find one.

My suggestion makes more sense than only rereleasing this next batch of familiars, which honestly doesn't make any sense to me. What's so special about the new ones that they might get released again? I don't care if it's what the topic is about, they obviously left this open so discussion can happen, and it doesn't make any sense to me at all to only rerelease certain ones. And your argument about the % made me lol, it's not hard to figure out how to make it so the rare sprites have a much lower chance of being released.

Seriously, whats with the rudeness? You do realize we're talking about PIXELS, correct? So imperious.

SOOOOOO sorry my simple suggestion annoyed you. I'm not worried about being able to get all the festival familiars, I'm only missing the light sprite which I could afford if I were trying hard enough to find one.

My suggestion makes more sense than only rereleasing this next batch of familiars, which honestly doesn't make any sense to me. What's so special about the new ones that they might get released again? I don't care if it's what the topic is about, they obviously left this open so discussion can happen, and it doesn't make any sense to me at all to only rerelease certain ones. And your argument about the % made me lol, it's not hard to figure out how to make it so the rare sprites have a much lower chance of being released.

Seriously, whats with the rudeness? You do realize we're talking about PIXELS, correct? So imperious.
@BassNectar I fail to see where exactly I was rude? And since I have never meant to come across that way, would you please point it out so I can correct my behaviour? I simply meant to point out what the poll is about and that (in my opinion, subjective but there it is) a system alike the one CS employs wouldn't work with such few familiars (when we have a couple hundred more? I don't see why not!)
@BassNectar I fail to see where exactly I was rude? And since I have never meant to come across that way, would you please point it out so I can correct my behaviour? I simply meant to point out what the poll is about and that (in my opinion, subjective but there it is) a system alike the one CS employs wouldn't work with such few familiars (when we have a couple hundred more? I don't see why not!)
I think people are losing focus in this whole game.. Just because holiday sprites retire doesn't make the game any less fun. We are here for dragons, and the familiars are just a little bonus. They're cute and if you want to collect them, by all means, collect them. Just because 12 familairs a year won't be again available for purchase won't make people quit. Like many people are saying, they're pixels. Yes, they are, so move on if it's too expensive for you to buy. People who register before you will always have an advantage over everyone else. Big deal? Take care of your dragons and if you happen to be around for a holiday, gather what you need and buy yourself a familiar.
I think people are losing focus in this whole game.. Just because holiday sprites retire doesn't make the game any less fun. We are here for dragons, and the familiars are just a little bonus. They're cute and if you want to collect them, by all means, collect them. Just because 12 familairs a year won't be again available for purchase won't make people quit. Like many people are saying, they're pixels. Yes, they are, so move on if it's too expensive for you to buy. People who register before you will always have an advantage over everyone else. Big deal? Take care of your dragons and if you happen to be around for a holiday, gather what you need and buy yourself a familiar.
I am a collector of Jasmines! Please help me collect more![img]item=jasmine[/img]In hoard: 120
I had typed out a several paragraph rant, but then I realized it's not even worth getting involved to that extent with the amount of people misreading the proposal Undel has put out there.

Anyway, the only point I'd like to really make is that I think this is a great idea if it is done right. I'm pretty sure if they're bringing them back the drop rate from the event will not be super high, so I'm in full support of a December event. From what I can guess about the idea of bringing back sprites from all the holidays during a December event leads me to feel like they're wanting to make a "All Flights Celebration" type of holiday, to which I'm soooo game for and have been wanting to personally throw up onto the suggestions board for a while.
I had typed out a several paragraph rant, but then I realized it's not even worth getting involved to that extent with the amount of people misreading the proposal Undel has put out there.

Anyway, the only point I'd like to really make is that I think this is a great idea if it is done right. I'm pretty sure if they're bringing them back the drop rate from the event will not be super high, so I'm in full support of a December event. From what I can guess about the idea of bringing back sprites from all the holidays during a December event leads me to feel like they're wanting to make a "All Flights Celebration" type of holiday, to which I'm soooo game for and have been wanting to personally throw up onto the suggestions board for a while.
I initially voted against, however, now I am honestly on the fence. It doesn't really matter since it only concerns this coming series of familiar (for now at least), and I can see it being all right if done right. If re-releases are indeed rare and challenging enough that the value of these limiteds are not too adversely affected, then I see no reason to oppose it.

My concern is the fact that holdiay items seem to make for good investments in this game, and I would like it to stay that way for the benefit of the entire player-base. It maybe be selfish, but I've personally enjoyed collecting these limited items for not just my personal enjoyment, but because they can grow more valuable as more and more players enter the game. But that is also a habit I have IRL. I enjoy investing in collectibles that could increase in value.

And that's all I have to say on this. Based on posts in this thread, I don't want to involve myself too deeply in it. I simply wanted to post how I voted and how my opinion on the matter has changed.
I initially voted against, however, now I am honestly on the fence. It doesn't really matter since it only concerns this coming series of familiar (for now at least), and I can see it being all right if done right. If re-releases are indeed rare and challenging enough that the value of these limiteds are not too adversely affected, then I see no reason to oppose it.

My concern is the fact that holdiay items seem to make for good investments in this game, and I would like it to stay that way for the benefit of the entire player-base. It maybe be selfish, but I've personally enjoyed collecting these limited items for not just my personal enjoyment, but because they can grow more valuable as more and more players enter the game. But that is also a habit I have IRL. I enjoy investing in collectibles that could increase in value.

And that's all I have to say on this. Based on posts in this thread, I don't want to involve myself too deeply in it. I simply wanted to post how I voted and how my opinion on the matter has changed.
Signature by Macabre
I'm pro having the old ones back for a special event in December.

Like it was said before me, it DOES give that holiday feeling and allows not only new players but also anyone who would have missed the chance to purchase them for ANY reason a new opportunity to get those.

Fine, some people might have had to save up 3 mill to get a Light Sprite now, and hey, that sucks, but other people wouldn't be getting them "for free" either. And honestly, if you feel upset over that, I guess I don't know what to tell you?? It's just a virtual game, haha. The sprite won't lose its value to you - who invested so much in it - and at the same time gives other people a chance to get it too.

Plus, for the people who don't have the time to grind at the coliseum, coming across holiday currency through item gathering is very much up to luck. I think it's ridiculous to feel like you're "superior" to another player just because in that week you were able to obtain something not even through your own skills in a virtual game.

Honestly, if I want to feel left out because I can't afford something one way or the other I'll just log off, haha.
I'm pro having the old ones back for a special event in December.

Like it was said before me, it DOES give that holiday feeling and allows not only new players but also anyone who would have missed the chance to purchase them for ANY reason a new opportunity to get those.

Fine, some people might have had to save up 3 mill to get a Light Sprite now, and hey, that sucks, but other people wouldn't be getting them "for free" either. And honestly, if you feel upset over that, I guess I don't know what to tell you?? It's just a virtual game, haha. The sprite won't lose its value to you - who invested so much in it - and at the same time gives other people a chance to get it too.

Plus, for the people who don't have the time to grind at the coliseum, coming across holiday currency through item gathering is very much up to luck. I think it's ridiculous to feel like you're "superior" to another player just because in that week you were able to obtain something not even through your own skills in a virtual game.

Honestly, if I want to feel left out because I can't afford something one way or the other I'll just log off, haha.