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TOPIC | Cross -site trades with Dappervolk?
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there are lots of people saying DV will be good competition for FR but imo if it stays the way it is rn i really don't think it's going to last longer than a couple months. a pretty artstyle can only carry a game so far, and unless they make some [i]big[/i] improvements in the near future i can't see DV keeping most of its userbase after the initial hype dies. people thought furvilla and clanheart were going to be huge too and look how that turned out [emoji=gaoler tongue size=2]
there are lots of people saying DV will be good competition for FR but imo if it stays the way it is rn i really don't think it's going to last longer than a couple months. a pretty artstyle can only carry a game so far, and unless they make some big improvements in the near future i can't see DV keeping most of its userbase after the initial hype dies. people thought furvilla and clanheart were going to be huge too and look how that turned out
Palestinian flagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Official artwork of the tome of Forseti from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. It is dark green with elaborate white detailing.
DV seems very competitive. Like, I leave Fr for a good while come back and I can still feel like I manage to achieve some stuff. I can start over as many times as I want. I don't really like the stats and stuff they use in DV.

I hope they work out though since it seems like what a lot of people want in a game.
DV seems very competitive. Like, I leave Fr for a good while come back and I can still feel like I manage to achieve some stuff. I can start over as many times as I want. I don't really like the stats and stuff they use in DV.

I hope they work out though since it seems like what a lot of people want in a game.
Furvilla had the same hype.
And uh...
You can see where that hype went.
Never hear anything about FV here any more.
Furvilla had the same hype.
And uh...
You can see where that hype went.
Never hear anything about FV here any more.
Having been on FR since 2013 I think the site definitely has had some growing pains even besides the servers. That being said I'm not sure if it was quite the same.

I remember the hype over Furvilla too.
Having been on FR since 2013 I think the site definitely has had some growing pains even besides the servers. That being said I'm not sure if it was quite the same.

I remember the hype over Furvilla too.
[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsbiDj7CC.png
[quote name="Dreamson" date="2020-08-08 21:26:46" ] I really don't think DV, in it's current state or anything close to it, will ever be able to compete with FR. The lack of content, forced pacing (i.e., making quests take as long as 5 days to weeks with literally 0 ways to speed it up), and the simple fact that DV really isn't that much of a pet site. Sure, you can get a bunch of different pets... but your pet isn't different from anyone else's unless you get a skin for it. Compared to FR, DV is more of a gacha game with pet elements, rather than a pet game like FR is. I mean, the game has already ran out of stuff to do like what, early last month? lol. Unless they get wayyyy faster with releasing new stuff to the site, like new towns and quest lines, there is no way it'll be able to muster up the large playerbase FR has, at least imo. I really wanted DV to succeed and add some competition for FR, but looking at the ever growing saltiness and discontent among the playerbase both on site and off, I highly doubt it. Some may say that FR also had this issue early on, but FR had problems with servers and such, it wasn't (as I understand it) an issue with the overall lacking of content. Then again, I joined in 2018, so I wasn't there, but DV seems to have released with little to no real meat on it's bones and that's really hurting it rn. Anyways, this got super long I don't even play the game anymore lol I just farm it for currency to liquidate to FR so I'm more than a little biased. [/quote] specifically from this the fricken WAIT TIME for quests really killed my enjoyment... and the limited town hops... just no thanks. that and the economy seems to already be a bit of a mess. its so much cheaper to just buy items from the character gachas than actually play them. people love to get into new games when they can, and see if they can get a head start by selling off stuff they have from other games- or seeing if they can get a boost for the game they care about more by snagging some stuff early on for the new games when its harder to get. I dont think there will be a large loss of FR players. if anything once they get a break theyll come back if they have left, or they will just be playing both as i was! they are very very different games. i wouldnt even classify dappervolk as a petsite.
Dreamson wrote on 2020-08-08 21:26:46:
I really don't think DV, in it's current state or anything close to it, will ever be able to compete with FR. The lack of content, forced pacing (i.e., making quests take as long as 5 days to weeks with literally 0 ways to speed it up), and the simple fact that DV really isn't that much of a pet site. Sure, you can get a bunch of different pets... but your pet isn't different from anyone else's unless you get a skin for it. Compared to FR, DV is more of a gacha game with pet elements, rather than a pet game like FR is.

I mean, the game has already ran out of stuff to do like what, early last month? lol. Unless they get wayyyy faster with releasing new stuff to the site, like new towns and quest lines, there is no way it'll be able to muster up the large playerbase FR has, at least imo.

I really wanted DV to succeed and add some competition for FR, but looking at the ever growing saltiness and discontent among the playerbase both on site and off, I highly doubt it. Some may say that FR also had this issue early on, but FR had problems with servers and such, it wasn't (as I understand it) an issue with the overall lacking of content. Then again, I joined in 2018, so I wasn't there, but DV seems to have released with little to no real meat on it's bones and that's really hurting it rn.

Anyways, this got super long I don't even play the game anymore lol I just farm it for currency to liquidate to FR so I'm more than a little biased.

specifically from this the fricken WAIT TIME for quests really killed my enjoyment... and the limited town hops... just no thanks. that and the economy seems to already be a bit of a mess. its so much cheaper to just buy items from the character gachas than actually play them.

people love to get into new games when they can, and see if they can get a head start by selling off stuff they have from other games- or seeing if they can get a boost for the game they care about more by snagging some stuff early on for the new games when its harder to get. I dont think there will be a large loss of FR players. if anything once they get a break theyll come back if they have left, or they will just be playing both as i was! they are very very different games. i wouldnt even classify dappervolk as a petsite.
DV is cute and very aesthetic but it's so hard to progress quickly and you never feel like you've accomplished anything. I played through some of Beta and managed to trade some items for FR stuff recently so I guess for me it was a win? I can't see myself being an avid DV user, I only use it now to trade for FR stuff.
DV is cute and very aesthetic but it's so hard to progress quickly and you never feel like you've accomplished anything. I played through some of Beta and managed to trade some items for FR stuff recently so I guess for me it was a win? I can't see myself being an avid DV user, I only use it now to trade for FR stuff.
Some people (like me!) also bought DV stuff mostly to sell on FR! I did think I might get into it, but given how it turned out I'm happy to have instead made major progress on my FR goals.
Some people (like me!) also bought DV stuff mostly to sell on FR! I did think I might get into it, but given how it turned out I'm happy to have instead made major progress on my FR goals.
Eh idk why people are so excited about this davppervolk being the new competition. Maybe it’s because it’s not something i’m at all interested in but i just don’t see many similarities beside pets.

Even then i don’t consider the dragons we get as pets, FR is a lore based game for the most part and the dragons here are by no means pets, but then again you don’t have to follow the lore of flight rising so they can be i guess.

One thing i’ve always hated is the ‘smelt down 2 pets to get a better one’ it just makes it so much harder to care about the pets i do get since they can just be traded for a better one.

Besides both have their own very different niches so even if it did become popular it wouldn’t crash flight rising. Would it take some of the player base? Yes, but that’d be also due to infrequent updates on FR. If FR added new content, those players would return even if for a short time.

Either way i hope DV does good in its own right and especially those who backed it get their money’s worth from it.
Eh idk why people are so excited about this davppervolk being the new competition. Maybe it’s because it’s not something i’m at all interested in but i just don’t see many similarities beside pets.

Even then i don’t consider the dragons we get as pets, FR is a lore based game for the most part and the dragons here are by no means pets, but then again you don’t have to follow the lore of flight rising so they can be i guess.

One thing i’ve always hated is the ‘smelt down 2 pets to get a better one’ it just makes it so much harder to care about the pets i do get since they can just be traded for a better one.

Besides both have their own very different niches so even if it did become popular it wouldn’t crash flight rising. Would it take some of the player base? Yes, but that’d be also due to infrequent updates on FR. If FR added new content, those players would return even if for a short time.

Either way i hope DV does good in its own right and especially those who backed it get their money’s worth from it.
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DV doesn't seem much like a game that'd be in competition with FR. Like somebody already said, they fill different niches. Some people will play one or the other, but they're different enough that you can play both and not feel like you're doing the same thing twice over. They're... actually so different that it's hard to really compare them.

I played DV avidly for a while but I've burned out on it, and the devs decisions definitely haven't helped with that. I actually don't mind the stat gates that much, but some of the other choices made bother me (like that the premium apparel on there retires every month... idk why but that doesn't sit right with me). I also think it was way overhyped and that's why so many people are disappointed with what the game's turned out to be. It's about what I expected though, so I'm fine with it.

I think it's an alright game and I might go back to it at some point. It just will never replace FR for me. Nothing could replace FR! This game's been a part of my life for over five years, I can hardly just leave it. Nope, I'm as stuck here in dragon hell as I've always been. :D
DV doesn't seem much like a game that'd be in competition with FR. Like somebody already said, they fill different niches. Some people will play one or the other, but they're different enough that you can play both and not feel like you're doing the same thing twice over. They're... actually so different that it's hard to really compare them.

I played DV avidly for a while but I've burned out on it, and the devs decisions definitely haven't helped with that. I actually don't mind the stat gates that much, but some of the other choices made bother me (like that the premium apparel on there retires every month... idk why but that doesn't sit right with me). I also think it was way overhyped and that's why so many people are disappointed with what the game's turned out to be. It's about what I expected though, so I'm fine with it.

I think it's an alright game and I might go back to it at some point. It just will never replace FR for me. Nothing could replace FR! This game's been a part of my life for over five years, I can hardly just leave it. Nope, I'm as stuck here in dragon hell as I've always been. :D
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