what price are you thinking of for him?
also anyone here interest you?
I'm interested buying these two. Any price in mind for them?
I’m interested in this boy
Do any of my dragons interest you? I also have g1s on the last page of my lair, and this boy, whose color combo I noticed was on your list.
@Redfern Price check on this gal?
Any of these kids interest you?
I'm interested in this guy you have here
@Redfern any interest in this boy?
@Redfern this boy caught my eye[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51453041]
@Redfern Hello! I'm interested in these :
and maybe this boy too :
Would you be interested in any of[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/den/104483/1458289/3?name=&type=undefined] my gen 1s in Den page 3-8[/url]?