TOPIC | Writer's Rescue: Lore Galore!

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Can I have a hold on this guy?
The raffle has been drawn and CleverDual is the winner!
The raffle has been drawn and CleverDual is the winner!
The raffle has been drawn and CleverDual is the winner!
The raffle has been drawn and CleverDual is the winner!
@Decaffeinated okay, here we go! I referenced his parents and also one of the dragons from my lair, Seafoam:
“Please [i]please[/i] can I come this time?” Morpho wheedled, fluttering in excitement around his parents' lair. “You promised I could when I was older, and I am now! I'm almost fully grown!”
As if to prove the point, he tried to stretch his wings out as far as they could go. Being the runt of the litter had made him a little insecure about his diminutive size, but whatever Morpho lacked in wingspan he more than made up for with spirit.
His mother Birdie stared at her mate over Morpho's bobbing head. [i]This is [u]your[/u] doing,[/i] her look said. Belegur smiled sheepishly back. [i]I know...[/i]
“Alright,” Birdie said. “But you--”
Anything Birdie might have said was completely drowned out by Morpho's triumphant yell. With a whoop he shot up into the air, tucked his wings close against his body, and dove back towards the ground, a tiny blue-orange blur whizzing past her face.
“Morpho. Morpho! Morpho please!” she tried to bring him back to eye-level. “You have to promise to [i]behave[/i]! No flitting about, no peppering anyone with a million questions. Your father and I are going to conduct some simple trades. We are not going to satisfy your curiosity!”
Morpho bobbed his head up and down rapidly, trying to appear wide-eyed and solemn, and failing entirely to convince anyone that he was anything but wildly excited. “I promise! I'll be good. I'll be quiet, and I'll just look! I won't ask many questions! You won't even notice I'm there!”
With a teasing snort, Birdie tweaked the little fae's nose. “Oh we won't, will we? We'll just see about that! Now go off to bed, we're going to have quite a bit of flying to do to reach the trading post.”
Morpho obediently went off to bed, but hardly slept a wink all night. He was simply too excited. He'd always been incredibly curious about the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and those who lived there. The idea of dragons living in or on water was so [i]fascinating[/i]. It was the complete opposite of the fire lands where his nest had been hatched, or even from the light lands that they lived in now. The chance to finally travel to the border, and actually touch the Sea, smell it, instead of just seeing it from a distance...to actually [i]speak[/i] with a dragon that lived there...how could he sleep!?
The next day dawned with Morpho, bleary-eyed and tired, but valiantly trying to keep up with his parents as they flew with their wares to the trading post. To pass the time he wondered what the Water dragon would bring to trade. Maybe he'd have the chance to explore the beachy area, and find a keepsake shell to bring back home!
Finally, [i]finally[/i], after what seemed like a small eternity to the over-excited Fae, they reached the trading post. It was a rather simple set-up consisting of a few canvas tents with small folding tables placed in front of them, each tent marked with a colourful pennant representing where the traders had come from – blue for water, yellow for light, purple for shadow, and so on. The flags whipped jauntily in the strong breeze that carried with it a unique smell. Was that the Sea's smell??
Morpho darted forward, making a beeline for the blue tent, leaving behind his mother's squawk of surprised indignation. With a small clatter, he awkwardly landed on the table right in front of the Water dragon, peering excitedly into his eyes. And experiencing confusion when rather than a shade of blue, they were a pale green.
The pale green eyes stared back at him good-naturedly, completely unfazed by the sudden appearance of a tiny Fae that seemingly dropped out of nowhere.
“Hello there,” he said jovially. “How can I help you?”
Morpho continued to stare at him in confusion, before rousing himself out of his stupor and turning bright red in embarrassment. “--er...I'm sorry...I...I was looking for...the water dragons..” He tried to surreptitiously crane his neck to see the top of the tent. Maybe he'd landed on the Wind table? Before he could verify though, a sharp “Morpho!” from behind signalled that his parents had caught up and his mother was [i]not[/i] pleased.
“Morpho, get off that table this instant!” she hissed. “We're so sorry. He was just a little excited about meeting you.”
“But mom,” Morpho blurted out, interrupting. “He's not even Water! He's [i]Wind[/i]!” Immediately he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him, table and all. The look his mother gave him could probably have set his wings on fire.
The Wind dragon let out a hearty laugh. “I can understand the young one's confusion! But you know, I [i]do[/i] live in the Water lands.” He winked at Morpho. Morpho smiled shyly back. “My name is Seafoam. Just as your parents hail from different areas of Sornieth than the light lands, I too was born elsewhere and chose to make the Sea my home! Our clan has many such dragons, from all over!”
Morpho felt the excitement reignite inside him. “What's it like?” He asked eagerly, his wings starting to flutter again. “Is it loud? Are you always wet? How do you keep warm? How do you cook food? [i]Do[/i] you cook food? Can you swim?”
Seafoam laughed over Birdie's spluttered attempts to calm Morpho down. “So many questions! But how about this. Your parents and I will conduct our trade, and then I promise I will take the rest of the day to answer your questions.”
And to Morpho's utter delight, that's exactly what Seafoam did. Once his parents concluded their business, Seafoam turned to him, and with a nod at the Sea, invited Morpho for a walk along the beach. They spent the rest of the sunny day that way, wandering back and forth along the shore, stopping every once in a while to peer at something lying in the sand. Morpho could frequently be seen rising into the air and circling around Seafoam's head. It wasn't until the sun was setting that his parents decided it was time to let Seafoam go, and to head home themselves.
Morpho was enchanted. He'd had the best day of his life! No one had told him to stop asking questions, no one asked him to calm down or go away. “Thank you!” he smiled at Seafoam in unabated excitement. “I had a fun time! Thank you for answering all my questions! I'm sure I'll have more next time I see you!”
Seafoam grinned happily back. “It was wonderful to meet you, Morpho! I hope one day you come to visit us and maybe stay a while!”
“Oh I will! I promise! I'm almost fully grown, you know. I'll come visit soon!”
His parents shared a look. Unleashing Morpho on the Water clan...that would be a conversation for another day.
@Decaffeinated okay, here we go! I referenced his parents and also one of the dragons from my lair, Seafoam:
“Please please can I come this time?” Morpho wheedled, fluttering in excitement around his parents' lair. “You promised I could when I was older, and I am now! I'm almost fully grown!”
As if to prove the point, he tried to stretch his wings out as far as they could go. Being the runt of the litter had made him a little insecure about his diminutive size, but whatever Morpho lacked in wingspan he more than made up for with spirit.
His mother Birdie stared at her mate over Morpho's bobbing head. This is your doing, her look said. Belegur smiled sheepishly back. I know...
“Alright,” Birdie said. “But you--”
Anything Birdie might have said was completely drowned out by Morpho's triumphant yell. With a whoop he shot up into the air, tucked his wings close against his body, and dove back towards the ground, a tiny blue-orange blur whizzing past her face.
“Morpho. Morpho! Morpho please!” she tried to bring him back to eye-level. “You have to promise to behave! No flitting about, no peppering anyone with a million questions. Your father and I are going to conduct some simple trades. We are not going to satisfy your curiosity!”
Morpho bobbed his head up and down rapidly, trying to appear wide-eyed and solemn, and failing entirely to convince anyone that he was anything but wildly excited. “I promise! I'll be good. I'll be quiet, and I'll just look! I won't ask many questions! You won't even notice I'm there!”
With a teasing snort, Birdie tweaked the little fae's nose. “Oh we won't, will we? We'll just see about that! Now go off to bed, we're going to have quite a bit of flying to do to reach the trading post.”
Morpho obediently went off to bed, but hardly slept a wink all night. He was simply too excited. He'd always been incredibly curious about the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and those who lived there. The idea of dragons living in or on water was so fascinating. It was the complete opposite of the fire lands where his nest had been hatched, or even from the light lands that they lived in now. The chance to finally travel to the border, and actually touch the Sea, smell it, instead of just seeing it from a distance...to actually speak with a dragon that lived there...how could he sleep!?
The next day dawned with Morpho, bleary-eyed and tired, but valiantly trying to keep up with his parents as they flew with their wares to the trading post. To pass the time he wondered what the Water dragon would bring to trade. Maybe he'd have the chance to explore the beachy area, and find a keepsake shell to bring back home!
Finally, finally, after what seemed like a small eternity to the over-excited Fae, they reached the trading post. It was a rather simple set-up consisting of a few canvas tents with small folding tables placed in front of them, each tent marked with a colourful pennant representing where the traders had come from – blue for water, yellow for light, purple for shadow, and so on. The flags whipped jauntily in the strong breeze that carried with it a unique smell. Was that the Sea's smell??
Morpho darted forward, making a beeline for the blue tent, leaving behind his mother's squawk of surprised indignation. With a small clatter, he awkwardly landed on the table right in front of the Water dragon, peering excitedly into his eyes. And experiencing confusion when rather than a shade of blue, they were a pale green.
The pale green eyes stared back at him good-naturedly, completely unfazed by the sudden appearance of a tiny Fae that seemingly dropped out of nowhere.
“Hello there,” he said jovially. “How can I help you?”
Morpho continued to stare at him in confusion, before rousing himself out of his stupor and turning bright red in embarrassment. “--er...I'm sorry...I...I was looking for...the water dragons..” He tried to surreptitiously crane his neck to see the top of the tent. Maybe he'd landed on the Wind table? Before he could verify though, a sharp “Morpho!” from behind signalled that his parents had caught up and his mother was not pleased.
“Morpho, get off that table this instant!” she hissed. “We're so sorry. He was just a little excited about meeting you.”
“But mom,” Morpho blurted out, interrupting. “He's not even Water! He's Wind!” Immediately he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him, table and all. The look his mother gave him could probably have set his wings on fire.
The Wind dragon let out a hearty laugh. “I can understand the young one's confusion! But you know, I do live in the Water lands.” He winked at Morpho. Morpho smiled shyly back. “My name is Seafoam. Just as your parents hail from different areas of Sornieth than the light lands, I too was born elsewhere and chose to make the Sea my home! Our clan has many such dragons, from all over!”
Morpho felt the excitement reignite inside him. “What's it like?” He asked eagerly, his wings starting to flutter again. “Is it loud? Are you always wet? How do you keep warm? How do you cook food? Do you cook food? Can you swim?”
Seafoam laughed over Birdie's spluttered attempts to calm Morpho down. “So many questions! But how about this. Your parents and I will conduct our trade, and then I promise I will take the rest of the day to answer your questions.”
And to Morpho's utter delight, that's exactly what Seafoam did. Once his parents concluded their business, Seafoam turned to him, and with a nod at the Sea, invited Morpho for a walk along the beach. They spent the rest of the sunny day that way, wandering back and forth along the shore, stopping every once in a while to peer at something lying in the sand. Morpho could frequently be seen rising into the air and circling around Seafoam's head. It wasn't until the sun was setting that his parents decided it was time to let Seafoam go, and to head home themselves.
Morpho was enchanted. He'd had the best day of his life! No one had told him to stop asking questions, no one asked him to calm down or go away. “Thank you!” he smiled at Seafoam in unabated excitement. “I had a fun time! Thank you for answering all my questions! I'm sure I'll have more next time I see you!”
Seafoam grinned happily back. “It was wonderful to meet you, Morpho! I hope one day you come to visit us and maybe stay a while!”
“Oh I will! I promise! I'm almost fully grown, you know. I'll come visit soon!”
His parents shared a look. Unleashing Morpho on the Water clan...that would be a conversation for another day.
“Please please can I come this time?” Morpho wheedled, fluttering in excitement around his parents' lair. “You promised I could when I was older, and I am now! I'm almost fully grown!”
As if to prove the point, he tried to stretch his wings out as far as they could go. Being the runt of the litter had made him a little insecure about his diminutive size, but whatever Morpho lacked in wingspan he more than made up for with spirit.
His mother Birdie stared at her mate over Morpho's bobbing head. This is your doing, her look said. Belegur smiled sheepishly back. I know...
“Alright,” Birdie said. “But you--”
Anything Birdie might have said was completely drowned out by Morpho's triumphant yell. With a whoop he shot up into the air, tucked his wings close against his body, and dove back towards the ground, a tiny blue-orange blur whizzing past her face.
“Morpho. Morpho! Morpho please!” she tried to bring him back to eye-level. “You have to promise to behave! No flitting about, no peppering anyone with a million questions. Your father and I are going to conduct some simple trades. We are not going to satisfy your curiosity!”
Morpho bobbed his head up and down rapidly, trying to appear wide-eyed and solemn, and failing entirely to convince anyone that he was anything but wildly excited. “I promise! I'll be good. I'll be quiet, and I'll just look! I won't ask many questions! You won't even notice I'm there!”
With a teasing snort, Birdie tweaked the little fae's nose. “Oh we won't, will we? We'll just see about that! Now go off to bed, we're going to have quite a bit of flying to do to reach the trading post.”
Morpho obediently went off to bed, but hardly slept a wink all night. He was simply too excited. He'd always been incredibly curious about the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and those who lived there. The idea of dragons living in or on water was so fascinating. It was the complete opposite of the fire lands where his nest had been hatched, or even from the light lands that they lived in now. The chance to finally travel to the border, and actually touch the Sea, smell it, instead of just seeing it from a distance...to actually speak with a dragon that lived there...how could he sleep!?
The next day dawned with Morpho, bleary-eyed and tired, but valiantly trying to keep up with his parents as they flew with their wares to the trading post. To pass the time he wondered what the Water dragon would bring to trade. Maybe he'd have the chance to explore the beachy area, and find a keepsake shell to bring back home!
Finally, finally, after what seemed like a small eternity to the over-excited Fae, they reached the trading post. It was a rather simple set-up consisting of a few canvas tents with small folding tables placed in front of them, each tent marked with a colourful pennant representing where the traders had come from – blue for water, yellow for light, purple for shadow, and so on. The flags whipped jauntily in the strong breeze that carried with it a unique smell. Was that the Sea's smell??
Morpho darted forward, making a beeline for the blue tent, leaving behind his mother's squawk of surprised indignation. With a small clatter, he awkwardly landed on the table right in front of the Water dragon, peering excitedly into his eyes. And experiencing confusion when rather than a shade of blue, they were a pale green.
The pale green eyes stared back at him good-naturedly, completely unfazed by the sudden appearance of a tiny Fae that seemingly dropped out of nowhere.
“Hello there,” he said jovially. “How can I help you?”
Morpho continued to stare at him in confusion, before rousing himself out of his stupor and turning bright red in embarrassment. “--er...I'm sorry...I...I was looking for...the water dragons..” He tried to surreptitiously crane his neck to see the top of the tent. Maybe he'd landed on the Wind table? Before he could verify though, a sharp “Morpho!” from behind signalled that his parents had caught up and his mother was not pleased.
“Morpho, get off that table this instant!” she hissed. “We're so sorry. He was just a little excited about meeting you.”
“But mom,” Morpho blurted out, interrupting. “He's not even Water! He's Wind!” Immediately he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him, table and all. The look his mother gave him could probably have set his wings on fire.
The Wind dragon let out a hearty laugh. “I can understand the young one's confusion! But you know, I do live in the Water lands.” He winked at Morpho. Morpho smiled shyly back. “My name is Seafoam. Just as your parents hail from different areas of Sornieth than the light lands, I too was born elsewhere and chose to make the Sea my home! Our clan has many such dragons, from all over!”
Morpho felt the excitement reignite inside him. “What's it like?” He asked eagerly, his wings starting to flutter again. “Is it loud? Are you always wet? How do you keep warm? How do you cook food? Do you cook food? Can you swim?”
Seafoam laughed over Birdie's spluttered attempts to calm Morpho down. “So many questions! But how about this. Your parents and I will conduct our trade, and then I promise I will take the rest of the day to answer your questions.”
And to Morpho's utter delight, that's exactly what Seafoam did. Once his parents concluded their business, Seafoam turned to him, and with a nod at the Sea, invited Morpho for a walk along the beach. They spent the rest of the sunny day that way, wandering back and forth along the shore, stopping every once in a while to peer at something lying in the sand. Morpho could frequently be seen rising into the air and circling around Seafoam's head. It wasn't until the sun was setting that his parents decided it was time to let Seafoam go, and to head home themselves.
Morpho was enchanted. He'd had the best day of his life! No one had told him to stop asking questions, no one asked him to calm down or go away. “Thank you!” he smiled at Seafoam in unabated excitement. “I had a fun time! Thank you for answering all my questions! I'm sure I'll have more next time I see you!”
Seafoam grinned happily back. “It was wonderful to meet you, Morpho! I hope one day you come to visit us and maybe stay a while!”
“Oh I will! I promise! I'm almost fully grown, you know. I'll come visit soon!”
His parents shared a look. Unleashing Morpho on the Water clan...that would be a conversation for another day.
@Alastriona1 I love stories of working dragons xD I'll send Morpho over in a second!
@Alastriona1 I love stories of working dragons xD I'll send Morpho over in a second!
Hold, please. ^^

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