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new desktop background yes gawd

new desktop background yes gawd
@Casandraelf Put basically, because if the admin aren't going to allow a thread/group, I'd rather find out and leave without getting yelled at for trying to make one first. Plus it's a good way to let the staff know that there will be one, so if trolls try to drop into the thread and mods are needed, asking them to help won't be coming out of nowhere. So basically I was just being overly cautious.
@Casandraelf Put basically, because if the admin aren't going to allow a thread/group, I'd rather find out and leave without getting yelled at for trying to make one first. Plus it's a good way to let the staff know that there will be one, so if trolls try to drop into the thread and mods are needed, asking them to help won't be coming out of nowhere. So basically I was just being overly cautious.
Curiosity hasn't killed me yet.

Starfall Skin/Accent Price Tracking Spreadsheet
@Sylverwyng If you were to audition for Drag Race, I'd cheer you on. I suddenly got this great mental image of a queen walking around in a Flight Rising-inspired outfit. Flamecaller couture anyone?
@Sylverwyng If you were to audition for Drag Race, I'd cheer you on. I suddenly got this great mental image of a queen walking around in a Flight Rising-inspired outfit. Flamecaller couture anyone?
@Frey - happy to help! Enjoy the glory that is Drag race.

Haha nice @Plague. Alyssa is one of the funniest queens IMO, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.

@Frey - happy to help! Enjoy the glory that is Drag race.

Haha nice @Plague. Alyssa is one of the funniest queens IMO, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.

@s0yya Wasn't Alyssa wearing a shirt with Hyrule's sigil on it once? I think I caught Jade wearing an Adventure Time hat once. Does that mean we have some nerds among Ru's drag family?
@s0yya Wasn't Alyssa wearing a shirt with Hyrule's sigil on it once? I think I caught Jade wearing an Adventure Time hat once. Does that mean we have some nerds among Ru's drag family?
I think you're right on both accounts.
I think you're right on both accounts.
Moving on, I have a little pet theory about homosexuality, although it could probably be applied to any alternate sexuality. The theory is this: homosexuality is a failsafe population control put in place by nature. Humans are hit with it the most because we don't have any natural enemies. Infighting and disease just aren't keeping us under control, so homosexuality occurs much more often in humans. Homosexual behavior has been recorded in the animal kingdom, but it's significantly less common than it is in humans.
Moving on, I have a little pet theory about homosexuality, although it could probably be applied to any alternate sexuality. The theory is this: homosexuality is a failsafe population control put in place by nature. Humans are hit with it the most because we don't have any natural enemies. Infighting and disease just aren't keeping us under control, so homosexuality occurs much more often in humans. Homosexual behavior has been recorded in the animal kingdom, but it's significantly less common than it is in humans.

I've never heard of RPDR. o3o Maybe I'll check it out.

For my part, I'm a cisgender male.
Online I'm pansexual; IRL I'm not much of anything. Asexual panromantic, maybe? I don't know, I've never gotten the chance to find out.

I'm sort of boring, honestly.

I've never heard of RPDR. o3o Maybe I'll check it out.

For my part, I'm a cisgender male.
Online I'm pansexual; IRL I'm not much of anything. Asexual panromantic, maybe? I don't know, I've never gotten the chance to find out.

I'm sort of boring, honestly.
@Casandraelf: Homosexual men also tend to have siblings with more children - it's been shown in studies, and it's certainly true of my family: we're above average and my mother often says she kinda regrets not having more; my uncle is also gay. So that seems to be part of it, as well - it's a really good trait in women, and men with the trait produce more resources and have bonds to the women who have more kids, which means they're also assisting, and since their sisters with the trait have more kids and they contribute to those children's survival it's successful.

It's also only about 50% genetics in men. So there's that. Interestingly, younger sons are more likely to be homosexual than older sons! It's believed that the differences in hormonal balances in later pregnancies are probably at fault (they're also at fault for increases in developmental problems - the body simply isn't built to handle having that many children, since there's no reason it should have to - it's hard to feed a family of three as a hunter-gatherer, let alone a family of 10, and ag. societies can't be too crowded without disease, plus you still can't practically feed too large a family).

(Rams are equally likely to be gay as human men. Lesbianism doesn't tend to be recorded because in many species female animals simply don't have any say, and so it's hard to say what they'd say. And reptiles and stuff, they don't really have sexuality - and it's common in some birds, too, mostly the smarter ones, not the dumb ones.

A lot of homosexuals have kids, too: I am definitely having kids, even if I never marry I'm having kids! :3 So although it's good you're theorizing, I don't think you're right, particularly since nature isn't intelligent and humans have historically have had such serious issues that overpopulation is actually an extremely recent problem: agriculture made early humans unusually easy prey to disease ;3)

Irrelevantly: In regards to coming out, I&#039;ve done pretty well - I was really scared, because I&#039;m nonmodern/nonfundamentalist Christian who goes to a Baptist church, but it actually went pretty well. Some people don&#039;t know because though I don&#039;t try to hide it, I don&#039;t bring it up if I don&#039;t have some kind of reason to. But everyone who knows has been fine with it - there are two folks who are a little uncomfortable with it, and one of them is just uncomfortable with sex an relationship stuff in general, so we talk about relevant things like politics and birds instead of what sorts of people I think are sexy! <3

@Casandraelf: Homosexual men also tend to have siblings with more children - it&#039;s been shown in studies, and it&#039;s certainly true of my family: we&#039;re above average and my mother often says she kinda regrets not having more; my uncle is also gay. So that seems to be part of it, as well - it&#039;s a really good trait in women, and men with the trait produce more resources and have bonds to the women who have more kids, which means they&#039;re also assisting, and since their sisters with the trait have more kids and they contribute to those children&#039;s survival it&#039;s successful.

It&#039;s also only about 50% genetics in men. So there&#039;s that. Interestingly, younger sons are more likely to be homosexual than older sons! It&#039;s believed that the differences in hormonal balances in later pregnancies are probably at fault (they&#039;re also at fault for increases in developmental problems - the body simply isn&#039;t built to handle having that many children, since there&#039;s no reason it should have to - it&#039;s hard to feed a family of three as a hunter-gatherer, let alone a family of 10, and ag. societies can&#039;t be too crowded without disease, plus you still can&#039;t practically feed too large a family).

(Rams are equally likely to be gay as human men. Lesbianism doesn&#039;t tend to be recorded because in many species female animals simply don&#039;t have any say, and so it&#039;s hard to say what they&#039;d say. And reptiles and stuff, they don&#039;t really have sexuality - and it&#039;s common in some birds, too, mostly the smarter ones, not the dumb ones.

A lot of homosexuals have kids, too: I am definitely having kids, even if I never marry I&#039;m having kids! :3 So although it&#039;s good you&#039;re theorizing, I don&#039;t think you&#039;re right, particularly since nature isn&#039;t intelligent and humans have historically have had such serious issues that overpopulation is actually an extremely recent problem: agriculture made early humans unusually easy prey to disease ;3)

Irrelevantly: In regards to coming out, I&#039;ve done pretty well - I was really scared, because I&#039;m nonmodern/nonfundamentalist Christian who goes to a Baptist church, but it actually went pretty well. Some people don&#039;t know because though I don&#039;t try to hide it, I don&#039;t bring it up if I don&#039;t have some kind of reason to. But everyone who knows has been fine with it - there are two folks who are a little uncomfortable with it, and one of them is just uncomfortable with sex an relationship stuff in general, so we talk about relevant things like politics and birds instead of what sorts of people I think are sexy! <3

I am an FtM, but I will not get bottom surgery. I am just a normal guy to any onlooker. I am attracted strongly to women, I love the chase, to sweep a lady up off her feet and see the twinkle of happiness in her eye. So, I am pretty much just a straight guy. The last surgery I intend to have will be at the beginning of next year, so I will be a guy on papers then. Just a step to where I would like to be. :]

I am very conservative when it comes to how "open" I am about such things - mostly due to where I live - so most people just know me as a guy anyway. It makes things a lot easier. There is an influx of hate crime in my area of the world.
I am an FtM, but I will not get bottom surgery. I am just a normal guy to any onlooker. I am attracted strongly to women, I love the chase, to sweep a lady up off her feet and see the twinkle of happiness in her eye. So, I am pretty much just a straight guy. The last surgery I intend to have will be at the beginning of next year, so I will be a guy on papers then. Just a step to where I would like to be. :]

I am very conservative when it comes to how "open" I am about such things - mostly due to where I live - so most people just know me as a guy anyway. It makes things a lot easier. There is an influx of hate crime in my area of the world.
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