[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79096898]thefrogmother [/url]would like to offer her (read: her level 25 dragons') coliseum services!
[b]general policy + info:[/b]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] be sure to read all of the [u]frog information points[/u] before ordering!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] 1g:1000t
[emoji=treefrog size=1] wishlist items are accepted at LAH: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79965475]click here![/url]
[b]fodder leveling[/b]
[i]thefrogmother will train your fodder dragons to a level of your choosing[/i][/center]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/53530215]clara [/url]and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/41013675]rhaego [/url]will be the two level 25 dragons tasked with your dragons :)
[emoji=treefrog size=1] fodder dragons will be trained to a level between 1-10
[emoji=treefrog size=1] 1 level: 1g (ex: level 7: 7g, level 10: 10g)
[emoji=treefrog size=1] bulk orders welcome; [b]no limit on fodder dragons[/b]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] either PAs or CRs work for me! i'll be sending your dragons back through the method you choose
[emoji=treefrog size=1] please help me out by putting your username in the bio of your dragons!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] for an extra 3g per dragon, i will provide you with the fodder dragons (most likely bred from my own fodder pairs). these can be kept instead of exalting if you take a liking to them, but unlike the dragons in the "pwyw levelled dragons" section, i'm giving them up to be exalted!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] [b](frogfrog's lair) current fodder count: 9 available[/b]
[quote=funding frogfrog's love for apparel and frogs]
(if sending fodder) sending this amount of fodder:
(if buying from frogfrog's lair) would like this amount of fodder:
desired level(s):
total amount (payment in kt/g?):
sending them through (private auction or crossroads?):
[b]venue grinding[/b]
[i]thefrogmother will spend a specified amount of time in a venue of your choosing[/i][/center]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] 1 hour, any venue: 70g
[emoji=treefrog size=1] each additional hour: +50g, each additional half hour: +30g
[emoji=treefrog size=1] please only order in 30 minute/1 hour intervals for the sake of easy calculations!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] 24 hour guarantee for any orders <3 hours!! (once your order is in progress)
[emoji=treefrog size=1] bulk (over 3 hours) orders welcome; [b]please allow for some extra time to get bulk orders finished![/b]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] [u]all[/u] drops will be sent to you, including high value items (bosses, genes, chests...);[b]does not include festival[/b]
[quote=funding frogfrog's love for apparel and frogs]
desired venue:
desired time:
total amount (payment in kt/g?):
[b]wall of fame[/b]
[i]thefrogmother thanks you for purchasing her services <3[/i]
[indent][left]in progress:
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/Cantertothewinds = 20 fodder
in queue:
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/Vinid = 5hr, waterway
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/could be you! :D
past order log:
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/vinid = 3hr, forbidden portal
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/frame = 2hr, volcanic vents
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/itsThirteen = 1.5hr, forbidden portal
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/Liramyne = 3hr, crystal pool [b](+30min)[/b]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/B00KW0RM = 3hr, thunderhead savanna [b](+30min)[/b]
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/Tobin = 5hr, boreal wood
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/EntityUnknown = 2hr 30min, forbidden portal
[emoji=treefrog size=1] @/Scenario = 21 fodder
[quote=itsThirteen ('s amazing frog puns)]
REVIEW!: I took a LEAP and hired a grinder I had never done business with before. Frogfrog's service was unFROGettable, HOPPING fast, I didn't have to wait till I CROAKed to get my crossroads trades approved. 10/10 for service!
Thank you!! Your training was super timely and you were very accommodating :DD
If I ever have more fodder that needs to be trained, I'll def come to your shop![/quote]
thefrogmother would like to offer her (read: her level 25 dragons') coliseum services!
general policy + info:

be sure to read all of the
frog information points before ordering!


wishlist items are accepted at LAH:
click here!
fodder leveling
thefrogmother will train your fodder dragons to a level of your choosing
clara and
rhaego will be the two level 25 dragons tasked with your dragons :)

fodder dragons will be trained to a level between 1-10

1 level: 1g (ex: level 7: 7g, level 10: 10g)

bulk orders welcome;
no limit on fodder dragons

either PAs or CRs work for me! i'll be sending your dragons back through the method you choose

please help me out by putting your username in the bio of your dragons!

for an extra 3g per dragon, i will provide you with the fodder dragons (most likely bred from my own fodder pairs). these can be kept instead of exalting if you take a liking to them, but unlike the dragons in the "pwyw levelled dragons" section, i'm giving them up to be exalted!
(frogfrog's lair) current fodder count: 9 available
funding frogfrog's love for apparel and frogs wrote:
(if sending fodder) sending this amount of fodder:
(if buying from frogfrog's lair) would like this amount of fodder:
desired level(s):
total amount (payment in kt/g?):
sending them through (private auction or crossroads?):
venue grinding
thefrogmother will spend a specified amount of time in a venue of your choosing

1 hour, any venue: 70g

each additional hour: +50g, each additional half hour: +30g

please only order in 30 minute/1 hour intervals for the sake of easy calculations!

24 hour guarantee for any orders <3 hours!! (once your order is in progress)

bulk (over 3 hours) orders welcome;
please allow for some extra time to get bulk orders finished!
all drops will be sent to you, including high value items (bosses, genes, chests...);
does not include festival
funding frogfrog's love for apparel and frogs wrote:
desired venue:
desired time:
total amount (payment in kt/g?):
wall of fame
thefrogmother thanks you for purchasing her services <3
in progress:

@/Cantertothewinds = 20 fodder
in queue:

@/Vinid = 5hr, waterway

@/could be you! :D
past order log:

@/vinid = 3hr, forbidden portal

@/frame = 2hr, volcanic vents

@/itsThirteen = 1.5hr, forbidden portal

@/Liramyne = 3hr, crystal pool

@/B00KW0RM = 3hr, thunderhead savanna

@/Tobin = 5hr, boreal wood

@/EntityUnknown = 2hr 30min, forbidden portal

@/Scenario = 21 fodder
itsThirteen ('s amazing frog puns) wrote:
REVIEW!: I took a LEAP and hired a grinder I had never done business with before. Frogfrog's service was unFROGettable, HOPPING fast, I didn't have to wait till I CROAKed to get my crossroads trades approved. 10/10 for service!
Scenario wrote:
Thank you!! Your training was super timely and you were very accommodating :DD
If I ever have more fodder that needs to be trained, I'll def come to your shop!
[b]pwyw levelled dragons[/b]
[i]thefrogmother is pleased to introduce her newly trained soldiers![/i]
[indent][left][emoji=treefrog size=1] 1g:1000t, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79965475]wishlist [/url]accepted
[emoji=treefrog size=1] this section is mainly for players who want to get into the coliseum, if looking for fodder, please consider purchasing my [b]fodder levelling[/b] service instead!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] pinglist available upon request! feel free to ask to be on a specific one! (ex: only level 10s, only level 5s)
[emoji=treefrog size=1] all dragons here [b]are pwyw[/b], but keep in mind training them up is a daunting and time consuming task! please don't adopt just to exalt :( however, once the dragon enters your lair, it is yours to do what you want with it!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] the exalting payouts and LAH are a good guideline for how much you can expect to pay for a levelled dragon!
[b]adoption form[/b]
[center][quote=hehe pretty warrior derg][left]@frogfrog
dragon name (name if unnamed):
dragon id:
payment amount (kt/g/trade?):
(optional) questions/concerns:[/left][/quote]
[b]level 10[/b]
[i]average exalt payout for a level 10 dragon is ~15k[/i]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=80000949][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/800010/80000949_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=80000949][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/800010/80000949.png[/img][/url][br]Court[br]ID# - 80000949[br][emoji=lightning rune size=1][br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_male.png[/img][br][br]XXX[br]Ice | Pinstripe[br]Ice | Trail[br]Ice | Firefly[br][emoji=coliseum team size=1] 10[/columns]
pwyw levelled dragons
thefrogmother is pleased to introduce her newly trained soldiers!

wishlist accepted

this section is mainly for players who want to get into the coliseum, if looking for fodder, please consider purchasing my
fodder levelling service instead!

pinglist available upon request! feel free to ask to be on a specific one! (ex: only level 10s, only level 5s)

all dragons here
are pwyw, but keep in mind training them up is a daunting and time consuming task! please don't adopt just to exalt :( however, once the dragon enters your lair, it is yours to do what you want with it!

the exalting payouts and LAH are a good guideline for how much you can expect to pay for a levelled dragon!
adoption form
hehe pretty warrior derg wrote:
dragon name (name if unnamed):
dragon id:
payment amount (kt/g/trade?):
(optional) questions/concerns:
level 10
average exalt payout for a level 10 dragon is ~15k
[b]level 25 dragons[/b]
[i]thefrogmother would like to introduce her clan's strongest dragons! [/i]
[indent][left][emoji=treefrog size=1] general policy + info (see first post) apply here too!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] i'm open to all sorts of offers, so please don't hesitate to post!
[emoji=treefrog size=1] this section is[b] not pwyw[/b], see the post above!
[b]open for offers[/b]
[i]LAH for a level 25 dragon (as of 9/24) is 215g [/i]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=53530215][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/535303/53530215_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=53530215][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/535303/53530215.png[/img][/url][br]Clara[br]ID# - 53530215[br][emoji=earth rune size=1] Multi-Gaze Eyes [emoji=special eyes size=1][br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_female.png[/img][br][br]Rose | Mosaic[br]Maize | Streak[br]Lemon | Wintercoat[br][emoji=coliseum team size=1] 25, fully statted + stoned[br]3 scrys in bio![/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=78121436][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/781215/78121436_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=78121436][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/781215/78121436.png[/img][/url][br]Kalestryx[br]ID# - 78121436[br][emoji=lightning rune size=1][br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_female.png[/img][br][br]Spearmint | Vipera[br]Spearmint | Flair[br]Pear | Underbelly[br][emoji=coliseum team size=1] 25, unstatted + unstoned[br]XXY
Vitali's Warriors Descendant[/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=78121535][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/781216/78121535_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=78121535][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/781216/78121535.png[/img][/url][br]Fletcher[br]ID# - 78121535[br][emoji=plague rune size=1][br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_male.png[/img][br][br]Cobalt | Clown[br]Denim | Eye Spots[br]Crocodile | Underbelly[br][emoji=coliseum team size=1] 25, unstatted + unstoned[br]Vitali's Warriors Descendant[/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=45908626][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/459087/45908626_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=45908626][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/459087/45908626.png[/img][/url][br]Mazer[br]ID# - 45908626[br][emoji=nature rune size=1][br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_male.png[/img][br][br]Moss | Speckle[br]Hunter | Eye Spots[br]Ice | Firefly[br][emoji=coliseum team size=1] 25, unstatted but stoned (no elim)[/columns]
level 25 dragons
thefrogmother would like to introduce her clan's strongest dragons!

general policy + info (see first post) apply here too!

i'm open to all sorts of offers, so please don't hesitate to post!

this section is
not pwyw, see the post above!
open for offers
LAH for a level 25 dragon (as of 9/24) is 215g
[center][emoji=bogsneak happy size=1][/center]
[center][emoji=bogsneak happy size=1][/center]
username: Vinid
desired venue: Forbidden Portal
desired time: 3 hours
total amount (payment): 170g
payment type (kt/g): gems
First time buying coli grinding, I am very glad it's with a frog appreciator lol.
username: Vinid
desired venue: Forbidden Portal
desired time: 3 hours
total amount (payment): 170g
payment type (kt/g): gems
First time buying coli grinding, I am very glad it's with a frog appreciator lol.
@vinid haha glad to meet another member of the frog [s]cult[/s] APPRECIATORS
thank you for choosing my shop! i’ll get started right away <3 i’ve vaulted all my personal items, and if at any time you’d like an update, please ping or pm me! once i’m done, i’ll ping you here and send you a cr! i’ll be done your order by tonight (at the latest, one hour after rollover) [emoji=treefrog size=1]
vinid haha glad to meet another member of the frog
thank you for choosing my shop! i’ll get started right away <3 i’ve vaulted all my personal items, and if at any time you’d like an update, please ping or pm me! once i’m done, i’ll ping you here and send you a cr! i’ll be done your order by tonight (at the latest, one hour after rollover)
frogfrog Sounds good!! If it's after I've gone to sleep, I'll be sure to check first thing in the morning. :) Thank you!! Hoping for the Adjudicator apparel haha.
frogfrog Sounds good!! If it's after I've gone to sleep, I'll be sure to check first thing in the morning. :) Thank you!! Hoping for the Adjudicator apparel haha.
username: Frame
desired venue: Volcanic vents!
desired time: 2 hours
total amount (payment): 120kt/g
payment type (kt/g): treasure
username: Frame
desired venue: Volcanic vents!
desired time: 2 hours
total amount (payment): 120kt/g
payment type (kt/g): treasure
@frame hi! thank you for choosing my shop <3
as soon as i finish Vinid's order, i'll get started on yours! like for their order, i’ve vaulted all my personal items, and if at any time you’d like an update, please ping or pm me! once i’m done, i’ll ping you here and send you a cr!
eta: guaranteed within 24 hours, but likely will be done tomorrow morning-afternoon! (m a y b e tonight around rollover?? will try my best :P ) [emoji=treefrog size=1]
frame hi! thank you for choosing my shop <3
as soon as i finish Vinid's order, i'll get started on yours! like for their order, i’ve vaulted all my personal items, and if at any time you’d like an update, please ping or pm me! once i’m done, i’ll ping you here and send you a cr!
eta: guaranteed within 24 hours, but likely will be done tomorrow morning-afternoon! (m a y b e tonight around rollover?? will try my best :P )