
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Fae dragons!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Monarch. One of the first dragons I bought, and somehow he's managed to survive all of my lair cleanings. He's the clan's adviser and is in charge of arranging meetings, communicating with other clans, and finances.


Monarch. One of the first dragons I bought, and somehow he's managed to survive all of my lair cleanings.
He's the clan's adviser and is in charge of arranging meetings, communicating with other clans, and finances.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gehenna is like a tiny flower. Dull colors and then her bright red tummy. She just wants to lay in a nest of soft objects and read books all night long. Be gentle with her.


Gehenna is like a tiny flower. Dull colors and then her bright red tummy. She just wants to lay in a nest of soft objects and read books all night long. Be gentle with her.
Faes are probably one of my favorite breeds even though I've kind of moved away from them a little bit :( These two are two of my favorites though. They've always been lovely to me even though I don't really have like lore for them. [b]Mist[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This boy kind of made me fall in love with crackle. It's not right for every dragon, but I feel like it's subtle enough for him to pull it off extraordinarily well. That's just me though.. [b]Vixen[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Even though she's double basic I fell in love with her almost immediately and absolutely had to have her.. she's one of my favorite impulse buys!
Faes are probably one of my favorite breeds even though I've kind of moved away from them a little bit :( These two are two of my favorites though. They've always been lovely to me even though I don't really have like lore for them.



This boy kind of made me fall in love with crackle. It's not right for every dragon, but I feel like it's subtle enough for him to pull it off extraordinarily well. That's just me though..



Even though she's double basic I fell in love with her almost immediately and absolutely had to have her.. she's one of my favorite impulse buys!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sanctity. My fae pride n joy.


Sanctity. My fae pride n joy.
Flight Rep Time:


Or browse some Old Oaks for sale?
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sunchaser was one of my very first dragons when I joined this site, and she's still one of my favorites. She has produced many fine young dragons that have both gone off to serve our beloved Icewarden, and gone off to find their forever clans. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Griffin is one of my precious Gen1 babies...who is still in desperate need of genes x.x


Sunchaser was one of my very first dragons when I joined this site, and she's still one of my favorites. She has produced many fine young dragons that have both gone off to serve our beloved Icewarden, and gone off to find their forever clans.


Griffin is one of my precious Gen1 babies...who is still in desperate need of genes x.x

Varro and Saxa, one of my oldest pairs of dragons who actually stayed together. XD They recently got upgraded from tiger/freck to cherub/peregrine. I love them a lot and while they don't produce the prettiest of babies, they hold a special place in my heart as a couple. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Finally there is Therque, one of the very first dragons in my solid collection. While one of my goals is to have non-starters for every color, I can't bring myself to change his breed just yet. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Varro and Saxa, one of my oldest pairs of dragons who actually stayed together. XD They recently got upgraded from tiger/freck to cherub/peregrine. I love them a lot and while they don't produce the prettiest of babies, they hold a special place in my heart as a couple.



Finally there is Therque, one of the very first dragons in my solid collection. While one of my goals is to have non-starters for every color, I can't bring myself to change his breed just yet.

Please ping me so I get your message. :3
(If you have a dragon that is descended from one of my progens then I would love to see!)
Here's my custom progen and clan matriarch, Ervil: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And her mate, clan treasurer and my radom progen, Bibelot: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] They are both very proud to be representing their breed!
Here's my custom progen and clan matriarch, Ervil:


And her mate, clan treasurer and my radom progen, Bibelot:


They are both very proud to be representing their breed!
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Hurray! My progen, Oberon, mage and book keeper. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] His mate, Mabhe, is chiefly a collector of small shiny things. She used to be a Ridgeback, but found it [i]inconvenient[/i]. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And lastly, Crocus, who I hatched in celebration of Nature's victory against Light this August. I haven't come up with any lore for her yet, but can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that my very first gen. 1 hatch is an XXY?? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @pastelprincess aaaa your dragons are gorgeous *_* Dem accents.
Hurray! My progen, Oberon, mage and book keeper.


His mate, Mabhe, is chiefly a collector of small shiny things. She used to be a Ridgeback, but found it inconvenient.


And lastly, Crocus, who I hatched in celebration of Nature's victory against Light this August. I haven't come up with any lore for her yet, but can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that my very first gen. 1 hatch is an XXY??


@pastelprincess aaaa your dragons are gorgeous *_* Dem accents.
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Hehehe faes, you say? Well, there's Erebus, [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As clan founder and first dragon I ever owned, she has a lot of value to me. Not yet gened, but a very pretty alchemist indeed! Then, there's Stolidi, [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A very pretty shiny dragon and half of my favorite breeding pair. And finally, Aspro. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The assassin/bone king. You will NEVER hear him coming.
Hehehe faes, you say?

Well, there's Erebus,


As clan founder and first dragon I ever owned, she has a lot of value to me. Not yet gened, but a very pretty alchemist indeed!

Then, there's Stolidi,


A very pretty shiny dragon and half of my favorite breeding pair.

And finally, Aspro.


The assassin/bone king. You will NEVER hear him coming.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Viella, one of the first dragons I got on here. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Yamaguchi, a not-very-good Haikyuu fandragon. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And Codhi, a foster dragon. (If you want to adopt him, ask the Shadow Flight Orphanage and Adoption Center~!)


Viella, one of the first dragons I got on here.


Yamaguchi, a not-very-good Haikyuu fandragon.


And Codhi, a foster dragon. (If you want to adopt him, ask the Shadow Flight Orphanage and Adoption Center~!)
Mira | He/They | FR +14