TOPIC | [MJ-18] Mistral Masquerade - Ended!

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[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon name:[/b] Shadowlight
[b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=15746337]
[b]Explanation/role play:[/b] Shadowlight is my clan's Wind Representative.
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon name:[/b] Oriyzuul
[b]Dragon image:[/b]
[b]Explanation/role play:[/b] The amazing flying potato. She doesn't really look windy at all, but i picked her because [s]i don't have any other dressed dragons that fit[/s] she's a master wind sorcerer from memorizing every spellbook she's ever read using s n a p p o w e r s
Theme: Windswept
Dragon name: Oriyzuul
Dragon image:

Explanation/role play: The amazing flying potato. She doesn't really look windy at all, but i picked her becausei don't have any other dressed dragons that fit she's a master wind sorcerer from memorizing every spellbook she's ever read using s n a p p o w e r s
Dragon name: Oriyzuul
Dragon image:

Explanation/role play: The amazing flying potato. She doesn't really look windy at all, but i picked her because
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon Name:[/b] Laurel
[b]Dragon Image:[/b]
She's the current 'Clan Leader' of a clan of Windies! She's [i]always[/i] traveling to acquire new pieces for her museum collection, and travel is what any self respecting Wind dragon does.
On a different note, she's pretty important to me. I was looking for a specific dragon ID and she showed up. A female Pearlcatcher (one of my favorite breeds!) in colors that are pretty symbolic to me... and she had wind eyes to boot! I may have considered taking a flight vacation at one point, but not anymore. She's my ideal dragon, my clan leader, and my big connection to Wind :)
Theme: Windswept
Dragon Name: Laurel
Dragon Image:

She's the current 'Clan Leader' of a clan of Windies! She's always traveling to acquire new pieces for her museum collection, and travel is what any self respecting Wind dragon does.
On a different note, she's pretty important to me. I was looking for a specific dragon ID and she showed up. A female Pearlcatcher (one of my favorite breeds!) in colors that are pretty symbolic to me... and she had wind eyes to boot! I may have considered taking a flight vacation at one point, but not anymore. She's my ideal dragon, my clan leader, and my big connection to Wind :)
Dragon Name: Laurel
Dragon Image:

She's the current 'Clan Leader' of a clan of Windies! She's always traveling to acquire new pieces for her museum collection, and travel is what any self respecting Wind dragon does.
On a different note, she's pretty important to me. I was looking for a specific dragon ID and she showed up. A female Pearlcatcher (one of my favorite breeds!) in colors that are pretty symbolic to me... and she had wind eyes to boot! I may have considered taking a flight vacation at one point, but not anymore. She's my ideal dragon, my clan leader, and my big connection to Wind :)
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswep
[b]Dragon name:[/b] Aria
[b]Dragon image:[/b] [outfit=369295]
[b]Explanation/role play:[/b] My wind rep Aria
Theme: Windswep
Dragon name: Aria
Dragon image:

Explanation/role play: My wind rep Aria
Dragon name: Aria
Dragon image:


Explanation/role play: My wind rep Aria
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon name:[/b] Dara
[b]Dragon image:[/b]
[b]Explanation/role play:[/b] N/A
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon name:[/b] Andromeda
[b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=22848342]
[b]Explanation/role play:[/b] Andromeda is decked to the nines for the Mistral Jamboree!
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon name: [/b] Riviel
[b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=23534553]
[b]Theme:[/b] Windswept
[b]Dragon name:[/b] Barkeep
[b]Dragon image:[/b] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=30808869]
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[b]Explanation/role play:[/b]
"Celebrate Wind flight and don your windiest gear~! What do you think the ideal Wind dragon looks like?"
What do I think the Ideal wind dragon looks like?
It's not the fest apparel, it's not about having matching greens, It's not even being a wind element or a spiral or a dancer that makes you the ideal wind dragon. It's one that: after their arm is torn off from a bad landing, after their wing is clipped for good, no matter what they've been through, they never stop flying, never stop smiling…so long as they got enough steam in em'.……………and it helps to be a Water dragon too~
[quote][center] [item= Copper Steampunk Wings]
[i]"An impressively-constructed arrangement of copper leaves, pistons, and rotors. [u]With a constant supply of steam[/u], the flying potential of the wearer could be doubled."[/quote]
[i]"Why do you walk when the sky is so open?… Don’t you know? A dragon belongs in the sky!”
~[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=95]A New Direction[/url]
…That's what the ideal wind dragon looks like to me, it's what's in the heart.
It's the determination.
[right][size=1]I was getting ready to deck em out like everyone else but…then i thought about when I tore my ACL right before highschool. Not only i had to go to rehab twice, once to learn how to walk again ,and the other to recover from sugery…I thought I could never do any sport again.
…shortly there after, I picked up Golf in highschool, where i was walking up hills for miles in the late summer heat of +100ºF. I eventuay abadon my wheel cart that i used to carry my clubs with and learned how to truly walk on my own two feet again.
I was free. And it took losing it to fully appreciate what I got.………Maybe that's what [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=95]A New Direction[/url] was supost to teach us ^/u/^.
We all belong in the sky.[/right]
Theme: Windswept
Dragon name: Barkeep
Dragon image:

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Explanation/role play:
"Celebrate Wind flight and don your windiest gear~! What do you think the ideal Wind dragon looks like?"
What do I think the Ideal wind dragon looks like?
It's not the fest apparel, it's not about having matching greens, It's not even being a wind element or a spiral or a dancer that makes you the ideal wind dragon. It's one that: after their arm is torn off from a bad landing, after their wing is clipped for good, no matter what they've been through, they never stop flying, never stop smiling…so long as they got enough steam in em'.……………and it helps to be a Water dragon too~
"An impressively-constructed arrangement of copper leaves, pistons, and rotors. With a constant supply of steam, the flying potential of the wearer could be doubled."
…That's what the ideal wind dragon looks like to me, it's what's in the heart.
It's the determination.
Dragon name: Barkeep
Dragon image:

- - - - -- - - - - -

Mistral Masquerade 3
Explanation/role play:
"Celebrate Wind flight and don your windiest gear~! What do you think the ideal Wind dragon looks like?"
What do I think the Ideal wind dragon looks like?
It's not the fest apparel, it's not about having matching greens, It's not even being a wind element or a spiral or a dancer that makes you the ideal wind dragon. It's one that: after their arm is torn off from a bad landing, after their wing is clipped for good, no matter what they've been through, they never stop flying, never stop smiling…so long as they got enough steam in em'.……………and it helps to be a Water dragon too~
"An impressively-constructed arrangement of copper leaves, pistons, and rotors. With a constant supply of steam, the flying potential of the wearer could be doubled."
"Why do you walk when the sky is so open?… Don’t you know? A dragon belongs in the sky!”
~A New Direction
~A New Direction
…That's what the ideal wind dragon looks like to me, it's what's in the heart.
It's the determination.
I was getting ready to deck em out like everyone else but…then i thought about when I tore my ACL right before highschool. Not only i had to go to rehab twice, once to learn how to walk again ,and the other to recover from sugery…I thought I could never do any sport again.
…shortly there after, I picked up Golf in highschool, where i was walking up hills for miles in the late summer heat of +100ºF. I eventuay abadon my wheel cart that i used to carry my clubs with and learned how to truly walk on my own two feet again.
I was free. And it took losing it to fully appreciate what I got.………Maybe that's what A New Direction was supost to teach us ^/u/^.
We all belong in the sky.
…shortly there after, I picked up Golf in highschool, where i was walking up hills for miles in the late summer heat of +100ºF. I eventuay abadon my wheel cart that i used to carry my clubs with and learned how to truly walk on my own two feet again.
I was free. And it took losing it to fully appreciate what I got.………Maybe that's what A New Direction was supost to teach us ^/u/^.
We all belong in the sky.

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