It looks like an armour.

TOPIC | Scales: A New Tertiary Gene

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I do think fuller masks and transitional areas would boost this gene outta the water for me, it's so close to being a must-have but the clown paint/puffin face...
whaaaaaat okay well i'm making nothing but scales genes for the next MONTH
whaaaaaat okay well i'm making nothing but scales genes for the next MONTH
I know critique of released genes isn't really a useful thing to get here -- they're already a done deal, and someone worked hard on 'em -- so I'm going to phrase it as what I think works well (and should carry over to at least some future tertiaries) and what doesn't work so well (and should perhaps be a warning for future tertiaries?).
The balance of coverage from scales is AWESOME. I love that it hits the wing tips, not just the body/primary areas. One of the neatest thing a tertiary can do is meld the whole dragon together, I think, and the fact that this hits quite a few dragon areas -- head, limbs, body, wings -- without totally obscuring any other genes is fantastic. Three cheers!
The edges of the gene aren't working for me at all. If the cut off line followed the shape of the scales, rather than slicing through them, it would look a LOT more integral to the dragon and a lot more organic. Currently the cut-off lines sort of flatten out the appearance, as well as making the scales look like they were added on later. Granted, this gene is a done deal! But transition areas with terts always seem to be a really tricky thing to get right (as with Okapi and Thylacine, which fade too abruptly, or this, where it's very harsh), and I hope staff send some solid quality time with that particular dilemma for the next tertiary release.
(For the record, I thought Runes NAILED it).
The beak/mask thing is entirely a matter of personal preference, I think, rather than an issue of execution. ;)
The balance of coverage from scales is AWESOME. I love that it hits the wing tips, not just the body/primary areas. One of the neatest thing a tertiary can do is meld the whole dragon together, I think, and the fact that this hits quite a few dragon areas -- head, limbs, body, wings -- without totally obscuring any other genes is fantastic. Three cheers!
The edges of the gene aren't working for me at all. If the cut off line followed the shape of the scales, rather than slicing through them, it would look a LOT more integral to the dragon and a lot more organic. Currently the cut-off lines sort of flatten out the appearance, as well as making the scales look like they were added on later. Granted, this gene is a done deal! But transition areas with terts always seem to be a really tricky thing to get right (as with Okapi and Thylacine, which fade too abruptly, or this, where it's very harsh), and I hope staff send some solid quality time with that particular dilemma for the next tertiary release.
(For the record, I thought Runes NAILED it).
The beak/mask thing is entirely a matter of personal preference, I think, rather than an issue of execution. ;)
I know critique of released genes isn't really a useful thing to get here -- they're already a done deal, and someone worked hard on 'em -- so I'm going to phrase it as what I think works well (and should carry over to at least some future tertiaries) and what doesn't work so well (and should perhaps be a warning for future tertiaries?).
The balance of coverage from scales is AWESOME. I love that it hits the wing tips, not just the body/primary areas. One of the neatest thing a tertiary can do is meld the whole dragon together, I think, and the fact that this hits quite a few dragon areas -- head, limbs, body, wings -- without totally obscuring any other genes is fantastic. Three cheers!
The edges of the gene aren't working for me at all. If the cut off line followed the shape of the scales, rather than slicing through them, it would look a LOT more integral to the dragon and a lot more organic. Currently the cut-off lines sort of flatten out the appearance, as well as making the scales look like they were added on later. Granted, this gene is a done deal! But transition areas with terts always seem to be a really tricky thing to get right (as with Okapi and Thylacine, which fade too abruptly, or this, where it's very harsh), and I hope staff send some solid quality time with that particular dilemma for the next tertiary release.
(For the record, I thought Runes NAILED it).
The beak/mask thing is entirely a matter of personal preference, I think, rather than an issue of execution. ;)
The balance of coverage from scales is AWESOME. I love that it hits the wing tips, not just the body/primary areas. One of the neatest thing a tertiary can do is meld the whole dragon together, I think, and the fact that this hits quite a few dragon areas -- head, limbs, body, wings -- without totally obscuring any other genes is fantastic. Three cheers!
The edges of the gene aren't working for me at all. If the cut off line followed the shape of the scales, rather than slicing through them, it would look a LOT more integral to the dragon and a lot more organic. Currently the cut-off lines sort of flatten out the appearance, as well as making the scales look like they were added on later. Granted, this gene is a done deal! But transition areas with terts always seem to be a really tricky thing to get right (as with Okapi and Thylacine, which fade too abruptly, or this, where it's very harsh), and I hope staff send some solid quality time with that particular dilemma for the next tertiary release.
(For the record, I thought Runes NAILED it).
The beak/mask thing is entirely a matter of personal preference, I think, rather than an issue of execution. ;)
I snagged this cutie from the AH >D< Im so happy cx

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