TOPIC | Theme Week: Blue & Green

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This is my permababy, Corsodyl:
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=43576014] [img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/435761/43576014_350.png[/img] [/url]
He was a complete impulse buy, and is one of the most expensive dragons I own. I bought him when I was in a really bad place, and he's really helped to cheer me up and put a smile on my face. Sometimes it's important to treat yourself :)
Another of my favourite dragons fitting this theme is Ruri:
I bought her not too long after I started playing. I completely lucked out by finding her on the auction house so cheap, as she was one of my dream dragons! (Don't mind her outfit though, it's not finished yet!) She's the clan's prophet/oracle, and quite critical in a portion of my clan's lore.
Lastly I want to show of Serothes:
I desperately wanted a bogsneak with camo daub, so bought the first hatchling I thought it would look good on and re-gened him. When I first got him, he was an absolute mess as his tertiary was crackle. He's the dragon who made me appreciate the firefly gene tbh. I spent so much time in the coli grinding for those darn cockroaches just so he could be saved. Now he's a bog witch :3
This is my permababy, Corsodyl:
He was a complete impulse buy, and is one of the most expensive dragons I own. I bought him when I was in a really bad place, and he's really helped to cheer me up and put a smile on my face. Sometimes it's important to treat yourself :)
Another of my favourite dragons fitting this theme is Ruri:

I bought her not too long after I started playing. I completely lucked out by finding her on the auction house so cheap, as she was one of my dream dragons! (Don't mind her outfit though, it's not finished yet!) She's the clan's prophet/oracle, and quite critical in a portion of my clan's lore.
Lastly I want to show of Serothes:

I desperately wanted a bogsneak with camo daub, so bought the first hatchling I thought it would look good on and re-gened him. When I first got him, he was an absolute mess as his tertiary was crackle. He's the dragon who made me appreciate the firefly gene tbh. I spent so much time in the coli grinding for those darn cockroaches just so he could be saved. Now he's a bog witch :3

He was a complete impulse buy, and is one of the most expensive dragons I own. I bought him when I was in a really bad place, and he's really helped to cheer me up and put a smile on my face. Sometimes it's important to treat yourself :)
Another of my favourite dragons fitting this theme is Ruri:

I bought her not too long after I started playing. I completely lucked out by finding her on the auction house so cheap, as she was one of my dream dragons! (Don't mind her outfit though, it's not finished yet!) She's the clan's prophet/oracle, and quite critical in a portion of my clan's lore.
Lastly I want to show of Serothes:

I desperately wanted a bogsneak with camo daub, so bought the first hatchling I thought it would look good on and re-gened him. When I first got him, he was an absolute mess as his tertiary was crackle. He's the dragon who made me appreciate the firefly gene tbh. I spent so much time in the coli grinding for those darn cockroaches just so he could be saved. Now he's a bog witch :3
Lore Avatar Hatchery Dream Dragons | bepadepadept line long line short boop bepepepep |
My first Multi
He is my absolute Favorite
Curretnly for Sale if someone wants him :)
This is Galiya. She was priced as fodder, but I love her colors.
Demona, evil sorceress of my lair. She used to be a Tundra, but it did not suit her personality.
Deepsea, a classic irishim, who is getting long in the tooth.
Naquadah likes to keep all bundled up to stay warm, just like his mother told him![/center]
[center]My best boy in the whole lair falls in this color range! Yay!
I felt in love wit him as soon as I saw him!
And also his faithful couple! <'3
[center]Plus I feel like sharing this girl~ I love gentle succulents and she represents it :3
This is Adhar, my clan's musician. He plays pretty songs to help the rest of the clan sleep ;u;
And the minty boy, Charlie with his not so subtle hints of rainbow is my clan's alchemist
Sapphire, a vain drag queen.
Arctic, a quiet swimmer.
Jade, a snobby antique dealer.
[b]Ryujin,[/b] the deity of the sea. I don't have a lore or any background information for him, yet.
[b]He's not named,[/b] but I was hoping to name him after the water god, Poseidon. I'm willing to take name requests for him, so if you think a name suits him then feel free to suggest one!

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