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TOPIC | Intro. thread for those w mental illness
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Thank you for introducing yourself, my friend! Good luck on your medication! I'm taking medicine for the first time in about 5 years and it's absolutely terrifying, but yeah, I'm trying to keep a positive outlook like you! I'm really proud of you for having such a good outlook on taking medication, wow!

Oh man, yeah, that's the bad thing about meds. I was put on stuff when I was younger that caused night terrors and gave me heart problems, but!! I'm really glad that you're so positive about finding something that works and I wish you the best!
Thank you for introducing yourself, my friend! Good luck on your medication! I'm taking medicine for the first time in about 5 years and it's absolutely terrifying, but yeah, I'm trying to keep a positive outlook like you! I'm really proud of you for having such a good outlook on taking medication, wow!

Oh man, yeah, that's the bad thing about meds. I was put on stuff when I was younger that caused night terrors and gave me heart problems, but!! I'm really glad that you're so positive about finding something that works and I wish you the best!

I'm sure everything will be fine. :) Just keep thinking about how it's made to help you!
Aww, thank you. ;w;

Oh, I was reading some of the previous posts just now and I'd also like to add in some details about mine:

I have severe anxiety. I have panic attacks every single night, when I eat, or when I am in a crowded or loud area. I have developed chronic insomnia due to my inability to sleep from the attacks. When I have a panic attack, I start hyperventilating out of nowhere, minding my own business. I feel like I am suffocating and eventually my body, even the roof of my mouth gets tingly. It has the same sensation as if a limb has fallen asleep or something. Once I passed out because I think I was taking in too much oxygen. I started having panic attacks back in 2007, but they went away. They came back strong in 2012, and it's been a constant battle ever since.

I was diagnosed with depression in 2009 and have had to learn to cope with it as well. When I first started feeling depressed, things were pretty bad. My mom was physically and verbally abusing me, and a guy inappropriately placed his hands on me. To cope with the symptoms and feelings, I had started to ignore the overwhelming urges, and soon it became something I could easily do. I could never really control feeling sad, but I knew it would eventually go away if I kept my mind on other things.

I'm sure everything will be fine. :) Just keep thinking about how it's made to help you!
Aww, thank you. ;w;

Oh, I was reading some of the previous posts just now and I'd also like to add in some details about mine:

I have severe anxiety. I have panic attacks every single night, when I eat, or when I am in a crowded or loud area. I have developed chronic insomnia due to my inability to sleep from the attacks. When I have a panic attack, I start hyperventilating out of nowhere, minding my own business. I feel like I am suffocating and eventually my body, even the roof of my mouth gets tingly. It has the same sensation as if a limb has fallen asleep or something. Once I passed out because I think I was taking in too much oxygen. I started having panic attacks back in 2007, but they went away. They came back strong in 2012, and it's been a constant battle ever since.

I was diagnosed with depression in 2009 and have had to learn to cope with it as well. When I first started feeling depressed, things were pretty bad. My mom was physically and verbally abusing me, and a guy inappropriately placed his hands on me. To cope with the symptoms and feelings, I had started to ignore the overwhelming urges, and soon it became something I could easily do. I could never really control feeling sad, but I knew it would eventually go away if I kept my mind on other things.
Thank you for sharing so much about yourself and your illnesses! I'm glad I could help create a space for people to feel safe. As someone who experiences panic attacks, I can empathize with you! Although, I'm sorry you have them so frequently...that's horrible...It's really cool that you can put them into words, though! I've never really sat and thought about how mine feel--just that they're happening. I sat here trying to explain them and I have no idea how to do so appropriately...poop. Wow, yeah, that's a long time to deal with something like that! I'm sorry, friend! At one of my last therapy appointments I remembered the very first time I had a panic attack and I recalled my first one being when I was around 4 or 5 and I was in a car dealership and I just -could not- handle my mom getting a new car. Of course I didn't know what panic attacks were then!
I'm sorry that you've been through so much and I hope your living situation is a whole heck of a lot better than it was!!!!
(i just took my medicine so if what im saying is weird im sorry!)
Thank you for sharing so much about yourself and your illnesses! I'm glad I could help create a space for people to feel safe. As someone who experiences panic attacks, I can empathize with you! Although, I'm sorry you have them so frequently...that's horrible...It's really cool that you can put them into words, though! I've never really sat and thought about how mine feel--just that they're happening. I sat here trying to explain them and I have no idea how to do so appropriately...poop. Wow, yeah, that's a long time to deal with something like that! I'm sorry, friend! At one of my last therapy appointments I remembered the very first time I had a panic attack and I recalled my first one being when I was around 4 or 5 and I was in a car dealership and I just -could not- handle my mom getting a new car. Of course I didn't know what panic attacks were then!
I'm sorry that you've been through so much and I hope your living situation is a whole heck of a lot better than it was!!!!
(i just took my medicine so if what im saying is weird im sorry!)

I really do appreciate you making this thread. It's nice to meet others who have been through similar situations, and to talk about them. :) I am the type of person who enjoys putting my thoughts, feelings, and various other things into words. I am very existential and philosophical so I tend to think deeply about things, which helps me with that.

It has been quite a long time... I'm really hoping that things get better from here on out! I truly hope the best for you as well. :)

That's interesting (about your first panic attack). My first was in 2007; I had been at my grandma's house laying in bed trying to sleep. I was looking into the reflection of the room in the TV screen, and all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. It was really scary and I ended up being taken to the hospital. The doctors diagnosed it as a panic attack and things went on from there.

My living situation is better, thankfully. I'm hoping to move out soon now that I am 18, though. My mom got married December 2012 to a very dishonest and abusive man and I really have no desire to remain here anymore. His daughter makes it even worse, she's just like him and it's incredibly stressful. x.x I've noticed my panic attacks increasing in severity ever since they came around so I think it's for the best, you know?

I really do appreciate you making this thread. It's nice to meet others who have been through similar situations, and to talk about them. :) I am the type of person who enjoys putting my thoughts, feelings, and various other things into words. I am very existential and philosophical so I tend to think deeply about things, which helps me with that.

It has been quite a long time... I'm really hoping that things get better from here on out! I truly hope the best for you as well. :)

That's interesting (about your first panic attack). My first was in 2007; I had been at my grandma's house laying in bed trying to sleep. I was looking into the reflection of the room in the TV screen, and all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. It was really scary and I ended up being taken to the hospital. The doctors diagnosed it as a panic attack and things went on from there.

My living situation is better, thankfully. I'm hoping to move out soon now that I am 18, though. My mom got married December 2012 to a very dishonest and abusive man and I really have no desire to remain here anymore. His daughter makes it even worse, she's just like him and it's incredibly stressful. x.x I've noticed my panic attacks increasing in severity ever since they came around so I think it's for the best, you know?
I think that's an absolute talent--especially to be able to put something that hasn't really been put into words aside from medical terminology into a first hand perspective. I'll definitely listen to whatever you have to write in terms of your mental illness!

Hmm, that sounds like a panic attack, all right! It's funny tho, my panic attacks have never really been like that. I don't get short of breath or anything or get heart palpitations like all the books say. I just...basically go into flight mode and am just ready to bust the frick up out of where ever I am. My adrenaline goes into overdrive and I get super ready to just punch someone in the face and run.

I'm so happy you're being given an escape to the issue! I hope your mom can realize the mistake that she's made as well :/
I think that's an absolute talent--especially to be able to put something that hasn't really been put into words aside from medical terminology into a first hand perspective. I'll definitely listen to whatever you have to write in terms of your mental illness!

Hmm, that sounds like a panic attack, all right! It's funny tho, my panic attacks have never really been like that. I don't get short of breath or anything or get heart palpitations like all the books say. I just...basically go into flight mode and am just ready to bust the frick up out of where ever I am. My adrenaline goes into overdrive and I get super ready to just punch someone in the face and run.

I'm so happy you're being given an escape to the issue! I hope your mom can realize the mistake that she's made as well :/
Hello!!! My name is Jay or Jenna, and i'm bigendered! (use male pronouns for Jay, and female for Jenna)

i have diagnosed depression and anxiety, and acute panic disorder. I also believe i have dependent personality disorder, seeing as im literally a big baby and cant do anything for myself

um but im really nice and really understanding if anyone ever need me!!! i've been through everything so theres like no need to be embarrassed about something or afraid to talk to someone because i've been to heck and back!!!

um i dont take medication since my mom wont take me to the doctor but she says she will but i dont believe her. i used to go to therapy but my mom also asked if i could top going because its a "burden and expensive." but i am okay!!
Hello!!! My name is Jay or Jenna, and i'm bigendered! (use male pronouns for Jay, and female for Jenna)

i have diagnosed depression and anxiety, and acute panic disorder. I also believe i have dependent personality disorder, seeing as im literally a big baby and cant do anything for myself

um but im really nice and really understanding if anyone ever need me!!! i've been through everything so theres like no need to be embarrassed about something or afraid to talk to someone because i've been to heck and back!!!

um i dont take medication since my mom wont take me to the doctor but she says she will but i dont believe her. i used to go to therapy but my mom also asked if i could top going because its a "burden and expensive." but i am okay!!
Hi, friend! Thanks for coming into the thread and introducing yourself! We seem to be in the same boat really, because I'm pretty much the same when it comes to dependency. My partner left for 4 days and I've been sad and useless the whole time ahaha.

I'm trying really hard to think positively about medication right now. It's hurt me as much as it's helped me. If you really feel like you need it, though, I hope you can get what you need :>
Hi, friend! Thanks for coming into the thread and introducing yourself! We seem to be in the same boat really, because I'm pretty much the same when it comes to dependency. My partner left for 4 days and I've been sad and useless the whole time ahaha.

I'm trying really hard to think positively about medication right now. It's hurt me as much as it's helped me. If you really feel like you need it, though, I hope you can get what you need :>
[quote name="mellion" date="2014-05-25 21:04:32"]@KittenAuditore Hi, friend! Thanks for coming into the thread and introducing yourself! We seem to be in the same boat really, because I'm pretty much the same when it comes to dependency. My partner left for 4 days and I've been sad and useless the whole time ahaha. I'm trying really hard to think positively about medication right now. It's hurt me as much as it's helped me. If you really feel like you need it, though, I hope you can get what you need :>[/quote] thank you, hey!! yeah i feel you with on dependency. when my boyfriend isnt around for like an hour, literally, i get really freaked out and scared and oh no. its really bad!!! and im kinda on the fence about medication. everyone i know says it makes it worse before it gets better and im not quite sure i can handle it getting worse at times, you know? i dont know heheh.
mellion wrote on 2014-05-25 21:04:32:
Hi, friend! Thanks for coming into the thread and introducing yourself! We seem to be in the same boat really, because I'm pretty much the same when it comes to dependency. My partner left for 4 days and I've been sad and useless the whole time ahaha.

I'm trying really hard to think positively about medication right now. It's hurt me as much as it's helped me. If you really feel like you need it, though, I hope you can get what you need :>

thank you, hey!!

yeah i feel you with on dependency. when my boyfriend isnt around for like an hour, literally, i get really freaked out and scared and oh no. its really bad!!!

and im kinda on the fence about medication. everyone i know says it makes it worse before it gets better and im not quite sure i can handle it getting worse at times, you know? i dont know heheh.
Hi y'all! I'm Tegwyn, she/her pronouns :)

I have anxiety, depression, OCD, and I'm autistic. I also have a lack/absence of empathy, which is kind of a part of my autism.

4/5 of that my parents aren't aware of, and since I'm young and living at home I can't get much help, especially since my parents are fiercely anti-meds and anti-therapy.

It's really nice to be able to get to know all my fellow mentally-ill buds!!
Hi y'all! I'm Tegwyn, she/her pronouns :)

I have anxiety, depression, OCD, and I'm autistic. I also have a lack/absence of empathy, which is kind of a part of my autism.

4/5 of that my parents aren't aware of, and since I'm young and living at home I can't get much help, especially since my parents are fiercely anti-meds and anti-therapy.

It's really nice to be able to get to know all my fellow mentally-ill buds!!
First off, I'd like to say that you guys, gals and non gender binary folks feeling comfortable in here and talking to me means the world to me. I understand the world doesn't exactly cater to us or make us feel comfortable for the most part, so I'm really happy that I could create a safe space, or at least a space where you can talk about these things, for everyone! If you ever want to talk about mental illness in a private setting, I will definitely be there for you. You can message me privately or I can give you means to contact me off of FR. I just want to make everyone happy!~

I've found that the best thing for medication worries is to build a community of friends (or people you feel comfortable talking with) who have taken/are taking medications. The psychiatrists and doctors who prescribe you things are...well, they're scientists and you're kind of their test subject. They don't know how medication works outside of the books they've read. But patients, they can give you information that can actually benefit you. They can actually tell you how the medication works personally and how it feels to be on it and that's pretty great. I haven't taken many meds, but I'll definitely be here as someone who can create discourse about medications for mental illness!

Hi friend! Thank you for coming here and introducing yourself. I'm sorry your home isn't exactly safe for you and your illnesses. When my dad was living with us, he was strictly anti-mental illness. He didn't believe they exist and still doesn't despite me seeking therapy and being on medication. I hope we can create a safe space for you in the short term, and I hope you can get to a place in your life where you can seek out other means of help if you so wish to!

Well I'm sure glad you came in here and introduced yourself to us! There are some of us who still care out there!!!!
First off, I'd like to say that you guys, gals and non gender binary folks feeling comfortable in here and talking to me means the world to me. I understand the world doesn't exactly cater to us or make us feel comfortable for the most part, so I'm really happy that I could create a safe space, or at least a space where you can talk about these things, for everyone! If you ever want to talk about mental illness in a private setting, I will definitely be there for you. You can message me privately or I can give you means to contact me off of FR. I just want to make everyone happy!~

I've found that the best thing for medication worries is to build a community of friends (or people you feel comfortable talking with) who have taken/are taking medications. The psychiatrists and doctors who prescribe you things are...well, they're scientists and you're kind of their test subject. They don't know how medication works outside of the books they've read. But patients, they can give you information that can actually benefit you. They can actually tell you how the medication works personally and how it feels to be on it and that's pretty great. I haven't taken many meds, but I'll definitely be here as someone who can create discourse about medications for mental illness!

Hi friend! Thank you for coming here and introducing yourself. I'm sorry your home isn't exactly safe for you and your illnesses. When my dad was living with us, he was strictly anti-mental illness. He didn't believe they exist and still doesn't despite me seeking therapy and being on medication. I hope we can create a safe space for you in the short term, and I hope you can get to a place in your life where you can seek out other means of help if you so wish to!

Well I'm sure glad you came in here and introduced yourself to us! There are some of us who still care out there!!!!
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