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@Elven0Artist0 Someone could definitely have over 500 food points! There is no limit to how many food points you can have at any given time. :)
@Elven0Artist0 Someone could definitely have over 500 food points! There is no limit to how many food points you can have at any given time. :)

1) Because unopened containers are always worth a little more, generally because some people collect them.

2) No. The only way you can trade IRL money for gems is Paypal, or trading treasure for gems on the Item Sales board.

3) Low. Very, very low. It's not affected by exalt bonuses, it just happens sometimes.

4) Yes. In almost you exact words, no less, they described an item trading system "like the crossroads for items". No ETA though; it'll likely be after the site recode.

1) Because unopened containers are always worth a little more, generally because some people collect them.

2) No. The only way you can trade IRL money for gems is Paypal, or trading treasure for gems on the Item Sales board.

3) Low. Very, very low. It's not affected by exalt bonuses, it just happens sometimes.

4) Yes. In almost you exact words, no less, they described an item trading system "like the crossroads for items". No ETA though; it'll likely be after the site recode.
Question about the Marketplace.

Are Skins only available here during Festivals? I've never seen any here during any other time that I can recall, it's always empty. Besides the ones you can get with Gems.

Have I just been unlucky? I guess they go fast.
Question about the Marketplace.

Are Skins only available here during Festivals? I've never seen any here during any other time that I can recall, it's always empty. Besides the ones you can get with Gems.

Have I just been unlucky? I guess they go fast.
@GekkouKitsune Pretty sure the only treasure marketplace skins are for festivals, yeah.
@GekkouKitsune Pretty sure the only treasure marketplace skins are for festivals, yeah.

Bummer, I was afraid of that. Thanks for the quick response!

Bummer, I was afraid of that. Thanks for the quick response!
Question about accounts...

What does "Account Locked" mean?
Question about accounts...

What does "Account Locked" mean?
@Moonwater Banned, I think? I've also seen 'account-locked' in reference to progens since they're the only dragons you can't sell or trade away.
@Moonwater Banned, I think? I've also seen 'account-locked' in reference to progens since they're the only dragons you can't sell or trade away.
How does one post a picture of a dragon preview they made in the "predict morphology" section of the scrying workshop? I know how to post pictures of actual dragons owned by someone, but not of scrying workshop dragons.

This seems like something that is probably really obvious, sorry! I can't seem to find how to do it in the FAQs or guides anywhere that I looked.
How does one post a picture of a dragon preview they made in the "predict morphology" section of the scrying workshop? I know how to post pictures of actual dragons owned by someone, but not of scrying workshop dragons.

This seems like something that is probably really obvious, sorry! I can't seem to find how to do it in the FAQs or guides anywhere that I looked.
@Thoracosaurus Right click and copy image url (or something similar, depending on browser), paste in img tags and add .png to the end So [code][/code] Will end up like [code][img][/img][/code]
@Thoracosaurus Right click and copy image url (or something similar, depending on browser), paste in img tags and add .png to the end
Will end up like
@Lonin Ohhh! Awesome, thanks so much! [img][/img] Sweet, I got it to work! X3 Thanks again! (Also I'm unashamedly showing off this lovely lady that hatched today in her adult form, because I am such an overly proud derg mother and can't stop basking in her glory. SO CUTE AHH I CAN'T STOP)

Ohhh! Awesome, thanks so much!


Sweet, I got it to work! X3
Thanks again!

(Also I'm unashamedly showing off this lovely lady that hatched today in her adult form, because I am such an overly proud derg mother and can't stop basking in her glory. SO CUTE AHH I CAN'T STOP)
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