
General Discussion

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TOPIC | say something positive about your day
I managed to get all the way through my work day without getting sick. Right now, that really is the highlight of my day.
I managed to get all the way through my work day without getting sick. Right now, that really is the highlight of my day.
I have my own website for things I've made!
I'm having a second consecutive no-homework day, which is a blessing because I've had an hour or two+ of homework pretty much every day since school started! AP courses were probably a bad idea but I'll be thankful for taking them in college!

Also had pizza for lunch, and some doritos. Those are always nice!
I'm having a second consecutive no-homework day, which is a blessing because I've had an hour or two+ of homework pretty much every day since school started! AP courses were probably a bad idea but I'll be thankful for taking them in college!

Also had pizza for lunch, and some doritos. Those are always nice!
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.. « Mew »
|| 2+ FR Time | She/Her | The Calm Within the Storm | fr__lightning_by_baelfin-d8uyn76.png fr__beastclans_by_baelfin-d92uyiw.png ||

• { Thunder Hollow } - Clan Lore [WIP]
{ Assets: x x x }
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I had a fantastic nap. 10/ 10
I had a fantastic nap. 10/ 10
~Kweh Kweh Wark~1H+FR~ Mc4YmuQ.png
i got to see a few people i hang out with and catch up : )
i got to see a few people i hang out with and catch up : )
132-galaxy-orb.png “ we should take a moment
and hold it
and know that life
has a hopeful undertone. ”

- migraine
twenty øne piløts
“ peace will win
and fear will lose. ”

- car radio
twenty øne piløts
The neighborhood super shy stray tom is finally beginning to warm up to me more and trust me! Months ago he wouldn't even get anywhere near people, staying many many feet away, only coming around when he was sure no one was out. Slowly his trust towards me has grown and over time he's lessened the distance between him and I, and today he came with my brother's cat to eat and rubbed up against my legs purring and even let me scratch his head, which is new because he usually is very wary of watching where my hand goes and usually just likes to watch me as I pet him just to make sure, and even then will usually duck out of the way. It's so cute too, he puts his trust in the other cats. If he sees other cats come up to me, he will too. Otherwise, if they dodge me/avoid me he'll run into the brush to hide.
The neighborhood super shy stray tom is finally beginning to warm up to me more and trust me! Months ago he wouldn't even get anywhere near people, staying many many feet away, only coming around when he was sure no one was out. Slowly his trust towards me has grown and over time he's lessened the distance between him and I, and today he came with my brother's cat to eat and rubbed up against my legs purring and even let me scratch his head, which is new because he usually is very wary of watching where my hand goes and usually just likes to watch me as I pet him just to make sure, and even then will usually duck out of the way. It's so cute too, he puts his trust in the other cats. If he sees other cats come up to me, he will too. Otherwise, if they dodge me/avoid me he'll run into the brush to hide.
She/her - 23 - Artist

Trigun Stampede - Dr. Stone
Fleet Foxes - Delicious in Dungeon

@Amura that's good! i don't know about you but it has been super hot and humid lately so drinking water is a must (even if you don't have bad weather)!

@TheAwesoMew NICE i love when i can get all work done in class which usually means my classmates have to be actually working instead of talking and oh boy yeah i can understand you with those AP classes, i haven't had one yet but my honors classes like to pack on the work

@PinkLion teach me how to take a nap and not feel tired afterwards omg

@Benben awesome!! i love hanging out with friends

@Spottedleaf125 that's so cool!! i love cats so much, they always seem to be a little more,, human?? than dogs. our barn cat was actually not very people-oriented when we got him but he's warmed up to us a lot, so much so that he'll ignore our insane dogs for a few pets lol
@Amura that's good! i don't know about you but it has been super hot and humid lately so drinking water is a must (even if you don't have bad weather)!

@TheAwesoMew NICE i love when i can get all work done in class which usually means my classmates have to be actually working instead of talking and oh boy yeah i can understand you with those AP classes, i haven't had one yet but my honors classes like to pack on the work

@PinkLion teach me how to take a nap and not feel tired afterwards omg

@Benben awesome!! i love hanging out with friends

@Spottedleaf125 that's so cool!! i love cats so much, they always seem to be a little more,, human?? than dogs. our barn cat was actually not very people-oriented when we got him but he's warmed up to us a lot, so much so that he'll ignore our insane dogs for a few pets lol
i need to redo my signature
casey/zoru - they/them
fr +3
mp100/spyxfamily/pokemon/loz/ace attorney
I just bought a set of little pokemon charms (for anyone interested, the set's an eevee, glaceon and leafeon, and they're the kind that's on a string), and when I took them to the counter it turns out they were on sale at a really good discount! And even better, I picked exactly the day the store got the mystery gift codes for groudon and kyogre in, too! I've been a bit stressed out recently so it's nice to get some random good luck today :)
I just bought a set of little pokemon charms (for anyone interested, the set's an eevee, glaceon and leafeon, and they're the kind that's on a string), and when I took them to the counter it turns out they were on sale at a really good discount! And even better, I picked exactly the day the store got the mystery gift codes for groudon and kyogre in, too! I've been a bit stressed out recently so it's nice to get some random good luck today :)
I live with a Shiba named Jiro. That is always a positive.
I live with a Shiba named Jiro. That is always a positive.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
I learned how to draw clouds! that was pretty cool
I learned how to draw clouds! that was pretty cool
I had a dentist appointment but when I got home my dog was really excited to see me so
I had a dentist appointment but when I got home my dog was really excited to see me so