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TOPIC | Any Mass Effect fans?
I'm curious to what you are currently running in your PC, maybe I can give you some advice.

I've only played for a few hours, but so far I'm loving it.
I agree with u on the character customization, I honestly gave up on it and went default sara. And yea lol the scanner is a lot of fun and I hope it is used more for unique situations and puzzles

I'm curious to what you are currently running in your PC, maybe I can give you some advice.

I've only played for a few hours, but so far I'm loving it.
I agree with u on the character customization, I honestly gave up on it and went default sara. And yea lol the scanner is a lot of fun and I hope it is used more for unique situations and puzzles

So far I'm liking the game. My only complaint is character faces. Not just humans either. The turians are all a cream color, asari are abnormally blue, and salarians look like they have lipstick? These would be fine if it looked like there was some variety and these were isolated to certain characters, however it looks like that's how it is for now.

I love the worlds though. The planets are so cool and unique, wildlife is awesome, and the interiors are perfectly crafted. The voice acting and dialogue is great too.
So far I'm liking the game. My only complaint is character faces. Not just humans either. The turians are all a cream color, asari are abnormally blue, and salarians look like they have lipstick? These would be fine if it looked like there was some variety and these were isolated to certain characters, however it looks like that's how it is for now.

I love the worlds though. The planets are so cool and unique, wildlife is awesome, and the interiors are perfectly crafted. The voice acting and dialogue is great too.
FR+1 - I will host nests for free, just ask/PM!
Make sure to copy/paste my name to ensure I will get your ping!
That's kind of you! Though I'm not too sure if you can~
I only have an "Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 Video Card" currently, while the minimum apparently is an "Nvidia GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB."
I also need Dedicated Video RAM of 2 GB, while I only have 128 MB.
For the CPU I have Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz, while I need a minimum of Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350.

Now I'm not all too techy actually, while I do understand kb, mb, gb, etc. but also I'm not too sure about the reliability of this information either, as the site I got it from has the word "Info" for the minimum CPU speed haha. Maybe I actually could run it without some of these minimums if I just turned the performance to the bottom or something, perhaps these are the minimums if you want a regular experience and not -1,000 fps lmao?

But yeah, no idea really :p
That's kind of you! Though I'm not too sure if you can~
I only have an "Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000 Video Card" currently, while the minimum apparently is an "Nvidia GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB."
I also need Dedicated Video RAM of 2 GB, while I only have 128 MB.
For the CPU I have Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz, while I need a minimum of Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350.

Now I'm not all too techy actually, while I do understand kb, mb, gb, etc. but also I'm not too sure about the reliability of this information either, as the site I got it from has the word "Info" for the minimum CPU speed haha. Maybe I actually could run it without some of these minimums if I just turned the performance to the bottom or something, perhaps these are the minimums if you want a regular experience and not -1,000 fps lmao?

But yeah, no idea really :p
Waiting 24/7 for death's sweet release (of their next hot mixtape of course)
Is this a laptop or a tower? The graphics you currently have is just a chip built into the motherboard, it's not meant to do much, if your a laptop there's not much you can do, but tower wise you might have an open slot to have an actual graphics card installed.
Is this a laptop or a tower? The graphics you currently have is just a chip built into the motherboard, it's not meant to do much, if your a laptop there's not much you can do, but tower wise you might have an open slot to have an actual graphics card installed.
Yay my computer runs it! Unfortunately I can't turn the graphics up all they way but I have them set at medium, so it's not too bad (I thought I was going to have to set them really low).

I love the little booster you get that lets you jump around the planets.

Does anyone know if the two people together dialogue option is really just a friendship option? I see it a lot when talking to Jaal and I want to be friends but it sounds a lot like I'm flirting with him when I use it. And no offense to Jaal but he's, like, a purple donut and I don't want to go there.

@Zenikay - like I said I'm not a computer wiz, but I do know that if your video card is just a chip in the motherboard like Shoyrn said (like what laptops and desktop computers have) then there's pretty much no way you could run something like Andromeda on it even with the settings really low. I'm sorry, should have mentioned that before, I just assumed you had a gaming pc. :(

If you want to play newer games on your computer you need one of those monster video cards, like a Nvidia (which is what I have).You can get one for your computer if you have a tower but graphics cards can be very expensive. You could look around for an older one that would be much cheaper than the new ones but it's still going to cost you a couple hundred, from what I've seen. could also just get a console, which I think costs the same as an older video card, but you don't have to go through the hassle of putting together a computer.
Yay my computer runs it! Unfortunately I can't turn the graphics up all they way but I have them set at medium, so it's not too bad (I thought I was going to have to set them really low).

I love the little booster you get that lets you jump around the planets.

Does anyone know if the two people together dialogue option is really just a friendship option? I see it a lot when talking to Jaal and I want to be friends but it sounds a lot like I'm flirting with him when I use it. And no offense to Jaal but he's, like, a purple donut and I don't want to go there.

@Zenikay - like I said I'm not a computer wiz, but I do know that if your video card is just a chip in the motherboard like Shoyrn said (like what laptops and desktop computers have) then there's pretty much no way you could run something like Andromeda on it even with the settings really low. I'm sorry, should have mentioned that before, I just assumed you had a gaming pc. :(

If you want to play newer games on your computer you need one of those monster video cards, like a Nvidia (which is what I have).You can get one for your computer if you have a tower but graphics cards can be very expensive. You could look around for an older one that would be much cheaper than the new ones but it's still going to cost you a couple hundred, from what I've seen. could also just get a console, which I think costs the same as an older video card, but you don't have to go through the hassle of putting together a computer.
lF5nfl9.png tShJXZX.png

Yeahhh, I sorta thought it'd be a longshot ^^' I just wasn't too sure about the graphics card things because our last computer actually did have Nvidia, but this new computer of mine doesn't :p and while it is an actual desktop, the tower is only the size of a sandwich basically ~w~

But thanks for all the information and stuff too! :3 I'll still probably be getting it someday, once I know I can run it (same reason I've been waiting to buy Far Cry 4 for so long *tear* xD)

Yeahhh, I sorta thought it'd be a longshot ^^' I just wasn't too sure about the graphics card things because our last computer actually did have Nvidia, but this new computer of mine doesn't :p and while it is an actual desktop, the tower is only the size of a sandwich basically ~w~

But thanks for all the information and stuff too! :3 I'll still probably be getting it someday, once I know I can run it (same reason I've been waiting to buy Far Cry 4 for so long *tear* xD)
Waiting 24/7 for death's sweet release (of their next hot mixtape of course)
Hello everyone!

I've been an ME fan for a long time, just got ME:A on Monday and I know there's a lot to be said about some things (animations, romances, ect.) but I'm really enjoying the game so far! The story has me hooked. And also my Ryder is really cute.

I was nervous about the facial animations, but it seems like they're only very very noticeably weird on the default Ryders (which is odd because it's usually the other way around). Especially default F!Ryder good gods she looks terrible. But my custom looks great!

Definitely going for Vetra w/them even though Peebee is adorable from what little I've seen of her so far (just met her). I'm glad I get to be gay with more aliens this time around.
Hello everyone!

I've been an ME fan for a long time, just got ME:A on Monday and I know there's a lot to be said about some things (animations, romances, ect.) but I'm really enjoying the game so far! The story has me hooked. And also my Ryder is really cute.

I was nervous about the facial animations, but it seems like they're only very very noticeably weird on the default Ryders (which is odd because it's usually the other way around). Especially default F!Ryder good gods she looks terrible. But my custom looks great!

Definitely going for Vetra w/them even though Peebee is adorable from what little I've seen of her so far (just met her). I'm glad I get to be gay with more aliens this time around.
xey/xem/xyr, fae/faen/faer, or they/them/their - FR+3
Has amazing advanced tech for Omni tool, still uses glass for helmets, GG humans.
Has amazing advanced tech for Omni tool, still uses glass for helmets, GG humans.
Vetra + Drack = best team
Vetra + Drack = best team
lF5nfl9.png tShJXZX.png
I'm not very far into the game because I have to share the tv with my family, but I really love my custom F!Ryder and I named her Thea. I think I'm going to romance Vetra for sure although I also like Suvi as well.
I'm not very far into the game because I have to share the tv with my family, but I really love my custom F!Ryder and I named her Thea. I think I'm going to romance Vetra for sure although I also like Suvi as well.