

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Currency AH Tab
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Right now we sell and buy Gems and Treasure over the Forums. Some people want a direct exchange, but that won't work with how we, the players, determine the value.

So, what if we could sell our gems on the AH? Or Treasure on the AH. It would have to be 'tax free,' of course.

The festival currency could also be moved to such a tab.

Over all, this might help clean up the sales forums a bit
Right now we sell and buy Gems and Treasure over the Forums. Some people want a direct exchange, but that won't work with how we, the players, determine the value.

So, what if we could sell our gems on the AH? Or Treasure on the AH. It would have to be 'tax free,' of course.

The festival currency could also be moved to such a tab.

Over all, this might help clean up the sales forums a bit
This is a very sensible idea. I like it; maybe call the tab the Exchange?
This is a very sensible idea. I like it; maybe call the tab the Exchange?
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
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I like being pinged, but not mass ones.
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No support. Since Crossroads 2.0 will have that exact same feature and we don't need 2 of the same thing. :)
No support. Since Crossroads 2.0 will have that exact same feature and we don't need 2 of the same thing. :)

When the new revamped crossroads 2.0 is introduced we will be able to securely deal in gems for treasure and treasure for gems. We also will be able to securely deal in any other items that we want to safely sell to other players via the new crossroads.

So no support for selling them in the auction house.

When the new revamped crossroads 2.0 is introduced we will be able to securely deal in gems for treasure and treasure for gems. We also will be able to securely deal in any other items that we want to safely sell to other players via the new crossroads.

So no support for selling them in the auction house.
I supported this in another topic. There is 0 reasons not to use the existing auction house to facilitate gem trading, rather than relying on an otherwise archaic forum posting system...

This game has a few oversights when it comes to information people want to actually know. The auction house for instance does not show food points per gold lowest and median values(extremely common in games and important information)... it also fails to organize price of items by their actual price rather than the listing number. I don't want to know that I can buy 1 at 9000 when I can buy 99 at 10000.... It needs to organize them by their price / the number posted which is a simple fix but a huge oversight.

Lastly the gem exchange... this should have been done on day one, since the ability to transfer gems and treasure is already in the game there are no reasons why they couldn't have put straight gem offers and treasure offers on the auction house... but for some reason it hasn't come to pass.... People already trade gems, adding it to crossroads will just be supporting an already obnoxiously tedious exchange process...
I supported this in another topic. There is 0 reasons not to use the existing auction house to facilitate gem trading, rather than relying on an otherwise archaic forum posting system...

This game has a few oversights when it comes to information people want to actually know. The auction house for instance does not show food points per gold lowest and median values(extremely common in games and important information)... it also fails to organize price of items by their actual price rather than the listing number. I don't want to know that I can buy 1 at 9000 when I can buy 99 at 10000.... It needs to organize them by their price / the number posted which is a simple fix but a huge oversight.

Lastly the gem exchange... this should have been done on day one, since the ability to transfer gems and treasure is already in the game there are no reasons why they couldn't have put straight gem offers and treasure offers on the auction house... but for some reason it hasn't come to pass.... People already trade gems, adding it to crossroads will just be supporting an already obnoxiously tedious exchange process...
Crossroads 2.0 is mentioned here:

Right now, the AH is a tax on people in a hurry or who are bad at math. I like to think of it as a object lesson on how to shop effectively.
Crossroads 2.0 is mentioned here:

Right now, the AH is a tax on people in a hurry or who are bad at math. I like to think of it as a object lesson on how to shop effectively.
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
@Nightwind Not sure which side you're coming down on... @Ismaiel, @Qnyxz By that logic, we shouldn't have a dragon tab in the AH. [quote name="Ismaiel" date=2016-02-21 00:56:59]we don't need 2 of the same thing. [/quote] :) This is about communication. If you want to sell things you put them up on the AH, maybe you go to the extra effort and do forum posts and banners. You want to sell gems? You MUST make a forum post. And then of course, keep it bumped so you get attention.

Not sure which side you're coming down on...

@Ismaiel, @Qnyxz

By that logic, we shouldn't have a dragon tab in the AH.
Ismaiel wrote on 2016-02-21:
we don't need 2 of the same thing.


This is about communication. If you want to sell things you put them up on the AH, maybe you go to the extra effort and do forum posts and banners.

You want to sell gems? You MUST make a forum post. And then of course, keep it bumped so you get attention.

I suppose it would depend on what side you come down on whether or not a pet site needs to be an object lesson on the importance of basic math. I feel that games are an excellent way to work in some extra education and practice before real life raises the stakes.

My lack of support/non support was more because I was adding information on Crossroads 2.0--it had been referenced but not linked to.

This suggestion started out "make a new AH tab for gems/treasure/festival currency" but the intent seems to be "clear out the sales forum so gem/treasure/festival currency posts don't clutter it."

Perhaps a better suggestion would be "make a new board for currency trading (gems/treasure/festival currency) only depending on your intent.


I suppose it would depend on what side you come down on whether or not a pet site needs to be an object lesson on the importance of basic math. I feel that games are an excellent way to work in some extra education and practice before real life raises the stakes.

My lack of support/non support was more because I was adding information on Crossroads 2.0--it had been referenced but not linked to.

This suggestion started out "make a new AH tab for gems/treasure/festival currency" but the intent seems to be "clear out the sales forum so gem/treasure/festival currency posts don't clutter it."

Perhaps a better suggestion would be "make a new board for currency trading (gems/treasure/festival currency) only depending on your intent.

I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
I can agree to this even with the 2.0 coming, because 2.0 is about delivery and trade while the auction house is "hello, person i do not know and don't want to discuss the trade with, i have an item you want and i want this much" there's no need to locate someone to trade with, no need to discuss how much you want or totals you just throw it up, state what you want for it and wait and see if someone buys.

we already dot his for other item types and dragons while also having the forums and other manners of trade. if we can do it for them i don't think it's that much of a stretch to do it for things like the currency as well seeing as the the gem/treasure trade is as common a thing as it is.

Maybe not so much offering up treasure itself so much as an ability to put up gems and state how much treasure you want for it. but only treasure since you can technically trade gems for items already by hunting down the item you want, that way those who don't want the hassle of selling off the gems bit by bit in the forums could throw their gems up on the auction house if it pleases them?
I can agree to this even with the 2.0 coming, because 2.0 is about delivery and trade while the auction house is "hello, person i do not know and don't want to discuss the trade with, i have an item you want and i want this much" there's no need to locate someone to trade with, no need to discuss how much you want or totals you just throw it up, state what you want for it and wait and see if someone buys.

we already dot his for other item types and dragons while also having the forums and other manners of trade. if we can do it for them i don't think it's that much of a stretch to do it for things like the currency as well seeing as the the gem/treasure trade is as common a thing as it is.

Maybe not so much offering up treasure itself so much as an ability to put up gems and state how much treasure you want for it. but only treasure since you can technically trade gems for items already by hunting down the item you want, that way those who don't want the hassle of selling off the gems bit by bit in the forums could throw their gems up on the auction house if it pleases them?
Bonus if already an Aberration
PM if interested in selling

The clearing out would be a pleasant side effect.

There are two ways we sell things to the greater community, by the AH, and by the Sales Forum. Once a sale has been made on the forum then it goes to PMs or crossroads. The Crossroads are an accessory to forum trades.

Everything that can be sold on the AH can be advertised on the Forums. But only Currency Exchange can be sold on the Forums and not on the AH.

There are more dragons for sale on the AH than on the forum, despite the AH tax reducing gross income. Why? Broader audience. That should be available for Gem and Treasure sales as well.

The clearing out would be a pleasant side effect.

There are two ways we sell things to the greater community, by the AH, and by the Sales Forum. Once a sale has been made on the forum then it goes to PMs or crossroads. The Crossroads are an accessory to forum trades.

Everything that can be sold on the AH can be advertised on the Forums. But only Currency Exchange can be sold on the Forums and not on the AH.

There are more dragons for sale on the AH than on the forum, despite the AH tax reducing gross income. Why? Broader audience. That should be available for Gem and Treasure sales as well.
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