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@TheGen1Collector There is a guide to BBCode, which the site uses, here.
@TheGen1Collector There is a guide to BBCode, which the site uses, here.
Thank you so so much! This is amazing!!
Thank you so so much! This is amazing!!
Hi! I was wondering
1: Are we allowed to make art of different dragons to sale on tee shirts on a different website like Redbubble? With the tee shirt description having a link to FR or Saying based off of the game Flight Rising
2: If so can people commission to have art of their dragon/s on a tee shirt?
There would be no FR currency involved^-^
Thank you!
Hi! I was wondering
1: Are we allowed to make art of different dragons to sale on tee shirts on a different website like Redbubble? With the tee shirt description having a link to FR or Saying based off of the game Flight Rising
2: If so can people commission to have art of their dragon/s on a tee shirt?
There would be no FR currency involved^-^
Thank you!
@BellaMoon No, that wouldn't be allowed.
3. No more than 5 units be sold of tangible merchandise utilizing the Company’s intellectual property (IP) be sold for "real world" currency. Making a piece of fan art or a craft project is fine, but making a business out of Company or Services merchandise is not.

1. Tangible merchandise utilizing Company or Services IP may be gifted, traded, purchased with Virtual Currency, or raffled (provided the raffle does not utilize "real world" currency) beyond this 5 unit limit, but may not be sold for "real world" currency once the 5 unit limit is exceeded.

4. Artwork utilizing the Company or Services IP may not be added to third party, print-service stores. Example: shapeways, deviantart prints, redbubble, cafepress, zazzle, and similar entities.
@BellaMoon No, that wouldn't be allowed.
3. No more than 5 units be sold of tangible merchandise utilizing the Company’s intellectual property (IP) be sold for "real world" currency. Making a piece of fan art or a craft project is fine, but making a business out of Company or Services merchandise is not.

1. Tangible merchandise utilizing Company or Services IP may be gifted, traded, purchased with Virtual Currency, or raffled (provided the raffle does not utilize "real world" currency) beyond this 5 unit limit, but may not be sold for "real world" currency once the 5 unit limit is exceeded.

4. Artwork utilizing the Company or Services IP may not be added to third party, print-service stores. Example: shapeways, deviantart prints, redbubble, cafepress, zazzle, and similar entities.

Flight Rising Discussion. Surveys/polls that aren't related to the game are considered spam, but FR-related surveys and census polls are commonplace.

Flight Rising Discussion. Surveys/polls that aren't related to the game are considered spam, but FR-related surveys and census polls are commonplace.

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
feleV0g.png PmVLgRx.png
@CaptainMoof Hello! Additionally, players may never use Flight Rising for outside data collection/research. As you say this is a school project, it is not allowed.
@CaptainMoof Hello! Additionally, players may never use Flight Rising for outside data collection/research. As you say this is a school project, it is not allowed.
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
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Might I ask why attempting to name my dragon "Drowned" prompts the "That name is not allowed." error to show up? I'm assuming its just a banned word because its related to death in a way, but I'd still like to confirm why its not allowed
Might I ask why attempting to name my dragon "Drowned" prompts the "That name is not allowed." error to show up? I'm assuming its just a banned word because its related to death in a way, but I'd still like to confirm why its not allowed

To hear from the developers themselves, send a ticket.

It's generally not advised to discuss banned content for obvious reasons, but historically, names are almost always banned on the basis of "this references something the developers don't want mentioned on the website" or "there was a specific case of targeted exalting harassment that needed to stop," if not a combination of both.

As you might've guessed, most names that imply the dragon is dead, dying, or suffering are banned, likely for the latter reason. It's frustrating, but I'm sure you can imagine someone might be upset to find their hatchlings sold and exalted by someone who named/renamed all of them "Drowned" or "Murdered."

To hear from the developers themselves, send a ticket.

It's generally not advised to discuss banned content for obvious reasons, but historically, names are almost always banned on the basis of "this references something the developers don't want mentioned on the website" or "there was a specific case of targeted exalting harassment that needed to stop," if not a combination of both.

As you might've guessed, most names that imply the dragon is dead, dying, or suffering are banned, likely for the latter reason. It's frustrating, but I'm sure you can imagine someone might be upset to find their hatchlings sold and exalted by someone who named/renamed all of them "Drowned" or "Murdered."

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
feleV0g.png PmVLgRx.png
What programs can open accent/skin bases on my
iPhone? MediBang doesn’t work, Firealpaca has no mobile version, I’m not rich so no photoshop, and GIMP is…not it. Any alternatives/tips? I use MediBang and I’d like to contribute using it if possible.
What programs can open accent/skin bases on my
iPhone? MediBang doesn’t work, Firealpaca has no mobile version, I’m not rich so no photoshop, and GIMP is…not it. Any alternatives/tips? I use MediBang and I’d like to contribute using it if possible.

I don't do accents, but be sure to double-check whether you're trying to open a ".psd" or a ".zip" file. If it's the latter, you'll need to "unzip" the file and extract the PSD before you can use it in any art program.

After a little searching online, Medibang is apparently a little finicky with PSDs on some devices, but it should be compatible. I don't know what device you're using, so you may have to do your own troubleshooting.

As for alternative programs, I've heard good things about Procreate for mobile devices.

I don't do accents, but be sure to double-check whether you're trying to open a ".psd" or a ".zip" file. If it's the latter, you'll need to "unzip" the file and extract the PSD before you can use it in any art program.

After a little searching online, Medibang is apparently a little finicky with PSDs on some devices, but it should be compatible. I don't know what device you're using, so you may have to do your own troubleshooting.

As for alternative programs, I've heard good things about Procreate for mobile devices.

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
feleV0g.png PmVLgRx.png
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