

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | zZz--Lullaby Dragons-- Hiatus
[center][img][/img] [br] ------ [br] [emoji=coatl sleepy size=2][emoji=pearlcatcher sleepy size=2] Serviced [b]1144 dragons[/b] since June 2015. [emoji=fae sleepy size=2] [emoji=guardian sleepy size=2] [b][color=red]WARNING: GIF HEAVY AHEAD[/color][/b] Lullaby Dragons are little gifs of your dragon sleeping. Right now, I only support[b] guardians[/b], [b]imps[/b], [b]wildclaws[/b], [b]coatls[/b], [b]spirals[/b], [b]skydancers[/b], [b]pearlcatchers[/b], [b]tundras[/b], [b]snappers[/b], [b]mirrors[/b], and [b]gaolers[/b] with basic or gene options. [br] ---------- [br] [b][size=7] [emoji=butterfly size=1] [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] [emoji=butterfly 3 size=1] [color=green]SPRING ADD-ONS![/color] [emoji=butterfly 3 size=1] [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] [emoji=butterfly size=1] [/b] Starting in [b]February[/b], Lullaby Dragons will be offering [b]Spring[/b] limited edition add-ons for your sleeping dragon! The [b]monarch butterfly wings, cherry blossoms, and bees[/b] are only around between Feb - April 30th and will be replaced with summer add-ons. The [b]Flapping Butterfly Wings[/b] are around all year and cost $1. [b]15k (18g)[/b] for each seasonal add-on and they're available for all current breeds. [url=][b][size=5]To see more examples and info please click here![/size][/b][/url] [b]Monarch Butterfly Wings[/b] Colors available: Orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and pink. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Cherry Blossoms[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Bees[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Premium add-on: Flapping Wings! [b]Note: Premium add-ons cost $1 USD. Custom options are available. For more info, [url=]click here.[/url][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [br] ------------- [/center] [center] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [/center] [emoji=scroll 2] >> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]Slot List (Hiatus)[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=red] The shop will be in hiatus while covid and everything is happening. My job has been all over the place and I need to focus on real world things before I can jump back into this. [/color] » [url=]Saskia[/url] » » » » » [emoji=treasure] [emoji=gem] [b][size=5][color=green]$[/color][/size][/b]>> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]Adoptables[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only accepting treasure, gems, or USD (paypal). [LIST] [*]USD Price: Base + genes = [b]$2[/b], which also includes the full version (example below). That's the base and any genes (no additional cost) plus the full version for just $2 USD. [*]FR Currency Price: [b]75kt[/b] or[b] 89 gems[/b] [+5kt (6 gems) per gene, free glimmer, underbelly, & stained] 1:850 Gem ratio [*]Dragons with accents, skins, and apparel are only acceptable with USD. [*]If you want a quote on how much your dragon will cost, fill out the form and let me know. [*] I [b]DO NOT[/b] want art trades at this moment. [*]Must receive payment before delivery. [*]Only send payment if you're on the slot list. [*]Please fill out the form below and post in this thread. [*]Maximum of two dragon orders per slot. [/LIST] [code] @Skyflu [b]Dragon:[/b] (Post generated dragon code here, please) [b]Basic or Genes:[/b] (Basic/Genes) [b]Other:[/b] (If your dragon has a skin, accent, or apparel and you want it drawn, specify here. Note: I only accept dragons with skins, accents, and apparel with bribes(USD).) [b]Payment:[/b] (treasure, gems, or USD. Note: if paying in RLC, I'll pm you my paypal information before I get started on the order.) [/code] [center] [img][/img][img][/img] All Lullaby Dragons bought with USD will be given their full version as well as the standard size. The full version, as shown above, is only available to people paying in USD regardless of amount spent. [/center] [b][size=5][color=green]$$[/color][/size][/b] >> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]USD Bribes[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragons with skins, accents, and apparel will only be added through USD bribes. Fill out the regular form and note that you'd like a quote on the dragon. All USD dragons will receive their full sized version as well as their standard sized version. General Price List: [LIST] [*]Apparel item(s) simple: $1+ [*]Apparel item(s) complex: $2+ [*]Skins and Accents: $2+ [/LIST] [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center]

Serviced 1144 dragons since June 2015.


Lullaby Dragons are little gifs of your dragon sleeping. Right now, I only support guardians, imps, wildclaws, coatls, spirals, skydancers, pearlcatchers, tundras, snappers, mirrors, and gaolers with basic or gene options.


Starting in February, Lullaby Dragons will be offering Spring limited edition add-ons for your sleeping dragon! The monarch butterfly wings, cherry blossoms, and bees are only around between Feb - April 30th and will be replaced with summer add-ons. The Flapping Butterfly Wings are around all year and cost $1.
15k (18g) for each seasonal add-on and they're available for all current breeds.

To see more examples and info please click here!

Monarch Butterfly Wings
Colors available: Orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and pink.

Cherry Blossoms
Qa9szTx.gif 3fkWelf.gif T9eJut9.gif

rD0cSAP.gif 6Sc9kbR.gif 2Gia6C8.gif
Premium add-on: Flapping Wings!
Note: Premium add-ons cost $1 USD. Custom options are available. For more info, click here.
WERtqm1.gif WemWygT.gif ZL9GCCo.gif XsIlIzE.gif jV9R36S.gif 3FHQt2o.gif

>> Slot List (Hiatus)
The shop will be in hiatus while covid and everything is happening. My job has been all over the place and I need to focus on real world things before I can jump back into this.

» Saskia

$>> Adoptables
Only accepting treasure, gems, or USD (paypal).
  • USD Price: Base + genes = $2, which also includes the full version (example below). That's the base and any genes (no additional cost) plus the full version for just $2 USD.
  • FR Currency Price: 75kt or 89 gems [+5kt (6 gems) per gene, free glimmer, underbelly, & stained] 1:850 Gem ratio
  • Dragons with accents, skins, and apparel are only acceptable with USD.
  • If you want a quote on how much your dragon will cost, fill out the form and let me know.
  • I DO NOT want art trades at this moment.
  • Must receive payment before delivery.
  • Only send payment if you're on the slot list.
  • Please fill out the form below and post in this thread.
  • Maximum of two dragon orders per slot.

@Skyflu [b]Dragon:[/b] (Post generated dragon code here, please) [b]Basic or Genes:[/b] (Basic/Genes) [b]Other:[/b] (If your dragon has a skin, accent, or apparel and you want it drawn, specify here. Note: I only accept dragons with skins, accents, and apparel with bribes(USD).) [b]Payment:[/b] (treasure, gems, or USD. Note: if paying in RLC, I'll pm you my paypal information before I get started on the order.)
All Lullaby Dragons bought with USD will be given their full version as well as the standard size. The full version, as shown above, is only available to people paying in USD regardless of amount spent.
$$ >> USD Bribes
Dragons with skins, accents, and apparel will only be added through USD bribes. Fill out the regular form and note that you'd like a quote on the dragon. All USD dragons will receive their full sized version as well as their standard sized version.
General Price List:
  • Apparel item(s) simple: $1+
  • Apparel item(s) complex: $2+
  • Skins and Accents: $2+

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D8iBIU1.gif UmJD6q8.gif
EO3YMsR.gif oulcMpY.gif
[emoji=ping] >> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]Ping Lists[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to be added to a ping list or if you see a list you want added, please let me know. [b]General:[/b] [indent]Forestwolf DeadeyeWhiskey Okolu WishUponADragon xihli JinxMoonstone Skyfeather02 Arianethel Bekuno Crumpet nonaline TinyGryphon sirspiderider ouijababe JonSnOwO dreamn Aschenstern Beruga nikkolah ILuvDogs MasterEggy Springaling406 mercurialwings GadzooksTD KattsTheName Romean Bumpsly suesue mooncakefestival Cuivienen SugarAddiction Mattykips BarelyBitter NotThePinkKirby slothqueenxx Caprineki RileythePlagueDr Sebeon RocRabbit Armin Rozenn smoldervulture Allstohel BottledLightning Alyzeh coconuthead despa yellowstarfish HibiscusMist Meqathi Kulkulkan Saskia Nemalu MoonlightFae cvthedral Silverpaw17 cuppa shadowsspy ScripturamRuby AlexBleurose perifinite Alastriona1 kijauni TwinTaako Psylusionist ElenyaSilvertail GalacticBeast l3lue DW08 [/indent] [b]New Add-ons:[/b] [indent][u]All add-ons:[/u] [indent]SoullessWendigo Dragon60 AbyssalKing Saskia Autopsy [/indent] [u]Fall add-ons[/u] [indent]Shadowbanish[/indent] [/indent] [b]New Breeds:[/b] [indent][u]Banescales:[/u] [indent]BurrakuDusk CrierNightglori [/indent][/indent] [indent][u]Fae:[/u] [indent]Samayl MementoMoe Konan Stanzascale yuuasakura SerigalaMenarik Ambivalence Yewwily Sketchanie TalimiteGems AmadeoVampire [/indent] [u]Nocs:[/u] [indent]Charl1e Rivix silverjade Stanzascale Kireikatt Aurialle GingerArcanist Qillin MeKat Nontan MischievousMeh [/indent] [u]Ridgebacks:[/u] [indent]Nutflakez Kururin OfficerMittens Captainsaviathan [/indent] [u]Bogsneaks:[/u] [indent]Bear RaptorFeathers [/indent] [/indent] [emoji=mystery bag] >> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]F.A.Q[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Q.[/b] Are there slots open and how do I order? [indent]Most likely slots are open. Check the first post and see what the status is. I generally keep it open because I get a good chunk of orders done in one sitting. To order, please fill out the form in the first post and post it in this thread. [/indent] [b]Q.[/b] What payment do you accept? [indent]Only accepting treasure, gems, or USD(paypal). You can pay in a mixture of treasure and gems, but the USD price is set. It's $2 and the base is included as well as the genes and the full version. It's the bonus for spending real money instead of FR currency. [/indent] [b]Q.[/b] I want to pay in USD, what's the procedure? [indent] Fill out the order form like usual and post in this thread. I will add your name to the slot list and then PM you with my paypal information. Payment is expected in full before I begin work. I will pm your finished dragon in the standard size as well as the full size. [/indent] [b]Q.[/b] I want to pay in treasure for the base and genes, but USD for the apparel/skin, is mixed payment allowed? [indent]Yep, sure is. Fill out the order form with your request. Since USD is involved you'll also receive the full version regardless of the price. [/indent] [b]Q.[/b] When do I send payment? [indent]If I've accepted your order, please send the payment as soon as possible. I won't send out the gifs until I've been paid and I do a chunk of orders at a time. So I'd rather not wait and get your order to you as soon as possible. If you're uncomfortable with this method, then I'd be happy to send you a pm letting you know your order is ready. Then you can send the payment before I ship out the gif. Just let me know if you want me to do this.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] How long will it take to do my order? [indent]Depends on how many people are in front of you, but I generally knock out orders within a couple days of being confirmed and added to the slot list. However, I generally don't work on the weekends. The weekend is family time so while I'll accept and process orders, I won't do art because I'm generally away from my main computer.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] My dragon is a hatchling, can I still order? [indent]Sure~ doesn't matter if it's a hatchling or adult. I can go to the workshop and get the adult form if there's an issue.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] I only want the genes done, do I have to get rid of the apparel? [indent]Not necessary, I can do it myself in the workshop.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] My dragon has three genes, but I only want two/one. Can I make the pri/sec/tert basic? [indent]Sure, just let me know which one(s).[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] I'd like to have my dragon's skin and apparel done as well. How much do does that cost? [indent]Easy peezy~ fill out the order form and post it in the thread. I'll give you a quote on how much it will cost to do the whole dragon. If you'd only like bits and pieces of the apparel done, please state so in the form and I'll adjust the quote accordingly.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] How do you determine the cost of the bribe? [indent]Everything depends on how long it'll take me to do. Generally, skins and big apparel take me the longest, so they are the most expensive. When I do apparel, I often times have to re-animate the dragon. More time = more expensive. However, all USD purchases will also receive the full size version of your dragon as well as the standard size. You can only get the full size version through USD.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] Can I order for somebody other than myself? (i.e gifting, raffles, etc.) [indent]Sure! As long as you pay, I don't care who it's for. If you want to keep it private, shoot me a pm.[/indent] [b]Q.[/b] How do you make these? [indent]I make the base template in Photoshop. Then I throw the image in After Effects for animating. Then back to Photoshop for gif format. [/indent] [b]Q.[/b] How do I post it in my sig? Right click on the gif, click "Copy Image URL", then paste the url into this code: [code] [img]URL CODE GOES HERE[/img] [/code] [b]Q.[/b] Do I need to host the gif on my own service? [indent]I would, just as a safety measure. I use imgur to host the gifs, but make sure you save the gif to your computer just in case something happens to the original. If you lose the original gif, let me know. I have back ups. [/indent] [b]Q.[/b] Can I have a still image instead of a gif? [indent]Sure, just let me know. [/indent]
>> Ping Lists

If you'd like to be added to a ping list or if you see a list you want added, please let me know.

Forestwolf DeadeyeWhiskey Okolu WishUponADragon xihli JinxMoonstone Skyfeather02 Arianethel Bekuno Crumpet nonaline TinyGryphon sirspiderider ouijababe JonSnOwO dreamn Aschenstern Beruga nikkolah ILuvDogs MasterEggy Springaling406 mercurialwings GadzooksTD KattsTheName Romean Bumpsly suesue mooncakefestival Cuivienen SugarAddiction Mattykips BarelyBitter NotThePinkKirby slothqueenxx Caprineki RileythePlagueDr Sebeon RocRabbit Armin Rozenn smoldervulture Allstohel BottledLightning Alyzeh coconuthead despa yellowstarfish HibiscusMist Meqathi Kulkulkan Saskia Nemalu MoonlightFae cvthedral Silverpaw17 cuppa shadowsspy ScripturamRuby AlexBleurose perifinite Alastriona1 kijauni TwinTaako Psylusionist ElenyaSilvertail GalacticBeast l3lue DW08

New Add-ons:
All add-ons:
SoullessWendigo Dragon60 AbyssalKing Saskia Autopsy
Fall add-ons

New Breeds:
BurrakuDusk CrierNightglori
Samayl MementoMoe Konan Stanzascale yuuasakura SerigalaMenarik Ambivalence Yewwily Sketchanie TalimiteGems AmadeoVampire
Charl1e Rivix silverjade Stanzascale Kireikatt Aurialle GingerArcanist Qillin MeKat Nontan MischievousMeh
Nutflakez Kururin OfficerMittens Captainsaviathan
Bear RaptorFeathers

>> F.A.Q

Q. Are there slots open and how do I order?
Most likely slots are open. Check the first post and see what the status is. I generally keep it open because I get a good chunk of orders done in one sitting. To order, please fill out the form in the first post and post it in this thread.

Q. What payment do you accept?
Only accepting treasure, gems, or USD(paypal). You can pay in a mixture of treasure and gems, but the USD price is set. It's $2 and the base is included as well as the genes and the full version. It's the bonus for spending real money instead of FR currency.

Q. I want to pay in USD, what's the procedure?
Fill out the order form like usual and post in this thread. I will add your name to the slot list and then PM you with my paypal information. Payment is expected in full before I begin work. I will pm your finished dragon in the standard size as well as the full size.

Q. I want to pay in treasure for the base and genes, but USD for the apparel/skin, is mixed payment allowed?
Yep, sure is. Fill out the order form with your request. Since USD is involved you'll also receive the full version regardless of the price.

Q. When do I send payment?
If I've accepted your order, please send the payment as soon as possible. I won't send out the gifs until I've been paid and I do a chunk of orders at a time. So I'd rather not wait and get your order to you as soon as possible. If you're uncomfortable with this method, then I'd be happy to send you a pm letting you know your order is ready. Then you can send the payment before I ship out the gif. Just let me know if you want me to do this.

Q. How long will it take to do my order?
Depends on how many people are in front of you, but I generally knock out orders within a couple days of being confirmed and added to the slot list. However, I generally don't work on the weekends. The weekend is family time so while I'll accept and process orders, I won't do art because I'm generally away from my main computer.

Q. My dragon is a hatchling, can I still order?
Sure~ doesn't matter if it's a hatchling or adult. I can go to the workshop and get the adult form if there's an issue.

Q. I only want the genes done, do I have to get rid of the apparel?
Not necessary, I can do it myself in the workshop.

Q. My dragon has three genes, but I only want two/one. Can I make the pri/sec/tert basic?
Sure, just let me know which one(s).

Q. I'd like to have my dragon's skin and apparel done as well. How much do does that cost?
Easy peezy~ fill out the order form and post it in the thread. I'll give you a quote on how much it will cost to do the whole dragon. If you'd only like bits and pieces of the apparel done, please state so in the form and I'll adjust the quote accordingly.

Q. How do you determine the cost of the bribe?
Everything depends on how long it'll take me to do. Generally, skins and big apparel take me the longest, so they are the most expensive. When I do apparel, I often times have to re-animate the dragon. More time = more expensive. However, all USD purchases will also receive the full size version of your dragon as well as the standard size. You can only get the full size version through USD.

Q. Can I order for somebody other than myself? (i.e gifting, raffles, etc.)
Sure! As long as you pay, I don't care who it's for. If you want to keep it private, shoot me a pm.

Q. How do you make these?
I make the base template in Photoshop. Then I throw the image in After Effects for animating. Then back to Photoshop for gif format.

Q. How do I post it in my sig?
Right click on the gif, click "Copy Image URL", then paste the url into this code:

Q. Do I need to host the gif on my own service?
I would, just as a safety measure. I use imgur to host the gifs, but make sure you save the gif to your computer just in case something happens to the original. If you lose the original gif, let me know. I have back ups.

Q. Can I have a still image instead of a gif?
Sure, just let me know.
[emoji=sun] [emoji=maple leaf] [emoji=snowflake] [emoji=four leaf clover] >> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]Seasonal Add-ons[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lullaby Dragons offers seasonal add-ons that are cute additions to your sleeping dragon. Each season comes with their own set of add-ons and are only available during a certain period of time, however, premium add-ons are available all year round. [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]PLEASE NOTE: If ordering an add-on for a dragon with apparel, the apparel could possibly affect how the add-on is applied. Be aware that I may have to change the add-on's position, size, etc. to fit within gif's requirements.[/b] If you already have a Lullaby Dragon and you want to have a seasonal version, please fill out the order form like you would normally, but specify that it's a dragon I've already made. I keep an archive of every dragon I've completed organized by username so if your username has changed, please tell me your old one. You'll just pay the 15k (18g) fee for the addition. [center] [size=7][emoji=butterfly size=1] [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] [emoji=butterfly 3 size=1] [color=green]SPRING ADD-ONS![/color] [emoji=butterfly 3 size=1] [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] [emoji=butterfly size=1][/size] [b]Still Monarch Butterfly Wings![/b] Colors available: Orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and pink [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Cherry Blossoms[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Bees[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center] >> [size=7][font=Century Gothic]Premium Add-ons[/font][/size]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like seasonal add-ons, premium add-ons are cute additions, but with that little something extra. Premium add-ons can only be purchased with USD and are available all year long. Prices for each premium add-on will be posted next to the examples. Every season I'll add new premium add-ons so if you'd like to be on the ping list, please let me know! [center] [size=5][font=Century Gothic][b]Flapping Monarch Butterfly Wings ($1)[/b][/font][/size] [b]Pre-existing Colors available:[/b] Pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. [b]Custom options:[/b] I can change the color of the wings and potentially incorporate simple designs. Price subject to change based on complexity. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img]
>> Seasonal Add-ons

Lullaby Dragons offers seasonal add-ons that are cute additions to your sleeping dragon. Each season comes with their own set of add-ons and are only available during a certain period of time, however, premium add-ons are available all year round.
0I0G0AK.gif sK3M9ls.gif

PLEASE NOTE: If ordering an add-on for a dragon with apparel, the apparel could possibly affect how the add-on is applied. Be aware that I may have to change the add-on's position, size, etc. to fit within gif's requirements.

If you already have a Lullaby Dragon and you want to have a seasonal version, please fill out the order form like you would normally, but specify that it's a dragon I've already made. I keep an archive of every dragon I've completed organized by username so if your username has changed, please tell me your old one. You'll just pay the 15k (18g) fee for the addition.

Still Monarch Butterfly Wings!
Colors available: Orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and pink
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3bHDfTI.gif RGnNt1m.gif xThsHYS.gif
dcerwDj.gif TgP3xUd.gif WLfnlUF.gif

Cherry Blossoms
Qa9szTx.gif 3fkWelf.gif T9eJut9.gif

rD0cSAP.gif 6Sc9kbR.gif 2Gia6C8.gif

>> Premium Add-ons
Like seasonal add-ons, premium add-ons are cute additions, but with that little something extra. Premium add-ons can only be purchased with USD and are available all year long. Prices for each premium add-on will be posted next to the examples. Every season I'll add new premium add-ons so if you'd like to be on the ping list, please let me know!
Flapping Monarch Butterfly Wings ($1)
Pre-existing Colors available:
Pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
Custom options:
I can change the color of the wings and potentially incorporate simple designs. Price subject to change based on complexity.
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@Skyflu Yesss! They're open! [b]Dragon:[/b] Chrysi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Basic or Genes:[/b] Genes, please! [b]Other:[/b] None [b]Payment:[/b] Treasure Also, may I be added to the pinglist for new breeds?
Yesss! They're open!

Dragon: Chrysi


Basic or Genes: Genes, please!
Other: None
Payment: Treasure

Also, may I be added to the pinglist for new breeds?

Yay! I'm so glad to see your shop up! I'm mostly waiting for the Wildclaws, but here's a question for you! I have an Imp with an accent that essentially just changes the colour of his mane and belly, but the belly is hidden on your cuties. Would something like that still need to be bribed for?

Edit: Oop! It also changes the colour of the horns and has a gradient of the same colour on his feet too. It's been so long since I've looked at him sans apparel. XD I would only be thinking about the mane and horn colour change with regards to this question though.

Yay! I'm so glad to see your shop up! I'm mostly waiting for the Wildclaws, but here's a question for you! I have an Imp with an accent that essentially just changes the colour of his mane and belly, but the belly is hidden on your cuties. Would something like that still need to be bribed for?

Edit: Oop! It also changes the colour of the horns and has a gradient of the same colour on his feet too. It's been so long since I've looked at him sans apparel. XD I would only be thinking about the mane and horn colour change with regards to this question though.
Yes! My plans got delayed a bit because of work, but I did it!
Currently, I'm in desperate need of an Ambush or Eliminate stone. I'm trying to grind my first couple dragons to 25 and it's taking forever without those stones. @_@
You wouldn't happen to have an extra stone of either of them? lol
If not, I'll do the base bribe of 100kt.
Yes! My plans got delayed a bit because of work, but I did it!
Currently, I'm in desperate need of an Ambush or Eliminate stone. I'm trying to grind my first couple dragons to 25 and it's taking forever without those stones. @_@
You wouldn't happen to have an extra stone of either of them? lol
If not, I'll do the base bribe of 100kt.
yaaaas @Skyflu [b]Dragon:[/b][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Basic or Genes:[/b] Genes [b]Other:[/b] No apparel or anythin [b]Payment:[/b] Treasure, should be 35k i believe?

Basic or Genes: Genes
Other: No apparel or anythin
Payment: Treasure, should be 35k i believe?
Well, would you look at that! Today's your lucky day, because I do indeed have an extra Ambush that I will most likely never use because I am not the coli type of person. 8'D

Would the Ambush be enough? If it's not, I have some random apparel that you could probably sell to cover the rest.

Also, sorry about the weird thing with the sudden dragon swap! I had a moment of indecision and swapped Chrysi with Strawberry, but now I've decided that I still want Chrysi to be the one who gets an adopt. Sorry again! Dx
Well, would you look at that! Today's your lucky day, because I do indeed have an extra Ambush that I will most likely never use because I am not the coli type of person. 8'D

Would the Ambush be enough? If it's not, I have some random apparel that you could probably sell to cover the rest.

Also, sorry about the weird thing with the sudden dragon swap! I had a moment of indecision and swapped Chrysi with Strawberry, but now I've decided that I still want Chrysi to be the one who gets an adopt. Sorry again! Dx
Opps, I didn't see you edited your post. Accepted! Please send me 35kt and I'll add you to the slot list! And yes, I'll add you to the ping list for new breeds!

Gaa! we're playing post tag. Hold on. Let me read your last post and I'll comment again. xD
Opps, I didn't see you edited your post. Accepted! Please send me 35kt and I'll add you to the slot list! And yes, I'll add you to the ping list for new breeds!

Gaa! we're playing post tag. Hold on. Let me read your last post and I'll comment again. xD