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TOPIC | Favorite cartoons?
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What are your favorite cartoons? What are your favorite characters from said cartoons? It doesn't have to be from your childhood, it can be a recently made cartoon. For instance, I used to like and still like ...
  • Gravity Falls. I discovered this gem like two or three years ago and still can't believe it's over. I usually like to watch it in my free time or when I'm in need of background noise. I think it is my favorite cartoon of all time. Supposedly there is a graphic novel coming out soon in July of 2018 and I can't wait for it! I was captured by the plot instantly and found myself laughing constantly throughout it, even though I'm nearly eighteen. I can't pick a favorite character from this show, I love them all! Even you, Bill.
  • Adventure Time. I just recently started rewatching this, as I had to quit watching it when I was like twelve or thirteen years old when my family got rid of cable at my house. I finally bought my own subscription to Hulu and was surprised that Adventure Time had nine seasons. I'm currently on the forth season at the moment and intrigued by the amount of adult themes thrown into the cartoon. I love it!! My favorite characters are Marceline, Ice King, Jake, and Hunson Aberdeer.
  • The Amazing World of Gumball. Just started watching this cartoon again too, as this is on Hulu as well. I loved the show's humor, animation, and characters. I love the new puppet episode when they collaborated with the creators of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared! My favorite character is Gumball.
  • Rick and Morty. Don't know if you would classify this as a cartoon though. My cousin introduced me to this adult animated science-fiction sitcom last year and I was hooked instantly. This show is definitely not for everybody, especially younger viewers, as it contains gore, violence, and a lot of depressing and dark stuff. I like the show because it's way more imaginative than anything I've ever seen and has a dose of dark humor that I do so love.
  • Invader Zim. Okay, I think I have a thing for dark cartoons. This cartoon lasted for a short while before it was cancelled off of Nick because of its low ratings. I can remember being slightly disturbed by the content but nevertheless, entertained. My favorite characters were Zim, Gaz, and Gir.
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Basically Death incarnate with a Jamaican accent forced to be the slave to two children. I used to love this show and watched it after I came home from school. I can't really find it today, but I would like to find it. I believe they made I Christmas movie, if I can remember correctly. My favorite characters were Grim and Nergal.
  • Chowder. Very funny and colorful, kept my attention glued to the television. Favorite character was Mung Daal and Gazpacho.
  • Spongebob Squarepants. Only the very old ones, though. Those ones make me feel so nostalgic whenever I watch them. I loved the episode about Rock Bottom even if it creeped me out when I was a child. I identified with Squidward as a kid.
  • The Fairly OddParents. Favorite character was Cosmo.
  • Courage the Cowardly Dog. Didn't seem as creepy as it does today when I watched it when I was a kid. I, of course, liked Courage. The episode about his parents still makes me tear up today.
  • Code Named Kids Next Door. Turnip episode scared me so bad as a kid. I have no idea why. Favorite was Numbah One.
  • The Misadventures of Flapjack. Realized how weird this was when I sat down to watch this again after like five years after it was cancelled. Has some scary and creepy imagery. My favorite was Captain Knuckles.
  • Camp Lazlo.
  • El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera. I feel like not a lot of people remember this cartoon. I liked this because the kid was caught between listening to his father or his grandpa, or on a higher level, good and evil.
What are your favorite cartoons? What are your favorite characters from said cartoons? It doesn't have to be from your childhood, it can be a recently made cartoon. For instance, I used to like and still like ...
  • Gravity Falls. I discovered this gem like two or three years ago and still can't believe it's over. I usually like to watch it in my free time or when I'm in need of background noise. I think it is my favorite cartoon of all time. Supposedly there is a graphic novel coming out soon in July of 2018 and I can't wait for it! I was captured by the plot instantly and found myself laughing constantly throughout it, even though I'm nearly eighteen. I can't pick a favorite character from this show, I love them all! Even you, Bill.
  • Adventure Time. I just recently started rewatching this, as I had to quit watching it when I was like twelve or thirteen years old when my family got rid of cable at my house. I finally bought my own subscription to Hulu and was surprised that Adventure Time had nine seasons. I'm currently on the forth season at the moment and intrigued by the amount of adult themes thrown into the cartoon. I love it!! My favorite characters are Marceline, Ice King, Jake, and Hunson Aberdeer.
  • The Amazing World of Gumball. Just started watching this cartoon again too, as this is on Hulu as well. I loved the show's humor, animation, and characters. I love the new puppet episode when they collaborated with the creators of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared! My favorite character is Gumball.
  • Rick and Morty. Don't know if you would classify this as a cartoon though. My cousin introduced me to this adult animated science-fiction sitcom last year and I was hooked instantly. This show is definitely not for everybody, especially younger viewers, as it contains gore, violence, and a lot of depressing and dark stuff. I like the show because it's way more imaginative than anything I've ever seen and has a dose of dark humor that I do so love.
  • Invader Zim. Okay, I think I have a thing for dark cartoons. This cartoon lasted for a short while before it was cancelled off of Nick because of its low ratings. I can remember being slightly disturbed by the content but nevertheless, entertained. My favorite characters were Zim, Gaz, and Gir.
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Basically Death incarnate with a Jamaican accent forced to be the slave to two children. I used to love this show and watched it after I came home from school. I can't really find it today, but I would like to find it. I believe they made I Christmas movie, if I can remember correctly. My favorite characters were Grim and Nergal.
  • Chowder. Very funny and colorful, kept my attention glued to the television. Favorite character was Mung Daal and Gazpacho.
  • Spongebob Squarepants. Only the very old ones, though. Those ones make me feel so nostalgic whenever I watch them. I loved the episode about Rock Bottom even if it creeped me out when I was a child. I identified with Squidward as a kid.
  • The Fairly OddParents. Favorite character was Cosmo.
  • Courage the Cowardly Dog. Didn't seem as creepy as it does today when I watched it when I was a kid. I, of course, liked Courage. The episode about his parents still makes me tear up today.
  • Code Named Kids Next Door. Turnip episode scared me so bad as a kid. I have no idea why. Favorite was Numbah One.
  • The Misadventures of Flapjack. Realized how weird this was when I sat down to watch this again after like five years after it was cancelled. Has some scary and creepy imagery. My favorite was Captain Knuckles.
  • Camp Lazlo.
  • El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera. I feel like not a lot of people remember this cartoon. I liked this because the kid was caught between listening to his father or his grandpa, or on a higher level, good and evil.
@InnerAnimus oh, i'd classify R&M as a cartoon considering its animated. Good one too. I miss gravity falls as it was one of my first true fandoms, love Gumball, and i do remember El Tigre! Those were the good days. I wonder if anyone remembers the Mighty B(? I can't remember the title)...

My favorite cartoon (webtoon) is Eddsworld! Basically these three British dudes (and their one Norweigan 'friend' who later, after dissapearing for some 8 years, ruined everything go on random adventures and.. yeah. Started in 2004, and going through many hardships (the loss of Eddsworld's young creator and animator probably being the worst, and the hardest thing... :'( RIP) it's still around! I expect it to come back some time in 2018? It's got some bloody bits and an amount of,zombies though. But i absolutely adore Eddsworld.

SVTFOE is a close second. A magical princess from another dimension comes to live with an Earth boy, but.., boy, do things change! By mid-season 1 (3 seasons thus far, after this season ends one more to go ;n;) things take a dark turn, even for a Disney cartoon... boy, the movie was a killer! ... literally. Maybe 3-4 deaths. Two and a half? Whatever -- one is permanently dead, the other came back as did that half death!. So many feels. Too many feels.

Superjail! is another one. It... doesn't really have plot. Basically it's this.. well, this jail and.. oh, jeez. It's hard to explain. Sadly canceled, it is EXTREMELY bloody and gory and full of stuff that only adults should really see so ... yeah. Not for the weak of heart at all.
@InnerAnimus oh, i'd classify R&M as a cartoon considering its animated. Good one too. I miss gravity falls as it was one of my first true fandoms, love Gumball, and i do remember El Tigre! Those were the good days. I wonder if anyone remembers the Mighty B(? I can't remember the title)...

My favorite cartoon (webtoon) is Eddsworld! Basically these three British dudes (and their one Norweigan 'friend' who later, after dissapearing for some 8 years, ruined everything go on random adventures and.. yeah. Started in 2004, and going through many hardships (the loss of Eddsworld's young creator and animator probably being the worst, and the hardest thing... :'( RIP) it's still around! I expect it to come back some time in 2018? It's got some bloody bits and an amount of,zombies though. But i absolutely adore Eddsworld.

SVTFOE is a close second. A magical princess from another dimension comes to live with an Earth boy, but.., boy, do things change! By mid-season 1 (3 seasons thus far, after this season ends one more to go ;n;) things take a dark turn, even for a Disney cartoon... boy, the movie was a killer! ... literally. Maybe 3-4 deaths. Two and a half? Whatever -- one is permanently dead, the other came back as did that half death!. So many feels. Too many feels.

Superjail! is another one. It... doesn't really have plot. Basically it's this.. well, this jail and.. oh, jeez. It's hard to explain. Sadly canceled, it is EXTREMELY bloody and gory and full of stuff that only adults should really see so ... yeah. Not for the weak of heart at all.
@hamkid I remember the Mighty B, but not that well. I believe it was the girl with orange hair and glasses in the girl scout uniform. She had a dog as well. I've never heard of Eddsworld, but it sounds pretty cool! I'm going to have to check it out.

I have, however, heard of Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil. I heard there was a Gravity Falls and Danny Phantom (another cartoon I love) reference in the show. I was actually planning on checking it out soon.

Superjail! looks pretty good too. I like how the animation looks and don't mind gore too much. It seems like a very unusual prison.
@hamkid I remember the Mighty B, but not that well. I believe it was the girl with orange hair and glasses in the girl scout uniform. She had a dog as well. I've never heard of Eddsworld, but it sounds pretty cool! I'm going to have to check it out.

I have, however, heard of Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil. I heard there was a Gravity Falls and Danny Phantom (another cartoon I love) reference in the show. I was actually planning on checking it out soon.

Superjail! looks pretty good too. I like how the animation looks and don't mind gore too much. It seems like a very unusual prison.
@InnerAnimus i think that's the one, but I don't remember her hair being so orange (but then again, forgetful me tends to, well, forget!)
Eddsworld is pretty cool! I just adore it so much. It doesn't have TOO much plot, but some. The End, oh, The End... those were some Eddisodes (episodes) right there. Never start with The End. Oh boy. Note that the first Eddisodes have pretty messy artstyles from around 2004-2007-8ish! By 2011 the creator/animator of the webtoon was so improved, so good... it's such a shame what happened. :( i sometimes can't believe he's gone. During Legacy (Space Face 2 [and the Date Night short] and beyond are legacy, but i don't think what comes next is?) there are a LOT of animation styles that pop up, so many unique ones!

I'm not sure of the GF and Danny Phantom reference, but i've seen references to the band Twenty One Pilots and a reference to a podcast called The Adventure Zone. SVTFOE is a great thing. I love it so much. Love at first promo for me. :') good memories. I remember it was March 30th, 2015, when it finally came out . . .

AH ONE MORE THING. Superjail gets really flashy rainbow bits and those can be quite hard on the eyes. It was a very unusual and hectic show indeed. Left a big hole in my heart when I found it was canceled. ;;

Oh man i forgot Over The Garden Wall. It's a miniseries. It's a bit like Gravity Falls! In a forest called The Unknown... or... Errr, you'll jut have to see it to find out. Mysteries everywhere. Little detais to look for . . .

I love The Loud House but it really isn't all too popular, perhaps because it's a Nick cartoon. BUT IT'S SO WHOLESOME, i swear to god! It doe have its... moments but all in ll? Good show. I'm not up to date with it but there is definitely a gay couple (the main character's best friend's dads) and theyre the best oh man. Good lil thing.
@InnerAnimus i think that's the one, but I don't remember her hair being so orange (but then again, forgetful me tends to, well, forget!)
Eddsworld is pretty cool! I just adore it so much. It doesn't have TOO much plot, but some. The End, oh, The End... those were some Eddisodes (episodes) right there. Never start with The End. Oh boy. Note that the first Eddisodes have pretty messy artstyles from around 2004-2007-8ish! By 2011 the creator/animator of the webtoon was so improved, so good... it's such a shame what happened. :( i sometimes can't believe he's gone. During Legacy (Space Face 2 [and the Date Night short] and beyond are legacy, but i don't think what comes next is?) there are a LOT of animation styles that pop up, so many unique ones!

I'm not sure of the GF and Danny Phantom reference, but i've seen references to the band Twenty One Pilots and a reference to a podcast called The Adventure Zone. SVTFOE is a great thing. I love it so much. Love at first promo for me. :') good memories. I remember it was March 30th, 2015, when it finally came out . . .

AH ONE MORE THING. Superjail gets really flashy rainbow bits and those can be quite hard on the eyes. It was a very unusual and hectic show indeed. Left a big hole in my heart when I found it was canceled. ;;

Oh man i forgot Over The Garden Wall. It's a miniseries. It's a bit like Gravity Falls! In a forest called The Unknown... or... Errr, you'll jut have to see it to find out. Mysteries everywhere. Little detais to look for . . .

I love The Loud House but it really isn't all too popular, perhaps because it's a Nick cartoon. BUT IT'S SO WHOLESOME, i swear to god! It doe have its... moments but all in ll? Good show. I'm not up to date with it but there is definitely a gay couple (the main character's best friend's dads) and theyre the best oh man. Good lil thing.
hmm mine are:

Gravity Falls
South Park (though I'm seasons behind)

And though I haven't watched these others in years, I really loved them when I was younger and should rewatch them:

Jackie Chan Adventures
Courage the Cowardly Dog
The Wild Thornberrys
Dexter's Laboratory
hmm mine are:

Gravity Falls
South Park (though I'm seasons behind)

And though I haven't watched these others in years, I really loved them when I was younger and should rewatch them:

Jackie Chan Adventures
Courage the Cowardly Dog
The Wild Thornberrys
Dexter's Laboratory
It would take me too long to list all my favorites as I prefer animated shows over live-action most of the time.

But among the list is:

- The entire DCAU catalog (Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Justice League, etc.)
- Young Justice
- Jackie Chan Adventures
- Rick and Morty
- Gravity Falls
- Star vs The Forces of Evil
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- Star Wars: Rebels
- Trollhunters
- Voltron (both the original and the current versions, but not the other remakes or continuations)
- Nearly the entire Transformers library (including many Japanese exclusive series)
- Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated (best version of Scooby-Doo in my opinion)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 and 2012 series)
- Digimon
- The old Nicktoons (Doug, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, etc.)
- Ducktales (old and new)
- Darkwing Duck

And this is only a fraction of my favorites.
It would take me too long to list all my favorites as I prefer animated shows over live-action most of the time.

But among the list is:

- The entire DCAU catalog (Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Justice League, etc.)
- Young Justice
- Jackie Chan Adventures
- Rick and Morty
- Gravity Falls
- Star vs The Forces of Evil
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- Star Wars: Rebels
- Trollhunters
- Voltron (both the original and the current versions, but not the other remakes or continuations)
- Nearly the entire Transformers library (including many Japanese exclusive series)
- Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated (best version of Scooby-Doo in my opinion)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 and 2012 series)
- Digimon
- The old Nicktoons (Doug, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, etc.)
- Ducktales (old and new)
- Darkwing Duck

And this is only a fraction of my favorites.
Formerly known as Brenning.
*slams into thread in russian* i mc hecking love smeshariki or whatever its 414998 translated names are
it cool and good [rant]even though it gets worse near the end where they start shoving in needless advertisements of their smeshariki-themed products and the overall quality just drops
especially the most recent episodes after it actually ended. one was release on that one year which was a monkey year and it sucked, the animation especially was lacking compared to the older ones
(its weird too. they were doing a 3d spinoff but it had well animated 2d parts which resembled the original series like what it shouldnt be worse)
then the most recent ones arent even episodes they just teach babbies how to use internet even though they can easily find that out without anyones help
i didnt even watch those[/rant]

and the two spinoffs arent that great. theres one that educates you on stuff and is the one with 2d parts i mentioned. this one is great bu i watched a newish episode in like september and it was rather boring :/ they at least told you that birds are dinosaurs so thatsd cool
another spinoff is casual, also 3d, also boring as heck so they basically stopped doing it at some point and switched to the other one (they did release sport episodes for it last winter but i didnt watch them either)
also my heckio the 3d FILM which was released in 2011... its gorgeous and nostalgic as heck to me i love it. probably not that great compared to foreign films by like pixar and stuff but ehh
there was another film but it was lacking in comparison
next year should have the third fiml released
my fav in smeshariki is barash and i dont even know why. it switched from kopatych when i went to watch smeshariki nachalo(thats the first film) and its probably due to the year i was born in and my favorite c olor at the time which so happened to be his eye color(i can describe in fr terms as caribbean or lapis)... those reasons are silly but he stayed my favorite since
honestly all the main 9(10? 11?) characters in it are hecking great

oh dear kluex i could talk for ages about smeshariki if someone wants to talk to me about it too throw a pm at my face

gumball is pretty great
i need to watch all of it at some point
*slams into thread in russian* i mc hecking love smeshariki or whatever its 414998 translated names are
it cool and good [rant]even though it gets worse near the end where they start shoving in needless advertisements of their smeshariki-themed products and the overall quality just drops
especially the most recent episodes after it actually ended. one was release on that one year which was a monkey year and it sucked, the animation especially was lacking compared to the older ones
(its weird too. they were doing a 3d spinoff but it had well animated 2d parts which resembled the original series like what it shouldnt be worse)
then the most recent ones arent even episodes they just teach babbies how to use internet even though they can easily find that out without anyones help
i didnt even watch those[/rant]

and the two spinoffs arent that great. theres one that educates you on stuff and is the one with 2d parts i mentioned. this one is great bu i watched a newish episode in like september and it was rather boring :/ they at least told you that birds are dinosaurs so thatsd cool
another spinoff is casual, also 3d, also boring as heck so they basically stopped doing it at some point and switched to the other one (they did release sport episodes for it last winter but i didnt watch them either)
also my heckio the 3d FILM which was released in 2011... its gorgeous and nostalgic as heck to me i love it. probably not that great compared to foreign films by like pixar and stuff but ehh
there was another film but it was lacking in comparison
next year should have the third fiml released
my fav in smeshariki is barash and i dont even know why. it switched from kopatych when i went to watch smeshariki nachalo(thats the first film) and its probably due to the year i was born in and my favorite c olor at the time which so happened to be his eye color(i can describe in fr terms as caribbean or lapis)... those reasons are silly but he stayed my favorite since
honestly all the main 9(10? 11?) characters in it are hecking great

oh dear kluex i could talk for ages about smeshariki if someone wants to talk to me about it too throw a pm at my face

gumball is pretty great
i need to watch all of it at some point
Glowbug she/her
actual spore creature
avatar dragon
You seem to have very similar interests to me!
Shows thst I like...
Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
We Bare Bears
Old Teen Titans
Avatar the Last Airbender (Im not done it, so no spoilers please!)
Danny Phantom
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Old Power Puff Girls
Samurai Jack ( I haven't seen a lot of it, but what I have seen I love.)
The Amazing World of Gumball
Old Spongebob. I also like some very new episodes like Mimic Madness.
You seem to have very similar interests to me!
Shows thst I like...
Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
We Bare Bears
Old Teen Titans
Avatar the Last Airbender (Im not done it, so no spoilers please!)
Danny Phantom
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Old Power Puff Girls
Samurai Jack ( I haven't seen a lot of it, but what I have seen I love.)
The Amazing World of Gumball
Old Spongebob. I also like some very new episodes like Mimic Madness.

Don't ask why my name is ThunderInvader but I'm in nature.
MV1Iakt.png Any pronouns-Pansexual-ADHD iconMV1Iakt.png
I’m more into anime these days, but Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series The Legend of Korra are amazing. Korra is very different from Avatar and admittedly has its flaws, but these series made a huge impact on me and pretty much changed how I view media.
I’m more into anime these days, but Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series The Legend of Korra are amazing. Korra is very different from Avatar and admittedly has its flaws, but these series made a huge impact on me and pretty much changed how I view media.
Hmm, I have a few that really stuck with me:

Gravity Falls
Steven Universe
Miraculous Ladybug

And a few I need to (re)watch:
(Old) Spongebob
The Last Airbender and Korra
Danny Phantom

El Tigre was a large part of my childhood and I'm sad everyone's forgotten about it.
Hmm, I have a few that really stuck with me:

Gravity Falls
Steven Universe
Miraculous Ladybug

And a few I need to (re)watch:
(Old) Spongebob
The Last Airbender and Korra
Danny Phantom

El Tigre was a large part of my childhood and I'm sad everyone's forgotten about it.
Hi! I'm Jake or Rads
lwN7WD5.png FRT+9 | he/him

avatar dragon
art shop
xx Silhouette of a flying dragon
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