Okay, so I have been playing off and on but I find it so mentally exhausting and arduous, like there’s literally SO MUCH to do, I find myself getting irritated.
I wanna do everything but some things are beyond me or I cant do when I’m there. “Steal the statue of Dibella” and give it to some bitter homeless man. I can’t steal it because they’re always praying or what even ever, even at 3am. Now that’s devotion.
Take the unusual gem to an appraiser. I talked to the guy but the option to bring it up doesnt happen. Unless I’m supposed to finish the thieves crap first which big ugh.
Also vampires suck. I keep contracting their stupid disease. I literally avoid one part of the map to avoid all the suckers.
But Serana is okay. She helps fight. And doesnt eat me. I just found her mother in the spooky underworld. Also gained a dead horse friend spell and a ghoulie dragon.
I got married to a lovely lady that lived in Dragonsreach. She wants to be a merchant or something. I adopted that child that survived the dragon attack at Helgen which was like, wow okay this is fate. And I also got a dog by accident.
I feel like I need to take long breaks from the game though because its just overwhelmingly long.
Tell me of your Skkkkyyyrimmmmm adventures. If you have mods, please tell me which ones to get so I can use them my next playthrough.
Okay, so I have been playing off and on but I find it so mentally exhausting and arduous, like there’s literally SO MUCH to do, I find myself getting irritated.
I wanna do everything but some things are beyond me or I cant do when I’m there. “Steal the statue of Dibella” and give it to some bitter homeless man. I can’t steal it because they’re always praying or what even ever, even at 3am. Now that’s devotion.
Take the unusual gem to an appraiser. I talked to the guy but the option to bring it up doesnt happen. Unless I’m supposed to finish the thieves crap first which big ugh.
Also vampires suck. I keep contracting their stupid disease. I literally avoid one part of the map to avoid all the suckers.
But Serana is okay. She helps fight. And doesnt eat me. I just found her mother in the spooky underworld. Also gained a dead horse friend spell and a ghoulie dragon.
I got married to a lovely lady that lived in Dragonsreach. She wants to be a merchant or something. I adopted that child that survived the dragon attack at Helgen which was like, wow okay this is fate. And I also got a dog by accident.
I feel like I need to take long breaks from the game though because its just overwhelmingly long.
Tell me of your Skkkkyyyrimmmmm adventures. If you have mods, please tell me which ones to get so I can use them my next playthrough.
ohhh nooooooo, skyrimmmmm haha!
I totally haven't spent hundreds of hours on this wonderful, wretched favorite of mine
I don't know why I keep coming back to Skyrim, but I do. I've owned a copy since it came out and I keep buying other versions rofl, it's the one game I'm absolutely terrible about having any control with. Time-based events like the ones you're talking about are a huge pain, I agree. I mostly enjoy house building and sneaking through dungeons (to gain more materials to build houses with)!
I play on xbox systems, but I have a
ton of mods for it since Bethesda started allowing for that. Like, so many mods. Some of the ones I'd absolutely recommend:
- Inigo -- Best follower mod, hands down. He's 100% perfect. Please download it.
- Lucien -- Second best follower mod. A wonderful companion! Very funny.
- Alternate Start: Live Another Life -- Gives you a different beginning as opposed to being bound for Helgen as a prisoner. Personally, I think it's really cool and opens up a lot of roleplaying windows, if you're into that!
- Khajiit Child Maisha -- An adorable khajiit girl you can adopt!
- My little hatchling Ram-Ku -- An argonian boy you can adopt! Also super cute.
- Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions -- Allows you to adopt a few more kiddos.
- Honeystrand Meadery -- Lets you refurbish and run a meadery!
- Clockwork (Clockwork Castle) -- A fabulous house/adventure mod. It's really thorough and incredible! A little spooky, but nothing too bad.
- Pale Marsh Manor -- A house mod that's really gorgeous.
- The Forgotten City -- A truly incredible adventure mod. It's a great little story and has interesting NPCs, including a mystery to solve! I loved it!
There are more, but those are the first ones that come to mind!
P.S. loving your owen sig, his smile is wonderful :3
ohhh nooooooo, skyrimmmmm haha!
I totally haven't spent hundreds of hours on this wonderful, wretched favorite of mine
I don't know why I keep coming back to Skyrim, but I do. I've owned a copy since it came out and I keep buying other versions rofl, it's the one game I'm absolutely terrible about having any control with. Time-based events like the ones you're talking about are a huge pain, I agree. I mostly enjoy house building and sneaking through dungeons (to gain more materials to build houses with)!
I play on xbox systems, but I have a
ton of mods for it since Bethesda started allowing for that. Like, so many mods. Some of the ones I'd absolutely recommend:
- Inigo -- Best follower mod, hands down. He's 100% perfect. Please download it.
- Lucien -- Second best follower mod. A wonderful companion! Very funny.
- Alternate Start: Live Another Life -- Gives you a different beginning as opposed to being bound for Helgen as a prisoner. Personally, I think it's really cool and opens up a lot of roleplaying windows, if you're into that!
- Khajiit Child Maisha -- An adorable khajiit girl you can adopt!
- My little hatchling Ram-Ku -- An argonian boy you can adopt! Also super cute.
- Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions -- Allows you to adopt a few more kiddos.
- Honeystrand Meadery -- Lets you refurbish and run a meadery!
- Clockwork (Clockwork Castle) -- A fabulous house/adventure mod. It's really thorough and incredible! A little spooky, but nothing too bad.
- Pale Marsh Manor -- A house mod that's really gorgeous.
- The Forgotten City -- A truly incredible adventure mod. It's a great little story and has interesting NPCs, including a mystery to solve! I loved it!
There are more, but those are the first ones that come to mind!
P.S. loving your owen sig, his smile is wonderful :3
It's quite late here and I have nothing to do atm so I will ramble a little about Skyim, stuff that no one cares BUT IT'S A SKYRIM THREAD SO WHATEVER.
About mods, I have probably way less than most people. I think? And most of them are, unsurprisingly, about making the graphics a little better. I don't go crazy with them though, I feel no need.
ShowRaceMenu is a very important mod to me, helps creating a better character and also some hairstyle mods to add better ones + better textures.
There's a mod I also use to make sure none of my followers ever die because I grow attached to them and so does my character.
I have started an another gameplay a month ago or two but I put it on hold because I started playing some other games. There is an another character I made with his story kinda fleshed out but I was rather undecisive about some things so now I play (or, I WILL) the latest one I made and... shockingly, IT'S NOT AN ELF.
I made a Breton, whose parents are a human and and elf (so thanks to that he's got pointy ears - I love pointy ears, I cannot help myself). For one reason or another I think he had to run away from his home (I wrote stuff down but ... I forgot because I changed things here and there lol), living for a while wandering, before falling victim to a bunch of bandits who were actually ... not really bandits but something much more sinister, and was left for dead, his khajiit companion murdered along with the poor horse and the cart they were traveling overturned and destroyed ... weirdly enough, a lot of things were left behind.
My Breton woke up again with the rain pouring over him, a horrible headache and flashes of memories about the attack. Not to mention the shocking sight he had to face when he came to.
THERE'S MORE. But eh, I'll stop here.
As for why do I come back to Skyrim... and get also stressed because THERE IS SO MUCH... there's something about this game that is ... infinite. This game gives me a particular feeling that I can never describe. Not to mention the music... the visuals. Ahhh. Love it. Plus, creating stories, characters, adventures and relationships they create.
(while never, EVER even starting the Dragonborn main questline... I never finished it. I just... prefer to make my own 'main questline)
...aight. Thanks for letting me gush about the game a bit :')
It's quite late here and I have nothing to do atm so I will ramble a little about Skyim, stuff that no one cares BUT IT'S A SKYRIM THREAD SO WHATEVER.
About mods, I have probably way less than most people. I think? And most of them are, unsurprisingly, about making the graphics a little better. I don't go crazy with them though, I feel no need.
ShowRaceMenu is a very important mod to me, helps creating a better character and also some hairstyle mods to add better ones + better textures.
There's a mod I also use to make sure none of my followers ever die because I grow attached to them and so does my character.
I have started an another gameplay a month ago or two but I put it on hold because I started playing some other games. There is an another character I made with his story kinda fleshed out but I was rather undecisive about some things so now I play (or, I WILL) the latest one I made and... shockingly, IT'S NOT AN ELF.
I made a Breton, whose parents are a human and and elf (so thanks to that he's got pointy ears - I love pointy ears, I cannot help myself). For one reason or another I think he had to run away from his home (I wrote stuff down but ... I forgot because I changed things here and there lol), living for a while wandering, before falling victim to a bunch of bandits who were actually ... not really bandits but something much more sinister, and was left for dead, his khajiit companion murdered along with the poor horse and the cart they were traveling overturned and destroyed ... weirdly enough, a lot of things were left behind.
My Breton woke up again with the rain pouring over him, a horrible headache and flashes of memories about the attack. Not to mention the shocking sight he had to face when he came to.
THERE'S MORE. But eh, I'll stop here.
As for why do I come back to Skyrim... and get also stressed because THERE IS SO MUCH... there's something about this game that is ... infinite. This game gives me a particular feeling that I can never describe. Not to mention the music... the visuals. Ahhh. Love it. Plus, creating stories, characters, adventures and relationships they create.
(while never, EVER even starting the Dragonborn main questline... I never finished it. I just... prefer to make my own 'main questline)
...aight. Thanks for letting me gush about the game a bit :')

Octopus is welcome
okay so the elder scrolls is one of my special interests but i'll try not to ramble too much haha.
i'm constantly playing skyrim, and when i take breaks from the game, it's usually only for a few months. i'm so obsessed it's crazy. beyond the glitches, bugs, and irritating quests/npcs (looking at the thieves guild questline and any of the quests that require going through dwemer ruins) it still never fails to keep me absorbed and entertained. i've spent god knows how many hours playing this game, and i've put effort into so many dragonborn ocs. some of my favorite ocs are:
kharjei, my favorite khajiit boy. he's kind of a jack-of-all-trades guy, and i headcanon him as a littermate of kharjo, the khajiit caravan guard that you can have as a follower. (i did this bc their names are so similar and i'd forgotten that kharjo even existed when i created him lmao, i thought it would be cute to imagine them as long-lost brothers). he joined the companions, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, and the dawnguard, and married marcurio. they live together in riften with two adopted kids, one is the little girl in windhelm that sells flowers and the other was a little boy from the riften orphanage. ♥
raelynn, a breton witch hunter that fought with a conjured bow and destruction spells. she became the archmage of the college of winterhold and joined the dawnguard to fight the vampires.
daraneth, dara for short, is a bosmer that was adopted by nord parents. she was found outside their home in a basket by a river with no note; no one in their village saw who left her there as it was in the middle of the night. as a result, she's embraced nord culture as her own rather than bosmer culture. she's pretty neutral when it comes to the civil war in skyrim, as her main concern is her quest to discover what it means to be dragonborn. she's an archer that dabbles in alchemy and a bit of illusion magic, and i had her marry aela after finishing the companions questline. they live together in lakeview manor, in falkreath hold where she's thane of falkreath.
freya is my current dragonborn, but she's a bit problematic lol. she's a nord that's fiercely loyal to her home and thinks that the empire has no place in skyrim. she joins the stormcloaks to rid skyrim of the imperial legion and the thalmor -- she's bitter towards altmers, but has no issue with the other mer races. i'm still playing through her storyline, but i plan on having her join the college of winterhold since i play her as a light armor-wearing destruction/conjuration mage. it's a really fun playstyle so far!
also, unpopular opinion but i love exploring the dwemer ruins, their culture as a whole is so freaking interesting but also brutal. i nearly teared up when i discovered how they tortured the snow elves, eventually twisting them into the falmer that you have to kill.
okay so the elder scrolls is one of my special interests but i'll try not to ramble too much haha.
i'm constantly playing skyrim, and when i take breaks from the game, it's usually only for a few months. i'm so obsessed it's crazy. beyond the glitches, bugs, and irritating quests/npcs (looking at the thieves guild questline and any of the quests that require going through dwemer ruins) it still never fails to keep me absorbed and entertained. i've spent god knows how many hours playing this game, and i've put effort into so many dragonborn ocs. some of my favorite ocs are:
kharjei, my favorite khajiit boy. he's kind of a jack-of-all-trades guy, and i headcanon him as a littermate of kharjo, the khajiit caravan guard that you can have as a follower. (i did this bc their names are so similar and i'd forgotten that kharjo even existed when i created him lmao, i thought it would be cute to imagine them as long-lost brothers). he joined the companions, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, and the dawnguard, and married marcurio. they live together in riften with two adopted kids, one is the little girl in windhelm that sells flowers and the other was a little boy from the riften orphanage. ♥
raelynn, a breton witch hunter that fought with a conjured bow and destruction spells. she became the archmage of the college of winterhold and joined the dawnguard to fight the vampires.
daraneth, dara for short, is a bosmer that was adopted by nord parents. she was found outside their home in a basket by a river with no note; no one in their village saw who left her there as it was in the middle of the night. as a result, she's embraced nord culture as her own rather than bosmer culture. she's pretty neutral when it comes to the civil war in skyrim, as her main concern is her quest to discover what it means to be dragonborn. she's an archer that dabbles in alchemy and a bit of illusion magic, and i had her marry aela after finishing the companions questline. they live together in lakeview manor, in falkreath hold where she's thane of falkreath.
freya is my current dragonborn, but she's a bit problematic lol. she's a nord that's fiercely loyal to her home and thinks that the empire has no place in skyrim. she joins the stormcloaks to rid skyrim of the imperial legion and the thalmor -- she's bitter towards altmers, but has no issue with the other mer races. i'm still playing through her storyline, but i plan on having her join the college of winterhold since i play her as a light armor-wearing destruction/conjuration mage. it's a really fun playstyle so far!
also, unpopular opinion but i love exploring the dwemer ruins, their culture as a whole is so freaking interesting but also brutal. i nearly teared up when i discovered how they tortured the snow elves, eventually twisting them into the falmer that you have to kill.
Oh man i got skyrim a couple months ago at my bf's recommendation and it's honestly awesome, i've almost finished all the main stuff you can do. (my mage's college quest glitched out though so that sucks.) Re: the statue of dibella, i just broke in and stole it while they were praying *****...
My character is a khajit named Cheerio Baldcat.. i spent the first 20 hours of the game not using weapons and just swiping with my claws because i thought it was funny. tis the wonder of skyrim
I think my favourite part of skyrim is just how satisfying it is to do quests. Like, i really enjoyed exploring the map and going to new cities etc. the dark brotherhood questline was so fun to complete, working on sneaking and pulling off these Hits like a professional assassin was so cool and fun. same goes with the thieve's guild stuff.... i sure do love video game crime
I have it on switch which is a lot harder to get mods on, so im not too familiar with that whole scene unfortunately... But i love the game unmodded already :')
if yall adopted kids which did u take in?? I took in the girl in windhelm who sells flowers, i felt so bad for her selling flowers on the streets :'0
Oh man i got skyrim a couple months ago at my bf's recommendation and it's honestly awesome, i've almost finished all the main stuff you can do. (my mage's college quest glitched out though so that sucks.) Re: the statue of dibella, i just broke in and stole it while they were praying *****...
My character is a khajit named Cheerio Baldcat.. i spent the first 20 hours of the game not using weapons and just swiping with my claws because i thought it was funny. tis the wonder of skyrim
I think my favourite part of skyrim is just how satisfying it is to do quests. Like, i really enjoyed exploring the map and going to new cities etc. the dark brotherhood questline was so fun to complete, working on sneaking and pulling off these Hits like a professional assassin was so cool and fun. same goes with the thieve's guild stuff.... i sure do love video game crime
I have it on switch which is a lot harder to get mods on, so im not too familiar with that whole scene unfortunately... But i love the game unmodded already :')
if yall adopted kids which did u take in?? I took in the girl in windhelm who sells flowers, i felt so bad for her selling flowers on the streets :'0
[quote name="Vinifera" date="2020-06-04 16:21:40" ]
P.S. loving your owen sig, his smile is wonderful :3
[emoji=coatl winking size=1]
Vinifera wrote on 2020-06-04 16:21:40:
P.S. loving your owen sig, his smile is wonderful :3
I downloaded a mod that allowed me to grow alchemy ingredients that normally can’t be grown, and I think I broke the system. Now that I can grow Jarrin root, I’m cranking out poisons that deal like 1200 damage each. I can one shot nearly everything except dragons. But even then, they’re reduced to a sliver of health. Another awesome thing for poisons is human flesh and hearts, which I now have a supply of thanks to a mod that lets humans drop human parts(it doesn’t make sense for humans NOT to drop them right?). It’s fun to one shot everything, but it gets boring after a little while.
One of my favorite mods is Sounds of Skyrim, which is honestly something that should already be in the game. It really brings environments to life.
I downloaded a screaming Nirnroot mod because I thought it would be funny. It is equal parts hilarious and terrifying. I have to turn down the volume if I’m growing them in my house because it sounds like a massacre in there.
Most of the mods that I download are rather small ones that make changes to gameplay or immersion. I’d love to download some to improve the visuals but I’ve never gotten them to work. And some of them involve digging around in my computer and messing with files which is something that I’m terrified to do.
Also the Thalmor suck. There’s something about their arrogant personalities that rubs me the wrong way(also they kill anyone who thinks Talos is cool, so that’s pretty rude). After years of playing Skyrim I haven’t joined any particular side in the civil war, but I’d probably join the Stormcloaks if it meant I can kick Thalmor butt.
Skyrim is pretty fun to play if I don’t have anything better to do. There’s nothing like running around the woods, killing bandits and picking flowers to pass the time.
Honestly, I love Skyrim. Mods just make it even more fun lol
Honestly, I love Skyrim. Mods just make it even more fun lol
She/Her | PM me about saving a fodder dragon :)
I've played Skyrim for a while but only ever beat it once since 2011; recently I got a journal mod and I'll make entries from the PoV of my character. It's tedious but kind of fun. ^^
I've played Skyrim for a while but only ever beat it once since 2011; recently I got a journal mod and I'll make entries from the PoV of my character. It's tedious but kind of fun. ^^
The only time I've played Skyrim was with my neighbors grand kids when I was younger. We would spend hours in their basement messing around on it. Whenever it was my turn with the controller I usually just ran to the nearest horse, stole it and wandered around doing absolutely nothing productive lol.
Now that I'm back working, maybe i'll set some money aside and order it and actually play it.
The only time I've played Skyrim was with my neighbors grand kids when I was younger. We would spend hours in their basement messing around on it. Whenever it was my turn with the controller I usually just ran to the nearest horse, stole it and wandered around doing absolutely nothing productive lol.
Now that I'm back working, maybe i'll set some money aside and order it and actually play it.