Hi there! :) I have fallen in love with this girl...
I have a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/109199/1022652?name=&type=undefined]tab of trained fodder[/url] (all level 7) and a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/109199/1699011?name=&type=undefined]tab of dragons (some oldies, some with lore, etc.) I'm looking to rehome[/url]. Would you be willing to trade? How many fodder/dragons would you need for her? :)
As a last resort, I do have a couple of eggs if none of the dragons take your fancy. :)
Hi there! :) I have fallen in love with this girl...

I have a
tab of trained fodder (all level 7) and a
tab of dragons (some oldies, some with lore, etc.) I'm looking to rehome. Would you be willing to trade? How many fodder/dragons would you need for her? :)
As a last resort, I do have a couple of eggs if none of the dragons take your fancy. :)
@Redfern Hello!! I'm really interested in this overcast/rose/platinum boy, does anyone on [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/271753/1454481/3?name=&type=undefined]this page of my G1s[/url] catch your eye possibly? :)
Redfern Hello!! I'm really interested in this overcast/rose/platinum boy, does anyone on
this page of my G1s catch your eye possibly? :)

Redfern :D perfect! I'll send a CR, thank you so much!
Redfern :D perfect! I'll send a CR, thank you so much!
Hey, I’m interested in buying your Cinnamon, buttercup, charcoal fae. Unfortunately, I only have 131 gems.
Hey, I’m interested in buying your Cinnamon, buttercup, charcoal fae. Unfortunately, I only have 131 gems.
I'll take the treasure. Thanks
I'll take the treasure. Thanks
interested in [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/60369287]this boy[/url]
do either of these 2 G1 catch you fancy?
interested in
this boy
do either of these 2 G1 catch you fancy?

itsrainningtacos so that i can come back later
I have:
any gened g1 i can trade you in this tab here for both of your g1s [url]https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/99013/1765230?name=&type=undefined[/url]
Any interest?

I have:
any gened g1 i can trade you in this tab here for both of your g1s
Any interest?
I'm interested in
this lad.
I have a fair number of G1s to
swap, or, I have 20
orange sludge @3g = 60g, and 14
red sludge @3g = 42g, which total 102g. No need to comp me for the 2g lol.