
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | Cheap Festival Grinding[Open]

Yup I'll add you now(:

Yup I'll add you now(:
Hi! If you still have slots available, I'd like to reserve a spot; 1hr for 50g in Thunderhead Savannah? Thanks :)
Hi! If you still have slots available, I'd like to reserve a spot; 1hr for 50g in Thunderhead Savannah? Thanks :)
.eve | .fr+0 | .she/they
͏͏ nyoom
_linktree. _wishlist. _my accents. _about me.

I gotchu

I gotchu
Which venue? Thunderhead Savannah
How long? 3 hour!

also, pinglist pls!
Which venue? Thunderhead Savannah
How long? 3 hour!

also, pinglist pls!
KMv71f5.png cHa0MYt.png

Which venue?: Thunderhead Savanna
How long?: 2 hours please!

I'd love to be on your pinglist as well ^^
Which venue?: Thunderhead Savanna
How long?: 2 hours please!

I'd love to be on your pinglist as well ^^
FaCKLHz.png |Buying Spare Inventory Crates |
| WishList |
| Sales Tab |

It's time to begin, please send a two way crossroad so I can work even when you're offline and be able to send your drops <3 happy thundercrack!

It's time to begin, please send a two way crossroad so I can work even when you're offline and be able to send your drops <3 happy thundercrack!

I've updated the best venues list after a few test runs. Just let me know if you wish to change venues. Don't worry if I've already begun your order you'll still get the time you originally ordered in the venue you pick if you change.(:

I've updated the best venues list after a few test runs. Just let me know if you wish to change venues. Don't worry if I've already begun your order you'll still get the time you originally ordered in the venue you pick if you change.(:
I've been using the Thunderhead Savannah myself with good results, so if you haven't started mine feel free to switch it. Thanks!
I've been using the Thunderhead Savannah myself with good results, so if you haven't started mine feel free to switch it. Thanks!
22ywPUF.png Ao7i1jI.png TSLAPe2.gifUXRaoCb.png6OIh6CV.pngVod89n8.pngMGIo0DJ.gifs7d0V1v.png
oh yes, I'd like to change mine to thunderhead please!
oh yes, I'd like to change mine to thunderhead please!
Would also like to swap to Thunderhead ^^
Would also like to swap to Thunderhead ^^
~~~~~~~~~~~ 2Qq5g63.png
• frt + 2
• exalting lair
• g1 lair
• they/them

selling stuff
selling gems
buying gems
fodder levelling

sun trio: