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TOPIC | The Cringiest Faze of your life
Everything between 11-15 years.
The weeb phase. I also decided I despise the color pink (it's one of my favourite colors now). My story (which is still in development) was terribly cliche, the characters were either mary/gary-sues or straight up edgelords, no inbetween. Threw in japanese words when speaking which I only learned from anime, and used obnoxious emojis. Also couldn't take a joke and acted like the world was out to get me. Just.. my entire younger self makes me cringe really hard.
Everything between 11-15 years.
The weeb phase. I also decided I despise the color pink (it's one of my favourite colors now). My story (which is still in development) was terribly cliche, the characters were either mary/gary-sues or straight up edgelords, no inbetween. Threw in japanese words when speaking which I only learned from anime, and used obnoxious emojis. Also couldn't take a joke and acted like the world was out to get me. Just.. my entire younger self makes me cringe really hard.
Hex | he/him | FR+9hrs
Grade 6/7

I was introduced to fanfiction and digital art and thought I was THE BEST THING EVUR!!!1!!!!:;()

I had a huge ego rip

Please destroy 12/13 year old me
Grade 6/7

I was introduced to fanfiction and digital art and thought I was THE BEST THING EVUR!!!1!!!!:;()

I had a huge ego rip

Please destroy 12/13 year old me
Me outwardly believing all this crazy magical stuff and not being ashamed of telling people about it. I was pretty weird but luckily I had good friends so I was never really made fun of. I still believe some weird stuff but there's actually a reason behind it and I don't go around talking about it.

Also when I used to fear the color neon yellow.

ALSO the 'dogs are awful' phase where I believed that if you liked cats you had to hate dogs. Sixth grade was basically this, we me as the leader of the cat group. this also happened on the other side of the country in 2nd grade. Yeah I've since learned that you can like both, even if cats are still my favorite.
Me outwardly believing all this crazy magical stuff and not being ashamed of telling people about it. I was pretty weird but luckily I had good friends so I was never really made fun of. I still believe some weird stuff but there's actually a reason behind it and I don't go around talking about it.

Also when I used to fear the color neon yellow.

ALSO the 'dogs are awful' phase where I believed that if you liked cats you had to hate dogs. Sixth grade was basically this, we me as the leader of the cat group. this also happened on the other side of the country in 2nd grade. Yeah I've since learned that you can like both, even if cats are still my favorite.
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
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When FNAF first came out, I loved it. I was one of the really cringey fans who loved Foxy and shipped Fangle. I even said Foxy was hot. Then, I started saying purple guy was hot. I only drew FNAF characters and my warrior cats OCs. I was also obsessed with warrior cats then, but it wasn't as bad as FNAF.
When FNAF first came out, I loved it. I was one of the really cringey fans who loved Foxy and shipped Fangle. I even said Foxy was hot. Then, I started saying purple guy was hot. I only drew FNAF characters and my warrior cats OCs. I was also obsessed with warrior cats then, but it wasn't as bad as FNAF.
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Around 3/4th grade. I was a child who didn't know how to be social. So me trying to be was HORRIBLE~!!

Then around 7th grade when I first got into cosplay. I didn't know how to sew and it was BAD.
Around 3/4th grade. I was a child who didn't know how to be social. So me trying to be was HORRIBLE~!!

Then around 7th grade when I first got into cosplay. I didn't know how to sew and it was BAD.
I have my own website for things I've made!
My FNAF phase oh god please blow up my FNAF phase self
My FNAF phase oh god please blow up my FNAF phase self
I had a brony phase about five years ago. I still like MLP, but I've greatly distanced myself from the fandom since then. A very long time ago, I was super into Inu Yasha and anime. I never went full weeb, but I had a lot of anime themed t-shirts and posters and my buddy and I talked about waifus all the time. I also believed that eh, certain dictatorships were cool in high school. It was all just an attempt to shock people cause I was a super lord of the edge.
I had a brony phase about five years ago. I still like MLP, but I've greatly distanced myself from the fandom since then. A very long time ago, I was super into Inu Yasha and anime. I never went full weeb, but I had a lot of anime themed t-shirts and posters and my buddy and I talked about waifus all the time. I also believed that eh, certain dictatorships were cool in high school. It was all just an attempt to shock people cause I was a super lord of the edge.
Arcane Space Pirate and Drifter
My knee-jerk answer to this was "My Warriors phase from age 10-12," because that spawned no shortage of cringe and coincided with a strange little phase where I was obsessed with Nyan Cat, but if I look back, the phase I actually cringe hardest at was its immediate successor. Right when I was growing bored with Warriors, I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Now, I still love both shows, but I become a cringelord every time I first get into something. I made lame references at every opportunity, shoved it in everyone's face, and was especially cringey about the crush I developed on a character. I basically formed a fan club of said character on another forum and we were just cringeballs all the time.

After the mania of that sub-phase died down, I entered another one where I started shipping a dumb ship that wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I can't look at one of the characters involved without cringing.

I'm in an anime phase now, which I'll probably cringe at in the future. At least I'm not a weeb. While I once had a Tumblr, I avoided SJW stuff as much as possible, so I was never Tumblr trash. And I'm so glad I never went through an emo phase.
My knee-jerk answer to this was "My Warriors phase from age 10-12," because that spawned no shortage of cringe and coincided with a strange little phase where I was obsessed with Nyan Cat, but if I look back, the phase I actually cringe hardest at was its immediate successor. Right when I was growing bored with Warriors, I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Now, I still love both shows, but I become a cringelord every time I first get into something. I made lame references at every opportunity, shoved it in everyone's face, and was especially cringey about the crush I developed on a character. I basically formed a fan club of said character on another forum and we were just cringeballs all the time.

After the mania of that sub-phase died down, I entered another one where I started shipping a dumb ship that wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I can't look at one of the characters involved without cringing.

I'm in an anime phase now, which I'll probably cringe at in the future. At least I'm not a weeb. While I once had a Tumblr, I avoided SJW stuff as much as possible, so I was never Tumblr trash. And I'm so glad I never went through an emo phase.
weeb XD gay ships phase in 7th grade

weeb XD gay ships phase in 7th grade


fr +1 | she/they
adopts | skins
I was 12, socially awkward ([i]proooobably[/i] autistic based on personal/family history), and simultaneously wanted to fit in and ~be unique~. I had two friends, who were more like people I followed around and sat with because I didn't know how to conversation, and one was very into the punk scene. Not like Green Day, Blink 182, nu-punk. The older stuff, the ska-punk, all that jazz. I actually still like Rancid. So I tried emulating her, but I couldn't afford cool stuff, didn't feel comfortable wearing band shirts, was afraid of hair dye/cuts, and my parents weren't into me deconstructing my clothes for science. I also liked anime hair. Y'know, the sharp side bangs? [img][/img] Between this and hair gel/need to have spiky hair, I ended up with stiff, crunchy bangs for a year, while wearing plain, giant black hoodies, armsocks from Ardene's (Sort of like Claire's in the USA), pyramid spike bracelets, hundreds of those jelly bracelets when they were popular, baggie black nylon cargo pants, baggy men's jeans, and a pair of long black men's shorts with a skull and red X on the back pocket. Also lots of black/red/grey girl's t-shirts with pictures or sayings on them, like Happy Bunny or witty, ironic things like, "You're unique... Just like everybody else." That was my entire wardrobe. 3 pairs of pants, maybe a dozen t-shirts, and two sweaters. My family was lower-middle-class, so we had a nice house and weren't food insecure, but we couldn't really afford "extras". EDIT: Omg, I can't believe I forgot that near the end of this year, my dad got me some really awesome raver pants as a gift. They had 37" openings and were black with purple checks in some places and Jack & Sally appliques. Someone literally stole them from me when I was 18. Everything deteriorated when I moved/as I grew up/through the duration of my bad teenage relationship. Punk wasn't a scene at my new school, so I was a weirdo. Luckily I'd stopped with the gel, but my hair was always in an anime ponytail to keep the long bangs going. And I had LONG hair, all of it was to my waist. That's a lot of bangs. Eventually I ended up only keeping my hair in a messy bun, wearing a baggy pullover Slipknot hoodie and baggie jeans, no accessories or anything (My ex was a controlling jerk) I look back and just cringe at my entire adolescence, but that year of crunchy bangs... I can't take that back.
I was 12, socially awkward (proooobably autistic based on personal/family history), and simultaneously wanted to fit in and ~be unique~.

I had two friends, who were more like people I followed around and sat with because I didn't know how to conversation, and one was very into the punk scene. Not like Green Day, Blink 182, nu-punk. The older stuff, the ska-punk, all that jazz. I actually still like Rancid.

So I tried emulating her, but I couldn't afford cool stuff, didn't feel comfortable wearing band shirts, was afraid of hair dye/cuts, and my parents weren't into me deconstructing my clothes for science.

I also liked anime hair. Y'know, the sharp side bangs?


Between this and hair gel/need to have spiky hair, I ended up with stiff, crunchy bangs for a year, while wearing plain, giant black hoodies, armsocks from Ardene's (Sort of like Claire's in the USA), pyramid spike bracelets, hundreds of those jelly bracelets when they were popular, baggie black nylon cargo pants, baggy men's jeans, and a pair of long black men's shorts with a skull and red X on the back pocket. Also lots of black/red/grey girl's t-shirts with pictures or sayings on them, like Happy Bunny or witty, ironic things like, "You're unique... Just like everybody else."

That was my entire wardrobe. 3 pairs of pants, maybe a dozen t-shirts, and two sweaters. My family was lower-middle-class, so we had a nice house and weren't food insecure, but we couldn't really afford "extras".

EDIT: Omg, I can't believe I forgot that near the end of this year, my dad got me some really awesome raver pants as a gift. They had 37" openings and were black with purple checks in some places and Jack & Sally appliques. Someone literally stole them from me when I was 18.

Everything deteriorated when I moved/as I grew up/through the duration of my bad teenage relationship. Punk wasn't a scene at my new school, so I was a weirdo. Luckily I'd stopped with the gel, but my hair was always in an anime ponytail to keep the long bangs going. And I had LONG hair, all of it was to my waist. That's a lot of bangs. Eventually I ended up only keeping my hair in a messy bun, wearing a baggy pullover Slipknot hoodie and baggie jeans, no accessories or anything (My ex was a controlling jerk)

I look back and just cringe at my entire adolescence, but that year of crunchy bangs... I can't take that back.