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TOPIC | [HUB] League of Neopets
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[center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][b]welcome![/b] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol]Welcome to the League of Neopia, your local one-stop hub for all things Neopets. I am Rex, your local Darigan Hissi fanatic! We understand that many of us had Neopets as a part of our childhood, however big or small. And it's not uncommon that Neopets is why we're here on Flight Rising! We like to celebrate our roots and where else to start but the OG pet site? Come one come all, citizens of Neopia and Sornieth alike, join us for all things Neopets![/columns] [size=5][b]what we do?[/b] [columns]Come on you didn't think we were just here to [i]talk[/i] about Neopets, did you? Well, if you did we regret to inform you that you're wrong! We want to celebrate our pets. Show em off, talk about our dreams pets that we can have because Unconverted pets are ridiculously hard to get! The League of Neopets is more than just for talking about our pets. We have... [LIST] [*]Weekly Neopet Spotlights [*]Weekly Fandragon Spotlights [*]Contests [*]Discussions for just about everything [*]Customisation help [*]And more! [/LIST] And if we can, we might even help you out with your avatars and getting your dream pets!* [sub]We also don't 100% guarantee this while Rex sifts through the Terms of Use for both Flight Rising and Neopets and we hold no responsibility if your account gets terminated on either site for breaks the Terms of Use. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [size=5][b]pinglist.[/b][/size] @moondust444,@Rivershard,@suchgo,@IchiSato,@Rexcaliburr, @Drag0n5, @Devilledegghead @harvestmoon66 @sleepytroll @DraconicMusic @Artemis Want to be pinged for updates, weekly spotlights, or other things? Just let me know! [size=5][b]hub heads.[/b][/size] Who's running the hub? And do you want to help run the hub, do spotlights, contests, and the like? Give me a PM! [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color]FR: @Rexcaliburr | FR ID:#103950 | NEO: foreststrike[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color]FR: @PenguinGirl92 | FR ID:#373321 | NEO: Jena92[/columns]


hissi_darigan_hissing.gif Welcome to the League of Neopia, your local one-stop hub for all things Neopets. I am Rex, your local Darigan Hissi fanatic!

We understand that many of us had Neopets as a part of our childhood, however big or small. And it's not uncommon that Neopets is why we're here on Flight Rising! We like to celebrate our roots and where else to start but the OG pet site?

Come one come all, citizens of Neopia and Sornieth alike, join us for all things Neopets!

what we do?

Come on you didn't think we were just here to talk about Neopets, did you? Well, if you did we regret to inform you that you're wrong! We want to celebrate our pets. Show em off, talk about our dreams pets that we can have because Unconverted pets are ridiculously hard to get!

The League of Neopets is more than just for talking about our pets. We have...
  • Weekly Neopet Spotlights
  • Weekly Fandragon Spotlights
  • Contests
  • Discussions for just about everything
  • Customisation help
  • And more!

And if we can, we might even help you out with your avatars and getting your dream pets!*

We also don't 100% guarantee this while Rex sifts through the Terms of Use for both Flight Rising and Neopets and we hold no responsibility if your account gets terminated on either site for breaks the Terms of Use.


@Drag0n5, @Devilledegghead @harvestmoon66 @sleepytroll @DraconicMusic @Artemis

Want to be pinged for updates, weekly spotlights, or other things? Just let me know!

hub heads.

Who's running the hub? And do you want to help run the hub, do spotlights, contests, and the like? Give me a PM!

attack_pea.gif xxxFR: @Rexcaliburr | FR ID:#103950 | NEO: foreststrike
jhudorascloud.gif xxxFR: @PenguinGirl92 | FR ID:#373321 | NEO: Jena92
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping
Hi Guys I'm Jena .I like helping others on neo and here.
As you guys have meet @Rexcaliburr,Im gonna work with Rex on creating maybe some daily topics we can discuss ,this is open to players new or those who have played or those a little curious.Maybe we can also do flash back fridaysand much more .So come on in and join in the fun here on FR.Feel free to ask us questions as we are just setting up :-)
Hi Guys I'm Jena .I like helping others on neo and here.
As you guys have meet @Rexcaliburr,Im gonna work with Rex on creating maybe some daily topics we can discuss ,this is open to players new or those who have played or those a little curious.Maybe we can also do flash back fridaysand much more .So come on in and join in the fun here on FR.Feel free to ask us questions as we are just setting up :-)

@PenguinGirl92 Flashback Fridays sound fun!! We could have a Neopets Spotlight every Wednesday, and a dragon spotlight every Monday? So we have things going on every week! I'll start showing off my neopets! [img][/img] This is Shanderer, the Captain of the Seabreaker which is the pirate ship she commissioned. She used to be a Mutant Kougra, traded from a Faerie Uni, morphed and painted! My goal is a UC Darigan Hissi, but I think she's even better than a UC. [img][/img] This is Arasis - I bought a Water PB and a random Hissi potion thinking I wanted to morph him into a Water Hissi, but the random potion turned out to be a Halloween Hissi! And I love those, so I didn't want to waste it by painting, so I just got a new Ogrin and painted him water! He's the God of Change, and he guides the Seabreaker on its journeys across the sea. [img][/img] This is Famelih, my healer and seer! She came from a rural tribe when her parents saw potential in her to find a better job outside of the tribe, pushing her to leave and set off for adventure. She's the only one trained in healing so Fincha finds her very useful. [img][/img] This is Fincha, my original Neopet! I got super lucky with her Magma pool time but I forgot and I can't find it again. She was a warrior of the Molten Scroll, a group from Moltara, but she got bored with doing nothing but guarding a scroll so she deserted her post and joined Shanderer on the high seas. [img][/img] And this is Skrail, the Spirit of the Seabreaker. He manifests himself as a Halloween Hissi and sometimes leaves the ship, but hardly, for it's his duty to protect the ship at all costs.
@PenguinGirl92 Flashback Fridays sound fun!! We could have a Neopets Spotlight every Wednesday, and a dragon spotlight every Monday? So we have things going on every week!

I'll start showing off my neopets!


This is Shanderer, the Captain of the Seabreaker which is the pirate ship she commissioned. She used to be a Mutant Kougra, traded from a Faerie Uni, morphed and painted! My goal is a UC Darigan Hissi, but I think she's even better than a UC.


This is Arasis - I bought a Water PB and a random Hissi potion thinking I wanted to morph him into a Water Hissi, but the random potion turned out to be a Halloween Hissi! And I love those, so I didn't want to waste it by painting, so I just got a new Ogrin and painted him water! He's the God of Change, and he guides the Seabreaker on its journeys across the sea.


This is Famelih, my healer and seer! She came from a rural tribe when her parents saw potential in her to find a better job outside of the tribe, pushing her to leave and set off for adventure. She's the only one trained in healing so Fincha finds her very useful.


This is Fincha, my original Neopet! I got super lucky with her Magma pool time but I forgot and I can't find it again. She was a warrior of the Molten Scroll, a group from Moltara, but she got bored with doing nothing but guarding a scroll so she deserted her post and joined Shanderer on the high seas.


And this is Skrail, the Spirit of the Seabreaker. He manifests himself as a Halloween Hissi and sometimes leaves the ship, but hardly, for it's his duty to protect the ship at all costs.
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping
@Rexcaliburr we could also do a group story telling event once a month also were we the
tell the story 1 paragraph at a time per person,I'm thinking about more stuff
@Rexcaliburr we could also do a group story telling event once a month also were we the
tell the story 1 paragraph at a time per person,I'm thinking about more stuff

@PenguinGirl92 Oh I like Continue the Story. Definitely Art contests are an option!
@PenguinGirl92 Oh I like Continue the Story. Definitely Art contests are an option!
knowledge of comprehension, benevolence, and aesthetics | active | slowly revamping
@Rexcaliburr art challenge like redesign a neopet item would be cool but,they have to put a flight rising twist on it
@Rexcaliburr art challenge like redesign a neopet item would be cool but,they have to put a flight rising twist on it

Our first random image Some People who did the cc got there prizes today @Rexcaliburr,I got my cc prizes and i qualifyed for the silver cc trophy [img]
Our first random image
Some People who did the cc got there prizes today @Rexcaliburr,I got my cc prizes and i qualifyed for the silver cc trophy

Today's random neopets picture,reminds me of Flight rising @Rexcaliburr,@moondust444,@Rivershard,@IchiSato [img]
Today's random neopets picture,reminds me of Flight rising

How long has everyone here had their Neopets for?
How long has everyone here had their Neopets for?
@Drag0n5 I have only been on neopets since July
@Drag0n5 I have only been on neopets since July

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