A large creature that you can only find unless you see a wild fox and snuggle it until it's affectionate enough to turn into a magical pastel ribbon dancer whose dances can calm people down. |
TOPIC | Describe Fave Pokemon in the Worst Way
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A large creature that you can only find unless you see a wild fox and snuggle it until it's affectionate enough to turn into a magical pastel ribbon dancer whose dances can calm people down.
My nuzlocke team includes:
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
My nuzlocke team includes:
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
A bug-like... dragon-like... thingy, has two grass blades glued to its head, stupid kite wings and built-in ridiculous goggles. Something's really wrong with its back legs???
Derpy pancake fish with a Furby beak.
a walking bone and a tall blue thing that is more antler than anything
a walking bone and a tall blue thing that is more antler than anything
A severely depressed corn kernel that munches on leaves to dull the pain
A severely depressed corn kernel that munches on leaves to dull the pain
[quote name="Oratorio" date=2016-08-09 18:40:47]
My nuzlocke team includes:
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
@Oratorio Okay, I'm stuck on "small dragon in need of orthodontist" and "gargoyle bird". I'll probably be kicking myself for not being able to guess when I hear what they are.
As for mine, lately I've taken to calling it a sassy ninja-dog.
It could also be described as an Egyptian god who likes chocolate. One of its moves turns it into a bootleg Wolverine. Also do not hug it.
[s]The move I'm referring to is Metal Claw[/s]
Oratorio wrote on 2016-08-09:
My nuzlocke team includes:
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
small dragon in need of orthodontist
a bear with a leaf
firefox ripoff
something that should be part grass but isn't (seriously it's on a flower for pete's sake)
gargoyle bird
walking rafflesia
small prize for whoever gets these all right, shouldn't be hard
As for mine, lately I've taken to calling it a sassy ninja-dog.
It could also be described as an Egyptian god who likes chocolate. One of its moves turns it into a bootleg Wolverine. Also do not hug it.
[quote name="Roadhog" date=2016-08-09 18:09:03]
[nextcol] [font=arial]
A large creature that you can only find unless you see a wild fox and snuggle it until it's affectionate enough to turn into a magical pastel ribbon dancer whose dances can calm people down.
A large creature that you can only find unless you see a wild fox and snuggle it until it's affectionate enough to turn into a magical pastel ribbon dancer whose dances can calm people down. |
purple rock goblin. its got some spikey elbows ho boy, and ears longer than its arms. its [i]covered [/i]in rocks.
purple rock goblin. its got some spikey elbows ho boy, and ears longer than its arms. its covered in rocks.
A mutated germ from outer space that looks like a skinny red-and-green dude with spaghetti arms (although sometimes he has more human arms) with a purple gemstone in his chest. He can change into three different forms based on what meteorite he touches, so he can either become a spiky whip death machine, a beefy chunkfest, or a zippy-fast athlete germ.
A massive blue sauropod with a diamond chestplate, a head that looks like a pope hat, and demonic red eyes. This blue sauropod has control over all of time, like the Doctor from Doctor Who, except bigger, bluer, and also a dragon.
A centipede had a bad night with a dragon and a demon and bred this monstrosity. Occasionally it will turn into a snake with spaghetti spikes sticking out of its back. Everyone thought it was Pokemon Satan for a while until the game where it was a mascot revealed it controlled antimatter and lived in its own dimension with screwy physics and a depressing color scheme.
A mutated germ from outer space that looks like a skinny red-and-green dude with spaghetti arms (although sometimes he has more human arms) with a purple gemstone in his chest. He can change into three different forms based on what meteorite he touches, so he can either become a spiky whip death machine, a beefy chunkfest, or a zippy-fast athlete germ.
A massive blue sauropod with a diamond chestplate, a head that looks like a pope hat, and demonic red eyes. This blue sauropod has control over all of time, like the Doctor from Doctor Who, except bigger, bluer, and also a dragon.
A centipede had a bad night with a dragon and a demon and bred this monstrosity. Occasionally it will turn into a snake with spaghetti spikes sticking out of its back. Everyone thought it was Pokemon Satan for a while until the game where it was a mascot revealed it controlled antimatter and lived in its own dimension with screwy physics and a depressing color scheme.
A massive blue sauropod with a diamond chestplate, a head that looks like a pope hat, and demonic red eyes. This blue sauropod has control over all of time, like the Doctor from Doctor Who, except bigger, bluer, and also a dragon.
A centipede had a bad night with a dragon and a demon and bred this monstrosity. Occasionally it will turn into a snake with spaghetti spikes sticking out of its back. Everyone thought it was Pokemon Satan for a while until the game where it was a mascot revealed it controlled antimatter and lived in its own dimension with screwy physics and a depressing color scheme.
Hey, friendly reminder to drink water, stretch, and take a short break if you can. Stay healthy! Also, don't forget about any chores or tasks you might be putting off.
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