So pretty :)


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ahhh but its dirt! not flesh, definitely not flesh. i just submitted it, so we might as well see if it passes?
ahhh but its dirt! not flesh, definitely not flesh. i just submitted it, so we might as well see if it passes?
ahhh but its dirt! not flesh, definitely not flesh. i just submitted it, so we might as well see if it passes?
ahhh but its dirt! not flesh, definitely not flesh. i just submitted it, so we might as well see if it passes?

@Thardus @Shian @Antigen @eateries @Mangusto @Faileas @Mumtup @andersbegabt @Massif
hey guys, i have good news! turns out FUNGIRL (final name btw) is actually an accent, so i'm getting a refund for the 10-print skin blueprint so i can buy a 10-print accent bp instead. and that means you all get some money back! yay!now i just gotta go do math n figure out how much i owe y'all.
additionally, i think this means it will go through this time, and will be prioritized once i re-submit so we won't have to wait as long. yay!
so the new price is 500g, so you all get 200g back! yay for you! i think i'll send y'all ur money once i send the accent over.
and andersbegabt, tell me here what ratio of g/t you want back, you payed 300kt and 350g originally.
hey guys, i have good news! turns out FUNGIRL (final name btw) is actually an accent, so i'm getting a refund for the 10-print skin blueprint so i can buy a 10-print accent bp instead. and that means you all get some money back! yay!
additionally, i think this means it will go through this time, and will be prioritized once i re-submit so we won't have to wait as long. yay!
so the new price is 500g, so you all get 200g back! yay for you! i think i'll send y'all ur money once i send the accent over.
and andersbegabt, tell me here what ratio of g/t you want back, you payed 300kt and 350g originally.
@Thardus @Shian @Antigen @eateries @Mangusto @Faileas @Mumtup @andersbegabt @Massif
hey guys, i have good news! turns out FUNGIRL (final name btw) is actually an accent, so i'm getting a refund for the 10-print skin blueprint so i can buy a 10-print accent bp instead. and that means you all get some money back! yay!now i just gotta go do math n figure out how much i owe y'all.
additionally, i think this means it will go through this time, and will be prioritized once i re-submit so we won't have to wait as long. yay!
so the new price is 500g, so you all get 200g back! yay for you! i think i'll send y'all ur money once i send the accent over.
and andersbegabt, tell me here what ratio of g/t you want back, you payed 300kt and 350g originally.
hey guys, i have good news! turns out FUNGIRL (final name btw) is actually an accent, so i'm getting a refund for the 10-print skin blueprint so i can buy a 10-print accent bp instead. and that means you all get some money back! yay!
additionally, i think this means it will go through this time, and will be prioritized once i re-submit so we won't have to wait as long. yay!
so the new price is 500g, so you all get 200g back! yay for you! i think i'll send y'all ur money once i send the accent over.
and andersbegabt, tell me here what ratio of g/t you want back, you payed 300kt and 350g originally.

This is exciting! Love the new name. That sounds quite promising about the accent being accepted. It's a gorgeous accent and I can't wait for it to be printed!
This is exciting! Love the new name. That sounds quite promising about the accent being accepted. It's a gorgeous accent and I can't wait for it to be printed!
This is exciting! Love the new name. That sounds quite promising about the accent being accepted. It's a gorgeous accent and I can't wait for it to be printed!
This is exciting! Love the new name. That sounds quite promising about the accent being accepted. It's a gorgeous accent and I can't wait for it to be printed!

@Aviose: Wow. I am really glad that is now printed. :-)
I paid 50:50 I mean, so I get 50:50 back. I am bad with maths so late in the night (here)... xD
I paid 50:50 I mean, so I get 50:50 back. I am bad with maths so late in the night (here)... xD
@Aviose: Wow. I am really glad that is now printed. :-)
I paid 50:50 I mean, so I get 50:50 back. I am bad with maths so late in the night (here)... xD
I paid 50:50 I mean, so I get 50:50 back. I am bad with maths so late in the night (here)... xD

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