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Most of the words in this thread are confusing and intimidating to me. After a quick google, though, I discovered that I am, in fact, a straight lady. I'm a total tomboy, though. Does that count for anything exciting?
Most of the words in this thread are confusing and intimidating to me. After a quick google, though, I discovered that I am, in fact, a straight lady. I'm a total tomboy, though. Does that count for anything exciting?
I haven't watched Ru Paul's Drag Race but it sounds pretty interesting. =0 Wish I coulda caught it on Netflix. What is it about? I could google it, but for the sake of conversation I'd like to ask.~ It seems like there are a lot of drag queens... that race? Compete?

I identify as pansexual genderfluid. My personal meaning of that is that I can fall in love and be attracted to anybody, gay, straight, bi, trans, etc. I sometimes feel like one gender, then the next, sometimes a little of both, sometimes nothing at all. My fiance is mtf trans if that explains anything. :D I just never found a limit to who I could love, and I tend to fall in love with someone's mind over anything, which just makes them all the more beautiful to me.

I wish I could watch this show on Netflix, but I don't mind searching around online either. :)
I haven't watched Ru Paul's Drag Race but it sounds pretty interesting. =0 Wish I coulda caught it on Netflix. What is it about? I could google it, but for the sake of conversation I'd like to ask.~ It seems like there are a lot of drag queens... that race? Compete?

I identify as pansexual genderfluid. My personal meaning of that is that I can fall in love and be attracted to anybody, gay, straight, bi, trans, etc. I sometimes feel like one gender, then the next, sometimes a little of both, sometimes nothing at all. My fiance is mtf trans if that explains anything. :D I just never found a limit to who I could love, and I tend to fall in love with someone's mind over anything, which just makes them all the more beautiful to me.

I wish I could watch this show on Netflix, but I don't mind searching around online either. :)
[quote name="FiveSpirals" date="2013-07-09 08:36:58" url="main.php?p=mb&board=gend&page=1&id=390306#391170"]@Casandraelf - What is aromantic cisgender? I am genuinely curious.[/quote] Aromantic means I either can't or won't feel romantic attraction to anyone. Cisgender means I identify with my physical sex. In other words, I view myself as female and I am female. I adore Latrice Royale. I also love Sharon, Jinkx(Season 5 winner) and Jade.
@Casandraelf - What is aromantic cisgender? I am genuinely curious.

Aromantic means I either can't or won't feel romantic attraction to anyone. Cisgender means I identify with my physical sex. In other words, I view myself as female and I am female.

I adore Latrice Royale. I also love Sharon, Jinkx(Season 5 winner) and Jade.
@Caeldian Yeah it's kind of like America's Next Top Model for Drag Queens! Although with more sassy queen fieriness obviously :P Good luck finding it online though! It's a pretty difficult thing to find for some reason /:
@Caeldian Yeah it's kind of like America's Next Top Model for Drag Queens! Although with more sassy queen fieriness obviously :P Good luck finding it online though! It's a pretty difficult thing to find for some reason /:
I identify as a pansexual cisgender woman. :)
I identify as a pansexual cisgender woman. :)
@sheeplessnight Oh wow I shamelessly love America's Next Top Model. I'll watch it whenever I can catch it on tv. I wish it was on Netflix too. That, and Project Runway. And the promise of sassy queen fieriness just makes it even more intriguing. Sad that it's difficult to find, but I'll try. :P Thanks for the explanation!
@sheeplessnight Oh wow I shamelessly love America's Next Top Model. I'll watch it whenever I can catch it on tv. I wish it was on Netflix too. That, and Project Runway. And the promise of sassy queen fieriness just makes it even more intriguing. Sad that it's difficult to find, but I'll try. :P Thanks for the explanation!
@Caeldian No problem! It used to be on Netflix, (well, two seasons of it) I'm sad they took it down though /: There are place to watch it, but they tend to be pretty spotty so if you're okay with an occasional (or not so occasional) missed episode.... ahaha. Maybe Logo will put it up for viewing?

But yeah ANTM was pretty great too (': Not sure what they're doing now... probably something insanely crazy.
@Caeldian No problem! It used to be on Netflix, (well, two seasons of it) I'm sad they took it down though /: There are place to watch it, but they tend to be pretty spotty so if you're okay with an occasional (or not so occasional) missed episode.... ahaha. Maybe Logo will put it up for viewing?

But yeah ANTM was pretty great too (': Not sure what they're doing now... probably something insanely crazy.
haven&#039;t seen RuPaul, myself. heard mixed good and bad, and don&#039;t have a way to watch it anyway, if it&#039;s not online... >.<

I&#039;m an androgynous transguy. also gay.
haven&#039;t seen RuPaul, myself. heard mixed good and bad, and don&#039;t have a way to watch it anyway, if it&#039;s not online... >.<

I&#039;m an androgynous transguy. also gay.
I don&#039;t particularly like RPDR but I def respect that they do what they do and like 93% of them look like better women than I ever will so.

Pansexual person who is biologically female but doesn&#039;t really like the concept of gender but normally uses she/her pronouns??? idk
I don&#039;t particularly like RPDR but I def respect that they do what they do and like 93% of them look like better women than I ever will so.

Pansexual person who is biologically female but doesn&#039;t really like the concept of gender but normally uses she/her pronouns??? idk
im silas BWi9PQR.gif WKtl2lb.png
@zylenii I&#039;m somewhat ignorant to what pansexual means. Could you explain it to me?
@zylenii I&#039;m somewhat ignorant to what pansexual means. Could you explain it to me?
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