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TOPIC | [HUB] Aquatics Hobbyists & Fishkeepers!
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@DalphiaEose koi betta? Just looked me up. Never saw they before. Pics or it didn't happen! :P
@DalphiaEose koi betta? Just looked me up. Never saw they before. Pics or it didn't happen! :P
@DalphiaRose I love koi bettas! I've been thinking about looking into getting one for myself
@DalphiaRose I love koi bettas! I've been thinking about looking into getting one for myself

It has been so long since I've uploaded photos I don't know where to post this. XD PHOTO

It has been so long since I've uploaded photos I don't know where to post this. XD PHOTO
I finally got my betta fish yesterday! I've had the tank setup for a over a month with just plants and I've been doing water tests and finally decided it was time to add a betta. He's so beautiful: [img][/img] I also got another plant to add. He really seems to be happy! However he doesn't seem to like the food I got so I'm going to try getting a different brand or something instead. Unfortunately he also got a scratch, I didn't realize the edges of the bridge must of been too sharp. I made sure to cover them with sand so it won't happen again. I don't see anything else in there that could scratch him. I know now to double check any decorations I add in the future.
I finally got my betta fish yesterday! I've had the tank setup for a over a month with just plants and I've been doing water tests and finally decided it was time to add a betta. He's so beautiful:
I also got another plant to add. He really seems to be happy! However he doesn't seem to like the food I got so I'm going to try getting a different brand or something instead. Unfortunately he also got a scratch, I didn't realize the edges of the bridge must of been too sharp. I made sure to cover them with sand so it won't happen again. I don't see anything else in there that could scratch him. I know now to double check any decorations I add in the future.
~ "to see the beauty of Nature, you must see the beauty of Change" ~
An aquatics thread! Could I be added to the Sunday pinglist? :D

I used to keep a red-ear slider/terrapin, and she lived with us for ~10 years. Unfortunately, we eventually had to give her up due to complications when we migrated out of the country. :(

I've kept a couple of fishes on different occasions back then, especially tetras and corys. My latest setup was entirely focused on one leopard puffer fish, which provided me with lots of learning experience in terms of dealing with slightly harder fishes ^^

But alas, just like my dear terrapin, I had to give my kids away due to complications. I haven't had another setup in the past 4 years due to my inability to commit, but I'm still very much interested in learning more from others. :D
An aquatics thread! Could I be added to the Sunday pinglist? :D

I used to keep a red-ear slider/terrapin, and she lived with us for ~10 years. Unfortunately, we eventually had to give her up due to complications when we migrated out of the country. :(

I've kept a couple of fishes on different occasions back then, especially tetras and corys. My latest setup was entirely focused on one leopard puffer fish, which provided me with lots of learning experience in terms of dealing with slightly harder fishes ^^

But alas, just like my dear terrapin, I had to give my kids away due to complications. I haven't had another setup in the past 4 years due to my inability to commit, but I'm still very much interested in learning more from others. :D
[center][img][/img][/center] Just finished planting the very last plant in here. 60 litre Juwel tank (unsure of exact model as it was second hand.) First time properly decorating a tank and first time using aquasoil & CO2. Hoping to move my remaining 3 guppies and amano shrimp in in a few weeks time. Eventually, I'll be adding some more guppies, some pearl danios and some red cherry shrimp. This year's been a real learning curve in terms of fishkeeping as I've never owned fish before but I'm so glad to have found this community and a new hobby. I've dealt with a multitude of issues so far and have lost a few fish along the way (we're not sure why - seemed like an internal problem rather than external being that all 6 came from the same shop (and died in the same circumstances) and 3 were completely unaffected) and I might still be dealing with some currently (last round of medicine for fin rot on Wednesday,) but I'm 100% convinced that this will be such a positive experience for me and I'm so excited to continue into the next year with a bit more experience under my belt.

Just finished planting the very last plant in here. 60 litre Juwel tank (unsure of exact model as it was second hand.) First time properly decorating a tank and first time using aquasoil & CO2. Hoping to move my remaining 3 guppies and amano shrimp in in a few weeks time. Eventually, I'll be adding some more guppies, some pearl danios and some red cherry shrimp. This year's been a real learning curve in terms of fishkeeping as I've never owned fish before but I'm so glad to have found this community and a new hobby. I've dealt with a multitude of issues so far and have lost a few fish along the way (we're not sure why - seemed like an internal problem rather than external being that all 6 came from the same shop (and died in the same circumstances) and 3 were completely unaffected) and I might still be dealing with some currently (last round of medicine for fin rot on Wednesday,) but I'm 100% convinced that this will be such a positive experience for me and I'm so excited to continue into the next year with a bit more experience under my belt.
@Kintoro I love turtles. I have a video from a camping trip when I was littler where I caught a turtle and started crying because I was happy lol

I'll add you now!

@LoveWolves815 That tank and betta are beautiful! Great fins :0

@WeSpeakInTeeth wow, really well scaped tank. Are any of those plants tall-growing? Are you planning on getting any floaters to fill the empty space at the top?
@Kintoro I love turtles. I have a video from a camping trip when I was littler where I caught a turtle and started crying because I was happy lol

I'll add you now!

@LoveWolves815 That tank and betta are beautiful! Great fins :0

@WeSpeakInTeeth wow, really well scaped tank. Are any of those plants tall-growing? Are you planning on getting any floaters to fill the empty space at the top?

Hi there! Thank you! Yeah, actually. The three with the purple leaves at the back on the left will grow to 35cm (H. Colorata (they're beautiful!) The brown cryptocoryne on the right will grow to 40cm. The anubias nana attatched to the wood on the right should grow to 20cm and the longer grasses should reach 15cm. I've also got some small floating plants to put in later today.

Hi there! Thank you! Yeah, actually. The three with the purple leaves at the back on the left will grow to 35cm (H. Colorata (they're beautiful!) The brown cryptocoryne on the right will grow to 40cm. The anubias nana attatched to the wood on the right should grow to 20cm and the longer grasses should reach 15cm. I've also got some small floating plants to put in later today.
I have a turtle
his name is Jonathan

I now call every turtle Jonathan.
I have a turtle
his name is Jonathan

I now call every turtle Jonathan.
@Lonin @SugarSpun @V0iCEB0X @Starglade @absinthy @IvyLight @DalphiaRose @Kataracts @EWSpirit @Kenia153 @JarenMarcel @Aralia @Swifthart @snes @ExoticCritter @Ratiasu @Aralia @Kintoro @WeSpeakInTeeth @LoveWolves815

Sunday Update time!

I ordered my planting substrate on Amazon yesterday and I'm pretty excited! It said it'll be here on the 17th (tomorrow). I'm heading to the store to pick up some more wood since I'll be completely changing the scape since I'm replacing substrate. I'll get some spider wood from the LFS.
I'm going to be keeping the old fake plants until I buy the new light and get my plants. I don't want to remove all of my fishes covers.

I also found out that my HOB Aqueon filter on the 29g is 21 years old and starting to look the part. Its noisy too. I'm thinking of buying a new filter that turns more water and has better flow.
Any suggestions?
@Lonin @SugarSpun @V0iCEB0X @Starglade @absinthy @IvyLight @DalphiaRose @Kataracts @EWSpirit @Kenia153 @JarenMarcel @Aralia @Swifthart @snes @ExoticCritter @Ratiasu @Aralia @Kintoro @WeSpeakInTeeth @LoveWolves815

Sunday Update time!

I ordered my planting substrate on Amazon yesterday and I'm pretty excited! It said it'll be here on the 17th (tomorrow). I'm heading to the store to pick up some more wood since I'll be completely changing the scape since I'm replacing substrate. I'll get some spider wood from the LFS.
I'm going to be keeping the old fake plants until I buy the new light and get my plants. I don't want to remove all of my fishes covers.

I also found out that my HOB Aqueon filter on the 29g is 21 years old and starting to look the part. Its noisy too. I'm thinking of buying a new filter that turns more water and has better flow.
Any suggestions?
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