
General Discussion

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@Reltseo that is amazing i need a hundred
@Reltseo that is amazing i need a hundred

| hello
| becca | she/her |
| FR +2
@nohsara CCTV is basically video surveillance, so everything that happens in the shop is caught on camera. So although we know what the shoplifter looks like, we don't know his name or any other details, so the police don't really have much to go on except his clothes and some facial details (the video quality is quite poor). So unfortunately, the thieves don't get caught :(
@nohsara CCTV is basically video surveillance, so everything that happens in the shop is caught on camera. So although we know what the shoplifter looks like, we don't know his name or any other details, so the police don't really have much to go on except his clothes and some facial details (the video quality is quite poor). So unfortunately, the thieves don't get caught :(
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+8hr FR time
I kind of feel like leaving. I like it here. But most people are ********. I love my wittle dwagons. But nobody wants me here. Everyone "wishes she'd just leave already" (read quote from those damn salt mines). Its becoming rare that a dragon being bought isn't a spite exaltation. Its becoming that almost every hatchling I sell gets renamed something rude and uncalled for. At least I can contact the support thing, but I'm beginning to feel annoying.
I kind of feel like leaving. I like it here. But most people are ********. I love my wittle dwagons. But nobody wants me here. Everyone "wishes she'd just leave already" (read quote from those damn salt mines). Its becoming rare that a dragon being bought isn't a spite exaltation. Its becoming that almost every hatchling I sell gets renamed something rude and uncalled for. At least I can contact the support thing, but I'm beginning to feel annoying.
WHYYYY, does youtube videos have the RELOAD when your music ends? I hate that! The place i'm at has like 500 other people using the internet and it is SLOW.

Also! Violet Evergarden on Netflix, I haven't watched anything that has made me cry on almost every episode...! IDK it just touches my little cold soul and warms me up with emotions~ (bf finds it super boring and I rly don't blame him since it's not action packed or fast paced)

Maybe switch flights? Idk if you have but different horizons are nice
WHYYYY, does youtube videos have the RELOAD when your music ends? I hate that! The place i'm at has like 500 other people using the internet and it is SLOW.

Also! Violet Evergarden on Netflix, I haven't watched anything that has made me cry on almost every episode...! IDK it just touches my little cold soul and warms me up with emotions~ (bf finds it super boring and I rly don't blame him since it's not action packed or fast paced)

Maybe switch flights? Idk if you have but different horizons are nice

tfw when you're on a flight or doing something where you have to turn off your wifi/data and you wanna load up a song to listen to on repeat but can't ;o;

tfw when you're on a flight or doing something where you have to turn off your wifi/data and you wanna load up a song to listen to on repeat but can't ;o;
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*bursts into the room crying almost incoherently about how I'll never get to date any of my celebrity crushes*

*bursts into the room crying almost incoherently about how I'll never get to date any of my celebrity crushes*

I'm desperate for a classic lit talk because I have strong emotions over The Bluest Eye and The Sound and the Fury oooooooooh boooooooooy- I just finished reading the former two days ago and I'm honestly super shook by it?? Same with what I'm reading right now yikes- They seem to be fairly obscure classics from what I know, but it's worth trying to throw this out here am I right?
I'm desperate for a classic lit talk because I have strong emotions over The Bluest Eye and The Sound and the Fury oooooooooh boooooooooy- I just finished reading the former two days ago and I'm honestly super shook by it?? Same with what I'm reading right now yikes- They seem to be fairly obscure classics from what I know, but it's worth trying to throw this out here am I right?
My Master and Commander obsession reared it's head again and I just want to gush about how well cast the movie is. Jack Aubrey is exactly how I see him when I read the book (I've only read the first book though I need to get hold of Post Captain and HMS Surprise) it makes me so happy to see Jack on screen because he's played so well I can't even.

I really want a Master and Commander sequel (though that was isn't going to happen) as well as more Age of Sail movies/TV focused on the Royal Navy generally (the Kydd books could be great as a TV series) but it's a niche interest that never seems to get much momentum behind stuff they do make it's unlikely to happen. =/
My Master and Commander obsession reared it's head again and I just want to gush about how well cast the movie is. Jack Aubrey is exactly how I see him when I read the book (I've only read the first book though I need to get hold of Post Captain and HMS Surprise) it makes me so happy to see Jack on screen because he's played so well I can't even.

I really want a Master and Commander sequel (though that was isn't going to happen) as well as more Age of Sail movies/TV focused on the Royal Navy generally (the Kydd books could be great as a TV series) but it's a niche interest that never seems to get much momentum behind stuff they do make it's unlikely to happen. =/
tumblr_pquf5x7lT91soemy4_250.png 27 / ISTJ / NB / FR+8

I draw things!
Services Offering:
Coli grinding & fodder leveling
My boyfriend and I watched the first and the second episode of season 6 of RuPaul's Drag Race. When he first saw Courtney Act, he didn't believe that she was a drag queen. He thought she was a lady. I found his reaction to be very funny.
My boyfriend and I watched the first and the second episode of season 6 of RuPaul's Drag Race. When he first saw Courtney Act, he didn't believe that she was a drag queen. He thought she was a lady. I found his reaction to be very funny.

I have a rat cage all set up in my room, it's a nice big one with a water bottle, a flying saucer wheel, hammock, platforms to climb on, etc

I will get my actual rats to put in said cage as soon as the breeder contacts me, I'm first on her waiting list so that should be SOON but then they need to be flown over from the big island because that's just what it's like here aaAAAAA

They are perfect pets and very adorable and social, they need to be kept in groups of two or more because they need constant interaction or else they will get extremely lonely and sad. u can teach them tricks and teach them to use a litter box so you don't have to clean their cage as often. they need to run around outside the cage and explore because they are very curious and active so you need to have a play area u can set up for them, whether that's a small bathroom you can rat-proof or a play pen made out of cardboard, where you can interact with them outside the cage and let them explore anew environment which is important. they love to cuddle and will crawl inside your shirt. they don't pee everywhere they go like some myths say. They are super intelligent and affectionate and will bond with u just like a dog and will show it by cuddling with you and licking u and climbing on you and running to the front of the cage when you walk by in hopes that you'll pick them up. When they're happy they do a thing called boggling, which is when their eyeballs pop in and out of their skull, and bruxing, which is where they grind their teeth together and look kind of like theyr'e purring. They LOVE tickling and will make laughing noises when you tickle them.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!R A T S!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a rat cage all set up in my room, it's a nice big one with a water bottle, a flying saucer wheel, hammock, platforms to climb on, etc

I will get my actual rats to put in said cage as soon as the breeder contacts me, I'm first on her waiting list so that should be SOON but then they need to be flown over from the big island because that's just what it's like here aaAAAAA

They are perfect pets and very adorable and social, they need to be kept in groups of two or more because they need constant interaction or else they will get extremely lonely and sad. u can teach them tricks and teach them to use a litter box so you don't have to clean their cage as often. they need to run around outside the cage and explore because they are very curious and active so you need to have a play area u can set up for them, whether that's a small bathroom you can rat-proof or a play pen made out of cardboard, where you can interact with them outside the cage and let them explore anew environment which is important. they love to cuddle and will crawl inside your shirt. they don't pee everywhere they go like some myths say. They are super intelligent and affectionate and will bond with u just like a dog and will show it by cuddling with you and licking u and climbing on you and running to the front of the cage when you walk by in hopes that you'll pick them up. When they're happy they do a thing called boggling, which is when their eyeballs pop in and out of their skull, and bruxing, which is where they grind their teeth together and look kind of like theyr'e purring. They LOVE tickling and will make laughing noises when you tickle them.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!R A T S!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm milo a useless drama kid! he/him/his pronouns please

pm me pictures of your pet rats and I'll forever be in your debt!

if you have lore dragons you want to get rid of, I'll
take or buy them! I'm trying to expand my clan's lore
by taking in dragons who already have lore and integrating
them into the story :-)
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