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TOPIC | The cringeiest faze of your life
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Became painfully otaku when I was an undergrad. Read/wrote fanfic, took japanese lessons, was in the school's anime club, and we even hosted a local con. We had to rescue Vic Mignogna from the Mini-skirt army.
Became painfully otaku when I was an undergrad. Read/wrote fanfic, took japanese lessons, was in the school's anime club, and we even hosted a local con. We had to rescue Vic Mignogna from the Mini-skirt army.
Definitely my peta/naturalism phase I went through during the end of middle school, it all ended after I actually begun to research animals, and chemicals. It's actually a bit more scary than it is embarrassing, I didn't just want to go vegan and get crystal therapy, I straight up supported black salve and greenpeace, nasty stuff.
Definitely my peta/naturalism phase I went through during the end of middle school, it all ended after I actually begun to research animals, and chemicals. It's actually a bit more scary than it is embarrassing, I didn't just want to go vegan and get crystal therapy, I straight up supported black salve and greenpeace, nasty stuff.
That portion of my life where I thought I was straight.
That portion of my life where I thought I was straight.

Wolf phase. Just ugh. I even started a comic. I was SO YOUNG and just no. xD
Wolf phase. Just ugh. I even started a comic. I was SO YOUNG and just no. xD
[quote name="thecatsred" date=2016-09-23 10:03:22] That portion of my life where I thought I was straight. [/quote] @thecatsred s a m e
thecatsred wrote on 2016-09-23:
That portion of my life where I thought I was straight.

s a m e
........ deity_shadowbinder_by_dogi_crimson-da4xq7y.gif tumblr_inline_oqxzzokthn1r2ao8y_540.png
my weeb years. my emo years. my pretentious ******* years. my rAnDoM!!1 years. those all happened at about the same time so basically my entire life from the time i was nine to the time i was 14.

during my preteen years it was like the fanfic "my immortal" threw up all over my soul, so i'm just going to pretend for the rest of my life that none of that ever happened.
my weeb years. my emo years. my pretentious ******* years. my rAnDoM!!1 years. those all happened at about the same time so basically my entire life from the time i was nine to the time i was 14.

during my preteen years it was like the fanfic "my immortal" threw up all over my soul, so i'm just going to pretend for the rest of my life that none of that ever happened.
+2 hours server time!
The thing I did where I stopped doing things I liked because it made me cooler. So that's why I still have my fake persona and say XD and listen to All American Rejects. Y'all made fun of me for it back when and now I'm full of spite. >.> What I DO regret is not understanding how sexualities worked. In middle school was the first time anyone introduced the idea that someone couldn't be straight, but unfortunately my zany wolfaboo friends were the ones who introduced me so I was like "??? This sounds pretty made up" and did some. Very regrettable things. It pays to be educated :/ You know what else I regret? [img][/img]
The thing I did where I stopped doing things I liked because it made me cooler.
So that's why I still have my fake persona and say XD and listen to All American Rejects. Y'all made fun of me for it back when and now I'm full of spite. >.>

What I DO regret is not understanding how sexualities worked. In middle school was the first time anyone introduced the idea that someone couldn't be straight, but unfortunately my zany wolfaboo friends were the ones who introduced me so I was like "??? This sounds pretty made up" and did some. Very regrettable things. It pays to be educated :/

You know what else I regret?
I didn't know that "scene" had to do with the underground metal music scene until I started dating my current boyfriend. He was a scene kid in middle school and part of high school, long hair, tight jeans, studded belts and all. Oh, and he had a metal band. His hair was cut when we met, but he and many of his friends still wore "skinny fit" jeans and honestly... even though he has skinny legs, they aren't flattering in your early 20's. Luckily some reverse psychology (to avoid hurt feelings) and shopping trips got him wearing much better fits. He still has a metal band, but all of his friends are very sweet and mature. I had no idea until we were dating but apparently they're really good? I don't know how to listen to metal music, I just go off what I hear people in the crowds say at their shows.

I was a weeaboo. Very unclean, very sqee-y, very xD, very *le glomps*. I'm so glad I grew out of it. I don't even think I watched that many animes. I just obsessed with all of the other anime kids over whatever was popular, whether or not I watched it. The bad hygiene and yaoi fangirling really disturbs me when I think back on it. Luckily my boyfriend and I are both functioning adults now who dress properly and are socially well. We relate and laugh about how we used to be, and how we used to think of the other's stereotype.
I didn't know that "scene" had to do with the underground metal music scene until I started dating my current boyfriend. He was a scene kid in middle school and part of high school, long hair, tight jeans, studded belts and all. Oh, and he had a metal band. His hair was cut when we met, but he and many of his friends still wore "skinny fit" jeans and honestly... even though he has skinny legs, they aren't flattering in your early 20's. Luckily some reverse psychology (to avoid hurt feelings) and shopping trips got him wearing much better fits. He still has a metal band, but all of his friends are very sweet and mature. I had no idea until we were dating but apparently they're really good? I don't know how to listen to metal music, I just go off what I hear people in the crowds say at their shows.

I was a weeaboo. Very unclean, very sqee-y, very xD, very *le glomps*. I'm so glad I grew out of it. I don't even think I watched that many animes. I just obsessed with all of the other anime kids over whatever was popular, whether or not I watched it. The bad hygiene and yaoi fangirling really disturbs me when I think back on it. Luckily my boyfriend and I are both functioning adults now who dress properly and are socially well. We relate and laugh about how we used to be, and how we used to think of the other's stereotype.

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I'm surprised you got into that all so young. I just had to read up on Greenpeace and black salve.

OMG the fingerless gloves. the cat ears. so many memories

Some kids at my COLLEGE literally got arrested for this. They called it "roleplaying"/spiritual or something but they captured a girl and tried to exorcise her, saying she was possessed by some killer spirit. They were all really nerdy kids, and I'm assuming this girl was too, but she was really freaked out by this and once they let her escape she called the cops.
I'm surprised you got into that all so young. I just had to read up on Greenpeace and black salve.

OMG the fingerless gloves. the cat ears. so many memories

Some kids at my COLLEGE literally got arrested for this. They called it "roleplaying"/spiritual or something but they captured a girl and tried to exorcise her, saying she was possessed by some killer spirit. They were all really nerdy kids, and I'm assuming this girl was too, but she was really freaked out by this and once they let her escape she called the cops.

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double post

hi, i'm breathe. (´• ω •`) «
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she/her/hers «
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[tool] breeding predictor & matchmaker «
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