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TOPIC | ♥ Weekly Song Sharing (hiatus)
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Picking a favourite is hard. Got a whole I really like. In the end, though, I've now decided to go with [b]Stratovarius[/b]. Can't go wrong with some nice, energetic power metal. They got many great songs, so I decided to pick a selection from different albums. [url=]Black Diamond[/url] [url=]The Land of Ice and Snow[/url] [url=]Event Horizon[/url] [url=]Emancipation Suite Part 1 Dusk & Part 2 Dawn[/url] (Two songs, technically, but they belong to each other. And this gives me an excuse to bring in even more songs in one post [emoji=pearlcatcher tongue size=1]) [url=]Nemesis[/url] @VibinFrogFolk Glad you're in a better situation now. Went through a similar situation, about two years back now. It's rough and stressful, even scary, but always worth it in the end. There's no better feeling than being able to breathe again after all the doubt has cleared. Good on you to break free. I wish you the best for the future!
Picking a favourite is hard. Got a whole I really like. In the end, though, I've now decided to go with Stratovarius. Can't go wrong with some nice, energetic power metal. They got many great songs, so I decided to pick a selection from different albums.

Black Diamond
The Land of Ice and Snow
Event Horizon
Emancipation Suite Part 1 Dusk & Part 2 Dawn (Two songs, technically, but they belong to each other. And this gives me an excuse to bring in even more songs in one post )


Glad you're in a better situation now. Went through a similar situation, about two years back now. It's rough and stressful, even scary, but always worth it in the end. There's no better feeling than being able to breathe again after all the doubt has cleared. Good on you to break free. I wish you the best for the future!
gah, it's always tough for me to pick between favorites - i was torn between iyowa and have a nice life for this one, but iirc i've posted a bit more about iyowa than i have hanl, so looks like i'm starting off the new year with hanlposting! i swear, their music's just absolutely latched onto my brain the past few months.

(a bit of a warning - their music deals with some rather dark topics, so you may not want to listen to them if you're having a bad time mentally. then again, i've seen many people say that their music helped them through some tough times in their lives - it's up to the individual, really, so just exercise discretion and all that)

1. Waiting for Black Metal Records to Come in the Mail
2. Deep, Deep
3. Woe Unto Us (that bit at around 2:28 when the instrumental gets all stripped-back with that first "what if i decide" is absolute catnip to me. exquisite)
4. Dan and Tim, Reunited by Fate (my second most-listened-to song of 2023, according to spotify. there's just something about it)
5. Sea of Worry

(and here's an honorable iyowa mention, because why not - Adipocere)

best wishes to all of you for this new year, and here's to plenty more song recommendations to come!
gah, it's always tough for me to pick between favorites - i was torn between iyowa and have a nice life for this one, but iirc i've posted a bit more about iyowa than i have hanl, so looks like i'm starting off the new year with hanlposting! i swear, their music's just absolutely latched onto my brain the past few months.

(a bit of a warning - their music deals with some rather dark topics, so you may not want to listen to them if you're having a bad time mentally. then again, i've seen many people say that their music helped them through some tough times in their lives - it's up to the individual, really, so just exercise discretion and all that)

1. Waiting for Black Metal Records to Come in the Mail
2. Deep, Deep
3. Woe Unto Us (that bit at around 2:28 when the instrumental gets all stripped-back with that first "what if i decide" is absolute catnip to me. exquisite)
4. Dan and Tim, Reunited by Fate (my second most-listened-to song of 2023, according to spotify. there's just something about it)
5. Sea of Worry

(and here's an honorable iyowa mention, because why not - Adipocere)

best wishes to all of you for this new year, and here's to plenty more song recommendations to come!
they/he, fr+15
forum game frequenter
i am very indecisive about my favorites so this will be difficult [emoji=aether size=1] forgive me i do not know how to attach links to my words leonard cohen - the stranger song animal collective - banshee beat ghost - cirice of montreal - the past is a grotesque animal pinc louds - watching snow
i am very indecisive about my favorites so this will be difficult forgive me i do not know how to attach links to my words

leonard cohen - the stranger song
animal collective - banshee beat
ghost - cirice
of montreal - the past is a grotesque animal
pinc louds - watching snow
unique and quirky signature
looked for the post with this week's theme and was stupidly overjoyed to find kate nv in the honorable mentions section woioiiiii (have been lowkey a fan for years tho she was off my radar for a while until i ended up seeing her live again in aug 2022 after 3 whole years)

anyway...! lemme decide on some mix of long-term and shorter-term faves.. went with several faves instead of several from one fave cos oli xl's discography is too tiny lol (one full-length (and another underway plz be this year/quarteryear......), a couple ep-s, a couple singles)
  • cartoon smile by oli xl ~ biggest comfort tune of mine ever(! im not exaggerating whatsoever as per my current knowledge, genuinely means so much to me at this point, and the vox most heartwarming 2 me) by my current biggest fav artist of the past couple of years now
    honorable mention if i had to mention smth off his currently only full-length album: hesitate, which is simply soooo cool 4 my brain somehow
  • big fun never ending nightmare by vegyn ~ discovered him last year, quite enjoy his discog as whole
  • nobody else by evian christ ~ evian a lowkey fave but still so sick + glad to have finally caught one of his trance party events last year (at the one i caught he played the whole revanchist and some other bits and bobs, on embers (meshed w thousand by moby in its intro haha) as intro of his set w all the strobes and smoke and bass i was just like woaghhhhhh)
  • dodona by patrick wolf ~ used to listen to pw a bunch in like 2012, then i dropped off for a while (coinciding w his hiatus), but hes returned both in general and somewhat into my tastes... this is one of the newer songs, and it is just Woah...just settle in and listen
  • black gold by foals ~ absolute Tune by a longterm lowkey favourite band, been super casual about foals (not listened to their recentmore output as much) but what ive heard ive enjoyed enough for them to sort of stick around in my taste undercurrents
looked for the post with this week's theme and was stupidly overjoyed to find kate nv in the honorable mentions section woioiiiii (have been lowkey a fan for years tho she was off my radar for a while until i ended up seeing her live again in aug 2022 after 3 whole years)

anyway...! lemme decide on some mix of long-term and shorter-term faves.. went with several faves instead of several from one fave cos oli xl's discography is too tiny lol (one full-length (and another underway plz be this year/quarteryear......), a couple ep-s, a couple singles)
  • cartoon smile by oli xl ~ biggest comfort tune of mine ever(! im not exaggerating whatsoever as per my current knowledge, genuinely means so much to me at this point, and the vox most heartwarming 2 me) by my current biggest fav artist of the past couple of years now
    honorable mention if i had to mention smth off his currently only full-length album: hesitate, which is simply soooo cool 4 my brain somehow
  • big fun never ending nightmare by vegyn ~ discovered him last year, quite enjoy his discog as whole
  • nobody else by evian christ ~ evian a lowkey fave but still so sick + glad to have finally caught one of his trance party events last year (at the one i caught he played the whole revanchist and some other bits and bobs, on embers (meshed w thousand by moby in its intro haha) as intro of his set w all the strobes and smoke and bass i was just like woaghhhhhh)
  • dodona by patrick wolf ~ used to listen to pw a bunch in like 2012, then i dropped off for a while (coinciding w his hiatus), but hes returned both in general and somewhat into my tastes... this is one of the newer songs, and it is just Woah...just settle in and listen
  • black gold by foals ~ absolute Tune by a longterm lowkey favourite band, been super casual about foals (not listened to their recentmore output as much) but what ive heard ive enjoyed enough for them to sort of stick around in my taste undercurrents
a minimal doodle of a charcoal/periwinkle imperial with some matchy apparel lounging, with the text 'wow...' near her head she/her / frt+10

"have you tried drink water"
[center]@pinglist-3077[/center] [left] helloooo welcome back to another wonderfulll week of songsss hope everyone's starting back their new years with some good vibes [sub] I've been cleaning up my life after the holidays which threw everything out of wack [/sub] posting this weeks post early because I start back at college this coming Monday and I want to prepare as much as possible Sunday I'll let you know how it goes next week ! :^) I have so many bands I could consider my favorite so I'm going with one of my favorites that I was introduced to by a CD for in my car [size=6][font=Courier New] [b][emoji=rainbow star 2 size=1] Songs From Your Favorite Band [/b] [LIST=1] [*] [b] Sleepwalkin' [/b] - Modest Mouse [url=][emoji=music notes size=1][/url] [*][b] Lampshades On Fire [/b] - also Modest Mouse [url=][emoji=music notes size=1][/url] [*][b] Float On [/b] - [sub]you guessed it[/sub] Modest Mouse[url=][emoji=music notes size=1][/url] [*][b] Satin In A Coffin [/b] - Mouse of the Modest[url=][emoji=music notes size=1][/url] [*][b] The Devil's Workday [/b] - you'll never guess who [url=][emoji=music notes size=1][/url] [/LIST] ------------ [center] [b][url=] Thread Playlist [/url] [emoji=sunglasses 2 size=1] Honorable Mentions! [/b][/center] [i][url=][emoji=familiar heart size=1][/url] Just Bit More - Suriel Hess [url=][emoji=familiar heart size=1][/url] I'm The Slime - Frank Zappa, The Mothers [sub] Whoever suggested this, you made my ol' punk rock dad very happy that people still listen to Frank Zappa [/sub] [url=][emoji=familiar heart size=1][/url] THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND - Bad Omens [/i][/size][/font] [/left] ------------ [center] [b] This Weeks Theme Is... [/b] [emoji=scroll 2 size=1] [i] Songs That Were/Are Stuck In Your Head [/i] [/center]
helloooo welcome back to another wonderfulll week of songsss

hope everyone's starting back their new years with some good vibes I've been cleaning up my life after the holidays which threw everything out of wack

posting this weeks post early because I start back at college this coming Monday and I want to prepare as much as possible Sunday

I'll let you know how it goes next week ! :^)

I have so many bands I could consider my favorite so I'm going with one of my favorites that I was introduced to by a CD for in my car

Songs From Your Favorite Band

  1. Sleepwalkin' - Modest Mouse
  2. Lampshades On Fire - also Modest Mouse
  3. Float On - you guessed it Modest Mouse
  4. Satin In A Coffin - Mouse of the Modest
  5. The Devil's Workday - you'll never guess who

Thread Playlist

Honorable Mentions!

Just Bit More - Suriel Hess

I'm The Slime - Frank Zappa, The Mothers
Whoever suggested this, you made my ol' punk rock dad very happy that people still listen to Frank Zappa


This Weeks Theme Is...

Songs That Were/Are Stuck In Your Head


Oh, this'll be fun! Most of mine are silly picks because that's what gets stuck in my head most often.

I’m in a Soccer Field Full of Bones, I Got Too Many Kids in My Home - Hot Dad: I warn you, this makes a potent vocal stim/wizard spell/reason to leave any situation. Listen… but… very carefully…

It's Time to Clean - Hot Dad: This song is legitimately the only thing that gets me to clean anything. 10/10.

Lesbian Seagull - Engelbert Humperdinck: Way better than any Beavis & Butthead song has any right to be. I'm making a lesbian pride flag Sandsurge pair and keep substituting "seagull" for "Sandsurge" in my head. Dig with me, lesbian Sandsurge.

You Are So Pretty - Thumpasaurus: My mission on this earth is to make Thumpasaurus a household name. Will you join me?

A Long Time Ago - Jim Croce: My one serious pick. Jim Croce was one of the best songwriters of his era. He's certainly my favorite.
Oh, this'll be fun! Most of mine are silly picks because that's what gets stuck in my head most often.

I’m in a Soccer Field Full of Bones, I Got Too Many Kids in My Home - Hot Dad: I warn you, this makes a potent vocal stim/wizard spell/reason to leave any situation. Listen… but… very carefully…

It's Time to Clean - Hot Dad: This song is legitimately the only thing that gets me to clean anything. 10/10.

Lesbian Seagull - Engelbert Humperdinck: Way better than any Beavis & Butthead song has any right to be. I'm making a lesbian pride flag Sandsurge pair and keep substituting "seagull" for "Sandsurge" in my head. Dig with me, lesbian Sandsurge.

You Are So Pretty - Thumpasaurus: My mission on this earth is to make Thumpasaurus a household name. Will you join me?

A Long Time Ago - Jim Croce: My one serious pick. Jim Croce was one of the best songwriters of his era. He's certainly my favorite.
Good luck with college! I go back the 22nd so I get it haha.

As for songs stuck in my head, I got a LOT. However I'll pick my favorites. I always listen to songs that vibe with my OC's for some reason so there's that too LOL!

Stuck Inside - [CG5 Remix] The Living Tombstone and Black Gryph0n

Terrible Things - AXIE

Creature - Half•Alive (ironically this is my Minecraft SMP characters theme song!)

Guns for Hire - Woodkid (I love Arcane so this song hits)

Playground - Bea Miller
Good luck with college! I go back the 22nd so I get it haha.

As for songs stuck in my head, I got a LOT. However I'll pick my favorites. I always listen to songs that vibe with my OC's for some reason so there's that too LOL!

Stuck Inside - [CG5 Remix] The Living Tombstone and Black Gryph0n

Terrible Things - AXIE

Creature - Half•Alive (ironically this is my Minecraft SMP characters theme song!)

Guns for Hire - Woodkid (I love Arcane so this song hits)

Playground - Bea Miller
Alright I gotta pick some favorites here cause this list is really long pfft- (By the way these songs are gonna be crazy earworms so prepare yourselves.)

LET ME SEE YA MOVE! (Slowed & Reverb) by Lumi Athena
SMOKE IT OFF! by Lumi Athena & Cade Clair
SPIT IN MY FACE! by ThxSoMch (Flash Warning)
Hole in Your Head by Ekoh (I gotta give Ekoh some recognition because they are so underrated man.)
ON THE FLOOR! by Removeface and Lumi Athena

There seems to be a pattern here...
Alright I gotta pick some favorites here cause this list is really long pfft- (By the way these songs are gonna be crazy earworms so prepare yourselves.)

LET ME SEE YA MOVE! (Slowed & Reverb) by Lumi Athena
SMOKE IT OFF! by Lumi Athena & Cade Clair
SPIT IN MY FACE! by ThxSoMch (Flash Warning)
Hole in Your Head by Ekoh (I gotta give Ekoh some recognition because they are so underrated man.)
ON THE FLOOR! by Removeface and Lumi Athena

There seems to be a pattern here...
Scotty Doesn't Know- Lustra
My Own Worst Enemy- Lit
Pretty Fly(For A White Guy)- The Offspring
I Write Sins Not Tragedies- Panic! At The Disco
King For A Day ft. Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens- Pierce The Veil

i sense a pattern here
Scotty Doesn't Know- Lustra
My Own Worst Enemy- Lit
Pretty Fly(For A White Guy)- The Offspring
I Write Sins Not Tragedies- Panic! At The Disco
King For A Day ft. Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens- Pierce The Veil

i sense a pattern here
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New to the thread - but this week's prompt is perfect :D I never get a good chance to just gush about my favorite band - Everything Everything! they're quite underrated, and I'm being serious when I say they've never put out a bad song in their entire career. My top 5 took me at least 20 minutes to organize. They just can't miss.

1 - Metroland is Burning - Everything Everything
2 - To The Blade - Everything Everything
3 - Torso of The Week - Everything Everything
4 - Suffragette Suffragette - Everything Everything
5 - In Birdsong - Everything Everything

I'd say this is a pretty good band sampler overall, too! Each song is from a different album :)
New to the thread - but this week's prompt is perfect :D I never get a good chance to just gush about my favorite band - Everything Everything! they're quite underrated, and I'm being serious when I say they've never put out a bad song in their entire career. My top 5 took me at least 20 minutes to organize. They just can't miss.

1 - Metroland is Burning - Everything Everything
2 - To The Blade - Everything Everything
3 - Torso of The Week - Everything Everything
4 - Suffragette Suffragette - Everything Everything
5 - In Birdsong - Everything Everything

I'd say this is a pretty good band sampler overall, too! Each song is from a different album :)
he/they. knower of things. maker of shapes.
art shop
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