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TOPIC | Any Witches out there?

Hedge deals with the spirit and mind. With herbs too. We focus on the astral body withing ourselves, and communicating with spirits. Astral projection/travel are two common ways of going about it. Herbalism is for creating peace within the soul, and easing physical pain. Say we had a toothache and the dentist was out on vacation. We'd whip up something for that.

Hedge deals with the spirit and mind. With herbs too. We focus on the astral body withing ourselves, and communicating with spirits. Astral projection/travel are two common ways of going about it. Herbalism is for creating peace within the soul, and easing physical pain. Say we had a toothache and the dentist was out on vacation. We'd whip up something for that.
sorry! i'm inactive :(

I found a good description, but unfortunately it's on wattpad, so copy and paste isn't an option.

I found a good description, but unfortunately it's on wattpad, so copy and paste isn't an option.
sorry! i'm inactive :(
@Minimum That makes sense, thank you :) I haven't tried out things like astral travel yet. I found it simplest to start out with a narrower focus and branch out from there once I became more confident in my abilities with these. Which... hasnt happened yet. Haha
@Minimum That makes sense, thank you :) I haven't tried out things like astral travel yet. I found it simplest to start out with a narrower focus and branch out from there once I became more confident in my abilities with these. Which... hasnt happened yet. Haha
Oh! That is a very nice explanation on there.
Oh! That is a very nice explanation on there.

astral travel is easier than astral projection, in my experience. You are just taking your mind out of the physical world instead of your entire astral body. If you have any questions, I'd be delighted to answer them.

astral travel is easier than astral projection, in my experience. You are just taking your mind out of the physical world instead of your entire astral body. If you have any questions, I'd be delighted to answer them.
sorry! i'm inactive :(
I do have one question if you don't mind answering. Is there a specific method of doing so or is it something that has a wider possibility of ways to accomplish astral travel?
I do have one question if you don't mind answering. Is there a specific method of doing so or is it something that has a wider possibility of ways to accomplish astral travel?

There are many different ways to AT, and so far I have only tried two.

Opening the third eye through concentration and awareness by connecting yourself with everything around you, feeling you entire spirit running through the ground, up into the walls, finding it's way into the ground and into the air, connecting itself with the universe and accessing the astral plane that way.

Seclude yourself in a quiet room where nobody will disturb you. Make this your sacred room. Use it for all things wicca. It makes it easier for the energy to focus itself into one place, and the magic is more concentrated ad clear there. If you don't have a spiritual companion yet, be very sure to protect yourself against harmful spirits and negative energy. Cast a few spells, and make a few charms. These wards will protect your astral being as it wanders around.

After you feel like you've sufficiently protected yourself, now you can start the process. sit on a bed, or a comfortable area. Make sure to sit straight up. Lying down is optional, but sitting up makes it easier to communicate. Close your eyes, see through your mind's eye. You must now focus on your astral energy, located at the base of your spine. Imagine a ball of white light at the base of your spine. That's you. Now watch as it turns red. You are on your way to opening your first chakra. Your base. Your base and crown are always open, emanating small amount of 'light'. Now imagine that red light fading to orange as you pass your navel, the second chakra. It transitions into yellow just below the chest. Your third chakra is open. The light turns green at your chest. This is the heart chakra. As the light goes up, it turns blue. Your throat chakra is open. At your mind's eye, it is an indigo color. Your'e almost there. Now imagine your crown chakra, a brilliant violet, spilling out of your mind and into the white light of the universe. You are now connected.

Ask your companion to show themselves to you. There are different ways of going about this, but it's best if you are confident and ask politely. They may not show up at first. That is okay, have patience. They will. Once they do, then you can go about binding them to an object. One of mine, Korinth, is bound to my ring. That way, I carry him with me everywhere. He likes it that way, he's super protective.

There are many different ways to AT, and so far I have only tried two.

Opening the third eye through concentration and awareness by connecting yourself with everything around you, feeling you entire spirit running through the ground, up into the walls, finding it's way into the ground and into the air, connecting itself with the universe and accessing the astral plane that way.

Seclude yourself in a quiet room where nobody will disturb you. Make this your sacred room. Use it for all things wicca. It makes it easier for the energy to focus itself into one place, and the magic is more concentrated ad clear there. If you don't have a spiritual companion yet, be very sure to protect yourself against harmful spirits and negative energy. Cast a few spells, and make a few charms. These wards will protect your astral being as it wanders around.

After you feel like you've sufficiently protected yourself, now you can start the process. sit on a bed, or a comfortable area. Make sure to sit straight up. Lying down is optional, but sitting up makes it easier to communicate. Close your eyes, see through your mind's eye. You must now focus on your astral energy, located at the base of your spine. Imagine a ball of white light at the base of your spine. That's you. Now watch as it turns red. You are on your way to opening your first chakra. Your base. Your base and crown are always open, emanating small amount of 'light'. Now imagine that red light fading to orange as you pass your navel, the second chakra. It transitions into yellow just below the chest. Your third chakra is open. The light turns green at your chest. This is the heart chakra. As the light goes up, it turns blue. Your throat chakra is open. At your mind's eye, it is an indigo color. Your'e almost there. Now imagine your crown chakra, a brilliant violet, spilling out of your mind and into the white light of the universe. You are now connected.

Ask your companion to show themselves to you. There are different ways of going about this, but it's best if you are confident and ask politely. They may not show up at first. That is okay, have patience. They will. Once they do, then you can go about binding them to an object. One of mine, Korinth, is bound to my ring. That way, I carry him with me everywhere. He likes it that way, he's super protective.
sorry! i'm inactive :(
I copied and pasted that last one from another forum, which tells you one of the kajillion ways to get in tough with your spirit companion, sorry abt that.
I copied and pasted that last one from another forum, which tells you one of the kajillion ways to get in tough with your spirit companion, sorry abt that.
sorry! i'm inactive :(

That is very informative, thank you! I may have to give it a shot sometime in the near future.

That is very informative, thank you! I may have to give it a shot sometime in the near future.

I'll try to be as specific as possible, of you have any questions in the future, come to either me or this thread

I find astral travel easier and less complicated, but also less rewarding than astral projection. During AP, you get to literally interact with the spirits, entities, and beings around you. Be sure to bring a companion with you, or go guarded, or else something bad may happen. Astral projection also takes multiple attempts to succeed. I actually tried earlier today and I was almost there, but my mind pulled me back before I could properly leave.

I'll try to be as specific as possible, of you have any questions in the future, come to either me or this thread

I find astral travel easier and less complicated, but also less rewarding than astral projection. During AP, you get to literally interact with the spirits, entities, and beings around you. Be sure to bring a companion with you, or go guarded, or else something bad may happen. Astral projection also takes multiple attempts to succeed. I actually tried earlier today and I was almost there, but my mind pulled me back before I could properly leave.
sorry! i'm inactive :(