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TOPIC | things most people can do but you can't
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I can't curl my tongue (tongue-tied) and can barely/unpredictably whistle.
I can't curl my tongue (tongue-tied) and can barely/unpredictably whistle.
Hey, I'm Charlie!
nonbinary & queer

Holy stuff! I thought I was the only one who couldn't ride a bike!

:D I ride a three-wheeler, an adult tricycle. The basket is totally awesome for holding my camera bag when I go out to take pictures.


edit: I also cannot whistle. Maybe it's on the same gene lol

Holy stuff! I thought I was the only one who couldn't ride a bike!

:D I ride a three-wheeler, an adult tricycle. The basket is totally awesome for holding my camera bag when I go out to take pictures.


edit: I also cannot whistle. Maybe it's on the same gene lol
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blow balloons from bubblegum waaahhhh, riding a bike n snapping my fingers
blow balloons from bubblegum waaahhhh, riding a bike n snapping my fingers
gay dragons enthusiast
ride a bike
ride a bike
wj6EHY6.png __ vfUEUMi.png zLLQDMW.png oMDWJr6.png __
click a jar to donate to causes for free!


Pffff... I don’t know, how to.. ummmmm...

Be happy for a week strate
Pffff... I don’t know, how to.. ummmmm...

Be happy for a week strate
Speaking without hesitation
Speaking without hesitation
Pressiboo #157888

8+ fr time
heres a list of things that have already mostly been mentioned but i cant do them and im saying them anyway:
i cant snap
i cant whistle
i cant tie my shoelaces
i cant ride a bike
i cant run for over a minute
i cant G&G
and lastly
i cant stop hoarding dragons
heres a list of things that have already mostly been mentioned but i cant do them and im saying them anyway:
i cant snap
i cant whistle
i cant tie my shoelaces
i cant ride a bike
i cant run for over a minute
i cant G&G
and lastly
i cant stop hoarding dragons
he him / usually only log on to do dailys
Same here, most have been mentioned.

I've never been able to snap my fingers, nor have I been able to whistle.
I can role my r's after a consonant (dr, fr, cr, etc.) as it is common in some dialects of Norwegian, however I can't roll my r's in Spanish where there is no consonant before it. (in perro, for instance.)
Same here, most have been mentioned.

I've never been able to snap my fingers, nor have I been able to whistle.
I can role my r's after a consonant (dr, fr, cr, etc.) as it is common in some dialects of Norwegian, however I can't roll my r's in Spanish where there is no consonant before it. (in perro, for instance.)
-taking 3+ classes each semester
-snap my fingers
-blow bubblegum bubbles
-remember names and faces
-process lots of spoken info
-the eye puff/drop test
-taking 3+ classes each semester
-snap my fingers
-blow bubblegum bubbles
-remember names and faces
-process lots of spoken info
-the eye puff/drop test
my colors!
my cool ids interest check
space for a new post
pretty dergs for sale v2 (open) next bargain bin next
i can't run at all, LOL
as well as get over 70% in any exam lmao
i can't run at all, LOL
as well as get over 70% in any exam lmao
............................ mudsdale.png

art shop

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