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TOPIC | Send froggos
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I love frogs. You love frogs. Everyone loves frogs and if you don't you aren't a true human being capable of rational thought. If any of you draw frogs, have pet frogs, or take pictures of frogs I'd love to see them.
I love frogs. You love frogs. Everyone loves frogs and if you don't you aren't a true human being capable of rational thought. If any of you draw frogs, have pet frogs, or take pictures of frogs I'd love to see them.
hello friend
I was addicted to frogs as a kid! Please enjoy these froggy pictures I took last summer!
I was addicted to frogs as a kid! Please enjoy these froggy pictures I took last summer!
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
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@impossiblejedi4 I love them so much thank you, they are all precious friends
@impossiblejedi4 I love them so much thank you, they are all precious friends
hello friend
They are! Frogs and toads are adorable and must be protected
They are! Frogs and toads are adorable and must be protected
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
[s]I like watching screaming frogs on yt [/s] [img][/img]
I like watching screaming frogs on yt

[img][/img] [s]I'm sorry.[/s]
I'm sorry.
Blessed froggo
Blessed froggo

Here's a photo of a frog that was on our window a couple nights ago

Here's a photo of a frog that was on our window a couple nights ago
@Clique I don't mean to be a downer, but those photos are staged & the process they use to stage them is... not good... Often to stage these photos, the animals are kept in tiny cages or put in refrigerators to make them sluggish. often thin strings are tied to their limbs to pose them as well. ( [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] ) people need to be aware so they stop supporting photographers/etc that make these cruelly staged photos. nothin against you, you didnt know! it's just something to be aware of. ANYWAY I [i]love[/i] frogs. theyre so cute and perfect and also very messed up (pac man frogs & cannibalism hoo boy). I'm hoping that i can get some white's tree frogs in the coming years!! they always look so thoughtful...[img][/img] [img][/img] OR a pac man frog... [img][/img] right now I'm lookin after a toad I found dehydrated & starving in our window well. I've had her for a little over a week and she already looks & acts so much better :'] here are some cute [url=]frog[/url] [url=]blogs[/url] to look at
I don't mean to be a downer, but those photos are staged & the process they use to stage them is... not good... Often to stage these photos, the animals are kept in tiny cages or put in refrigerators to make them sluggish. often thin strings are tied to their limbs to pose them as well. ( X X X X )
people need to be aware so they stop supporting photographers/etc that make these cruelly staged photos. nothin against you, you didnt know! it's just something to be aware of.

I love frogs. theyre so cute and perfect and also very messed up (pac man frogs & cannibalism hoo boy). I'm hoping that i can get some white's tree frogs in the coming years!! they always look so thoughtful...6e8fff1049f20556ec99b0224c1af093.jpg

OR a pac man frog...

right now I'm lookin after a toad I found dehydrated & starving in our window well. I've had her for a little over a week and she already looks & acts so much better :']
here are some cute frog blogs to look at
NOTE: my username is quinceLy, not quincy/quincey --- den/lair cleanout!!

I aM ssssADDEned
Thanks for the info though, I just thought it was photoshop or something :P

I aM ssssADDEned
Thanks for the info though, I just thought it was photoshop or something :P
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