
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | † Flye's Graphic Shop † [ CLOSED]
Great! Thank you!
Great! Thank you!
Indeed I am, sorry! It will have to be after work today sometime, I will send you the details vis PM in about 4-6hours! Than k you for the reminder.
Indeed I am, sorry! It will have to be after work today sometime, I will send you the details vis PM in about 4-6hours! Than k you for the reminder.
@Inka I added in some clouds which I forgot to do before and I've also done the dividers! You also said that you wanted the edges to be faded out but as there isn't really a background I left it out but I can still do that if you want ~ [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]
I added in some clouds which I forgot to do before and I've also done the dividers! You also said that you wanted the edges to be faded out but as there isn't really a background I left it out but I can still do that if you want ~




@StealthFlye ahh!! they look great! thanks so much! sorry for relplying late, just got back from a short trip w/ no internet! i was just wondering if you had the playlist divider?
@StealthFlye ahh!! they look great! thanks so much! sorry for relplying late, just got back from a short trip w/ no internet! i was just wondering if you had the playlist divider?
Even better! Thank you so much! I'll send payment!
Even better! Thank you so much! I'll send payment!
@tylahjayne It's fine don't worry about it! I made the divider but I guess I forgot to add it or something, sorry. Here you go ~ [img][/img]
It's fine don't worry about it! I made the divider but I guess I forgot to add it or something, sorry. Here you go ~
@StealthFlye - Can you please ping me when you're open? :3
@StealthFlye - Can you please ping me when you're open? :3
Will do!
Will do!
@StealthFlye Do you have any idea when you plan to re-open? I've made a couple new breeding pairs and am interested in ordering a few more cards from you when you have the chance. :)
@StealthFlye Do you have any idea when you plan to re-open? I've made a couple new breeding pairs and am interested in ordering a few more cards from you when you have the chance. :)
@StealthFlye Hello! It's been a bit since I revamped my hatchery, but you did my breeding cards and I love the way they look still. I was wondering if when you next opened you would be willing to do a breeding card for a new pair I'm getting!
@StealthFlye Hello! It's been a bit since I revamped my hatchery, but you did my breeding cards and I love the way they look still. I was wondering if when you next opened you would be willing to do a breeding card for a new pair I'm getting!