
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | Fairygore Coli & Level Services (Hiatus)
Username: DiamondDogg
Payment Type: gems
Venue (Required): could you do 30min waterway and 30min blooming grove?
Time Wanted: 30min waterway/blooming grove
All Drops?: yes
Fest?: no
Other: if you cant do 30min each, then just 1hr blooming grove, ty <3
Username: DiamondDogg
Payment Type: gems
Venue (Required): could you do 30min waterway and 30min blooming grove?
Time Wanted: 30min waterway/blooming grove
All Drops?: yes
Fest?: no
Other: if you cant do 30min each, then just 1hr blooming grove, ty <3
@DiamondDogg Yeah, I can do 30 mins in each. :) I'll get on that later tonight.
@DiamondDogg Yeah, I can do 30 mins in each. :) I'll get on that later tonight.
@DiamondDogg Beginning your grind now!
@DiamondDogg Beginning your grind now!
@DiamondDogg Your order is complete! I think I asked for gems in the CR but I see now you asked to pay treasure, treasure payment is just fine.
@DiamondDogg Your order is complete! I think I asked for gems in the CR but I see now you asked to pay treasure, treasure payment is just fine.
@Milim Beginning your 2 hour fest grind in Rainsong Jungle. All items will be sent via PM when complete.
@Milim Beginning your 2 hour fest grind in Rainsong Jungle. All items will be sent via PM when complete.
@Bashmu Beginning your grind now! I don't know if I'll finish tonight but if not I'll have it done first thing when I wake up.

@Fest Grinding Openings 2 slots available! Pre-payment may be sent and I can send your results by PM, or you can pay after for CR.
@Bashmu Beginning your grind now! I don't know if I'll finish tonight but if not I'll have it done first thing when I wake up.

@Fest Grinding Openings 2 slots available! Pre-payment may be sent and I can send your results by PM, or you can pay after for CR.
Hello~ Back to make another regular grinding order, you can keep any and all fest drops :D thank you~ and if other people make fest orders, I don't mind waiting a week!

Username: Solune
Payment Type: Gems
Venue (Required): Blooming Grove
Time Wanted: 2 hours
All Drops?: Yes
Fest?: No
Hello~ Back to make another regular grinding order, you can keep any and all fest drops :D thank you~ and if other people make fest orders, I don't mind waiting a week!

Username: Solune
Payment Type: Gems
Venue (Required): Blooming Grove
Time Wanted: 2 hours
All Drops?: Yes
Fest?: No
IRGjArc.png Rsc6XkA.png 2YMPPCT.png
@Solune No worries, I'll put you down! There's a pretty good chance I'll be doing a fest grind for you too, I work for the Crusaders also. XD
@Solune No worries, I'll put you down! There's a pretty good chance I'll be doing a fest grind for you too, I work for the Crusaders also. XD
Ooo! I didn't realize [emoji=ridgeback laughing size=2] but if so my currency is all ready and waiting to be sent out!
Ooo! I didn't realize but if so my currency is all ready and waiting to be sent out!
IRGjArc.png Rsc6XkA.png 2YMPPCT.png
Username: Azrail
Payment Type: Gems
Venue (Required): Forgotten Cave
Time Wanted: 2 hours
All Drops?: Yes
Fest?: Yes
Other: N/A
Username: Azrail
Payment Type: Gems
Venue (Required): Forgotten Cave
Time Wanted: 2 hours
All Drops?: Yes
Fest?: Yes
Other: N/A