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TOPIC | Possible Bug: Baldwin's Brew
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Not sure if this is a bug or an issue on my end, but whenever I try to go to Baldwin's Brew in the Trading Post, I always get kicked out of my account. It only started today (4/21/2018) and I've been here for around a month, and I don't know why it's doing that, or how to fix it
Not sure if this is a bug or an issue on my end, but whenever I try to go to Baldwin's Brew in the Trading Post, I always get kicked out of my account. It only started today (4/21/2018) and I've been here for around a month, and I don't know why it's doing that, or how to fix it
@NegaMewtwo what do you mean exactly, you get "kicked out"? does it happen with other pages (for example, the dragon lair page)?
@NegaMewtwo what do you mean exactly, you get "kicked out"? does it happen with other pages (for example, the dragon lair page)?
It only happens at Baldwin's, and it takes me to a page that says that I need to be signed into FR to access the page, and I get the "Login/Sign Up" buttons at the top, so it's signing me out whenever I do it
It only happens at Baldwin's, and it takes me to a page that says that I need to be signed into FR to access the page, and I get the "Login/Sign Up" buttons at the top, so it's signing me out whenever I do it

I'm not great at explaining but things like that happen sometimes when the www and www1 parts of the site aren't updated to each other. If that's the case, try force logging out, clearing your cache, then logging back in and see if it still does it. If it doesn't help, I dunno what to say. ^^'

I'm not great at explaining but things like that happen sometimes when the www and www1 parts of the site aren't updated to each other. If that's the case, try force logging out, clearing your cache, then logging back in and see if it still does it. If it doesn't help, I dunno what to say. ^^'
**Please ping me Rahkali, not Rakhali!**

xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx xxxx x x xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx
Nope, it didn't help :(
Nope, it didn't help :(
@NegaMewtwo what rahkali was saying makes the most sense for that, but maybe could be an issue if you're logged onto another device too (like a phone)? it's not an issue for me if i didn't log out of my phone, but it sounds like a desync case. or were you trying to do it during rollover accidentally? (by your original post's timestamp i don't think so but it doesn't hurt to ask)

also, if you wanna respond to someone, you should ping them (@ then their username, no space in between, like @Alphazi) so they'll see it ^^
@NegaMewtwo what rahkali was saying makes the most sense for that, but maybe could be an issue if you're logged onto another device too (like a phone)? it's not an issue for me if i didn't log out of my phone, but it sounds like a desync case. or were you trying to do it during rollover accidentally? (by your original post's timestamp i don't think so but it doesn't hurt to ask)

also, if you wanna respond to someone, you should ping them (@ then their username, no space in between, like @Alphazi) so they'll see it ^^
Alpha :: FR+0
they/them or
he/him please!

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@Alphazi No, that didn't work either. I was signed in on my phone, but when I logged out from my phone and tried again, it's still doing it
@Alphazi No, that didn't work either. I was signed in on my phone, but when I logged out from my phone and tried again, it's still doing it
@NegaMewtwo huh... that's so bizarre, i'm sorry :( i guess just follow the bug report guide and include your OS and browser info and such so they can look into it. have you tried using another browser to see if it does it there?
@NegaMewtwo huh... that's so bizarre, i'm sorry :( i guess just follow the bug report guide and include your OS and browser info and such so they can look into it. have you tried using another browser to see if it does it there?
Alpha :: FR+0
they/them or
he/him please!

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__ ° Hug Moist?
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° 8x8/90mil!
__ TTTYQHv.png 1XIVewE.gif
@Alphazi No, I haven't tried it from another browser. I'll do that later
@Alphazi No, I haven't tried it from another browser. I'll do that later
@NegaMewtwo alright, good luck! :D
@NegaMewtwo alright, good luck! :D
Alpha :: FR+0
they/them or
he/him please!

_____ vxsLSdd.png _ ° Wishlist
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° Clan Exalter
° Scatter Quest
° UMs for Sale
__ ° Hug Moist?
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° Nest Rentals
° 8x8/90mil!
__ TTTYQHv.png 1XIVewE.gif
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