
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | [T] Well-fed bonus not accumulating?
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Hey folks, I've tracked this and it's logged. Thank you for your reports!
Hey folks, I've tracked this and it's logged. Thank you for your reports!
Same issue. Thank you for taking care of it! :D
Same issue. Thank you for taking care of it! :D
Hi joining list was directed here, thanks for working on it!
Hi joining list was directed here, thanks for working on it!
Just throwing my two cents in, too. First day I had 15 turns, but every day since I have had 10, with no updated message.
Just throwing my two cents in, too. First day I had 15 turns, but every day since I have had 10, with no updated message.
Hello. Just adding my name to the list. I've been over 80% since I registered on June 3rd (4th?). Thanks for your attention on this.
Hello. Just adding my name to the list. I've been over 80% since I registered on June 3rd (4th?). Thanks for your attention on this.
Also joining the list, and I'd be intrigued to find out what the cause of this is, just as a personal curiosity. c:
Also joining the list, and I'd be intrigued to find out what the cause of this is, just as a personal curiosity. c:
Returning after a long hiatus, a lot has changed!
Please be patient while I get used to things again :)
I've also been redirected and must ask to add my name to the list of users experiencing this problem.

I'm glad that there are people looking into the issue, though. Hopefully it can be figured out!
I've also been redirected and must ask to add my name to the list of users experiencing this problem.

I'm glad that there are people looking into the issue, though. Hopefully it can be figured out!
I'm also a new member experiencing this glitch - never fallen below 80%, never received bonuses since joining. Thanks for looking into this!
I'm also a new member experiencing this glitch - never fallen below 80%, never received bonuses since joining. Thanks for looking into this!
Unfortunately experiencing this too. Created my account on the 3rd of June sometime during the evening. always kept the clan energy above 80% and the small bar below the energy has never filled up a segment. Hope this helps in some way and thank you in advance!
Unfortunately experiencing this too. Created my account on the 3rd of June sometime during the evening. always kept the clan energy above 80% and the small bar below the energy has never filled up a segment. Hope this helps in some way and thank you in advance!
I too am experiencing this bug ;_;
I too am experiencing this bug ;_;
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