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TOPIC | How does the coli work??
I was wondering what the system for EXP in the coli is, and where to get good battle stones?
I have one level 25 dragon that a friend trained up for me, and i've added all their ability points in a way that seemed good but they can barely do any damage because they're a skydancer and only equipped with meditate and uhh the other default stone.

So now when i try to collect goods and level my other dragons i'm earning no EXP and it either takes ages or i'm unsuccessful because dove has so many turns to only cause about 38 damage max...
How can i fix this so i can start earning food , eggs and cool stuff while actually levelling my other dragons?
I was wondering what the system for EXP in the coli is, and where to get good battle stones?
I have one level 25 dragon that a friend trained up for me, and i've added all their ability points in a way that seemed good but they can barely do any damage because they're a skydancer and only equipped with meditate and uhh the other default stone.

So now when i try to collect goods and level my other dragons i'm earning no EXP and it either takes ages or i'm unsuccessful because dove has so many turns to only cause about 38 damage max...
How can i fix this so i can start earning food , eggs and cool stuff while actually levelling my other dragons?
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@CrabLad hello! if you haven't already, i would suggest combing through culex's coli/build guide, because there's a lotta info/details about the things you're inquiring about.

here's the shorter version though:

- for exp: if you're not earning any after a battle, it's because the venue you're in is too low leveled. the lowest level venue you could be in is your highest leveled dragon minus 5. as dove is level 25, 25 - 5 = 20, making boreal wood the lowest venue you could battle in and still earn exp. any before that will give you 0

- that being said, i've taken a look at dove's stats and they're not the best. because the coli does not treat all stats equally, most, if not all builds do not require distribution of stat points to all stats. there are multiple builds listed in culex's guide that you could mess around with. i frequently use the 117/9 str (a mire flyer build for the mire venue) or a 126 str build for various other venues and purposes.

- lastly, you should replace your current stones. default stones are pretty garbage strategy wise, as you could already tell. doesn't matter if the dragon is a skydancer or any other breed; meditate and other stones can be switched out. stones drop in the coli pretty frequently - some more than others, but you can also find them listed on the auction house under battle
@CrabLad hello! if you haven't already, i would suggest combing through culex's coli/build guide, because there's a lotta info/details about the things you're inquiring about.

here's the shorter version though:

- for exp: if you're not earning any after a battle, it's because the venue you're in is too low leveled. the lowest level venue you could be in is your highest leveled dragon minus 5. as dove is level 25, 25 - 5 = 20, making boreal wood the lowest venue you could battle in and still earn exp. any before that will give you 0

- that being said, i've taken a look at dove's stats and they're not the best. because the coli does not treat all stats equally, most, if not all builds do not require distribution of stat points to all stats. there are multiple builds listed in culex's guide that you could mess around with. i frequently use the 117/9 str (a mire flyer build for the mire venue) or a 126 str build for various other venues and purposes.

- lastly, you should replace your current stones. default stones are pretty garbage strategy wise, as you could already tell. doesn't matter if the dragon is a skydancer or any other breed; meditate and other stones can be switched out. stones drop in the coli pretty frequently - some more than others, but you can also find them listed on the auction house under battle
» jockey

Not sure of exactly what you are asking on XP, but your team can only get XP max five levels down from the highest level dragon. As for battle stones, Marketplace has some and Auction House all. Glimmer and Gloom is a good way to get funds for them.

Seems that Dove is statted as a fighter but has no stones that use those stats. You'll need to give them stones like Scratch, Shred, Eliminate, and Sap to do any damage. (As well as full set of Ambushes and Berserkers to boost the stats.)

Dove's stats are close to what higher venues require, but if you want to train dragons with them alone you'll need to give them what's called a 2-fodder build. Lightning isn't the best element for them, but according to Maki they'd do okay-ish as a Mire Flyer

However, those builds absolutely require an Eliminate stone, and without it your options are more or less limited to Sedona build. You can get the funds pretty fast though - just maxing Fairgrounds daily will get you an Elim in a week and a half.

Coli Basics and Battlestones Guide.

edit: Culex's guide is still the best when it comes to training a full team from 1 to 25 (with Eliminates) and it has a lot of good background info, but some of the lv25 builds in it are pretty outdated.

Not sure of exactly what you are asking on XP, but your team can only get XP max five levels down from the highest level dragon. As for battle stones, Marketplace has some and Auction House all. Glimmer and Gloom is a good way to get funds for them.

Seems that Dove is statted as a fighter but has no stones that use those stats. You'll need to give them stones like Scratch, Shred, Eliminate, and Sap to do any damage. (As well as full set of Ambushes and Berserkers to boost the stats.)

Dove's stats are close to what higher venues require, but if you want to train dragons with them alone you'll need to give them what's called a 2-fodder build. Lightning isn't the best element for them, but according to Maki they'd do okay-ish as a Mire Flyer

However, those builds absolutely require an Eliminate stone, and without it your options are more or less limited to Sedona build. You can get the funds pretty fast though - just maxing Fairgrounds daily will get you an Elim in a week and a half.

Coli Basics and Battlestones Guide.

edit: Culex's guide is still the best when it comes to training a full team from 1 to 25 (with Eliminates) and it has a lot of good background info, but some of the lv25 builds in it are pretty outdated.
Thank you!

I'll see if i can get a tincture of dissolution of something to fix up dove's stats, and i'll go through the guide to see what i can do for the rest of my dergs.

Thank you!

I'll see if i can get a tincture of dissolution of something to fix up dove's stats, and i'll go through the guide to see what i can do for the rest of my dergs.

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