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Official Thread Killer Hangout

Every where I go, I make this thread. I've decided to make it here as well. A place for me to chat with my friends. I have friends that span from several different sites, some know each other some don't. It's also a good way to make new friends. (this means you people I don't know are more than welcome to join us!)

This hangout was originally made, basically because every time I would try to join a conversation, the thread would just die off. No one else would post after I did. So I ended up making my own thread. The point of this thread is to just keep it alive with out spamming. Keep conversation alive, even if one must change the topic to do so. In here, you can talk about everything and anything.

I've learned that some people here have never heard of a 'Hangout Thread'. Basically it is a special thread that can cover just 1 topic, or anything people can think of. Normally hangout threads would reserve extra posts to be used later for thread events, art made for the thread, or even hangout member highlights.

The reason we don't use the 'raffle forum' for these events, is because its pointless. Most hangout events is earning prizes for reaching a certain page. There are other events that need to be done with in the thread, like a scavenging hunt! Where the regulars of the thread go through past posts of the thread looking for an image that was edited in. We can't do that kind of thing with a brand new raffle thread every time we want to have a thread event! It just doesn't work.

Most Active: ~~~
Thread Events: ~~
Page 200: 10kt First to Post
Morning Pings: ~~~~~
(ask to be pinged)
Thread Rules:
1. Follow FR's ToS & Forum Rules
2. Ping the people your talking to.
3. Be civil.
4. No 1337 speak.

@strayCanine @AutobotDen @LostTears @Cron @hurbird @saiyouri @Crims0nWolfe @Grimsley @Zeeke @Dewberry @fuuu @Kijame @SpiritofAuron @lightsucks @luvloveless @ml1201
Official Thread Killer Hangout

Every where I go, I make this thread. I've decided to make it here as well. A place for me to chat with my friends. I have friends that span from several different sites, some know each other some don't. It's also a good way to make new friends. (this means you people I don't know are more than welcome to join us!)

This hangout was originally made, basically because every time I would try to join a conversation, the thread would just die off. No one else would post after I did. So I ended up making my own thread. The point of this thread is to just keep it alive with out spamming. Keep conversation alive, even if one must change the topic to do so. In here, you can talk about everything and anything.

I've learned that some people here have never heard of a 'Hangout Thread'. Basically it is a special thread that can cover just 1 topic, or anything people can think of. Normally hangout threads would reserve extra posts to be used later for thread events, art made for the thread, or even hangout member highlights.

The reason we don't use the 'raffle forum' for these events, is because its pointless. Most hangout events is earning prizes for reaching a certain page. There are other events that need to be done with in the thread, like a scavenging hunt! Where the regulars of the thread go through past posts of the thread looking for an image that was edited in. We can't do that kind of thing with a brand new raffle thread every time we want to have a thread event! It just doesn't work.

Most Active: ~~~
Thread Events: ~~
Page 200: 10kt First to Post
Morning Pings: ~~~~~
(ask to be pinged)
Thread Rules:
1. Follow FR's ToS & Forum Rules
2. Ping the people your talking to.
3. Be civil.
4. No 1337 speak.

@strayCanine @AutobotDen @LostTears @Cron @hurbird @saiyouri @Crims0nWolfe @Grimsley @Zeeke @Dewberry @fuuu @Kijame @SpiritofAuron @lightsucks @luvloveless @ml1201
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Yo! What's up?

Yo! What's up?

OuO nothin much, just thought it would be nice to have a place to chat with everyone here on FR <3

OuO nothin much, just thought it would be nice to have a place to chat with everyone here on FR <3
Demons Den Links:
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Mated Pairs | Guide Directory

It's a good idea. I'm stuck at home for today and I'm bored. Is there a way to bookmark this so I can find it again?

It's a good idea. I'm stuck at home for today and I'm bored. Is there a way to bookmark this so I can find it again?

bookmark it in the browser? o3o I put a link to it on my profile page xD

Then again the ping system should bring you back everytime i try to message you >:3 YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE DK!

bookmark it in the browser? o3o I put a link to it on my profile page xD

Then again the ping system should bring you back everytime i try to message you >:3 YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE DK!
Demons Den Links:
Hatchery | Item Shop
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I have been summoned :D.
Hey, hey, everyone! What's up?
I have been summoned :D.
Hey, hey, everyone! What's up?
From my rotting body,
flowers shall grow
and I am in them,
and that is eternity.
- Edvard Munch
forest Veils

OuO hiya Sareki! -clings to- I'm making tacos

OuO hiya Sareki! -clings to- I'm making tacos
Demons Den Links:
Hatchery | Item Shop
Accent Shop | Clan Lore
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Mated Pairs | Guide Directory
@Demonskid: Yo, DK!
Ooooh, cool, cool. I've never had any, but I hear they are pretty good.
@Demonskid: Yo, DK!
Ooooh, cool, cool. I've never had any, but I hear they are pretty good.
From my rotting body,
flowers shall grow
and I am in them,
and that is eternity.
- Edvard Munch
forest Veils

I make good ones x3

how's you?! ouo

I make good ones x3

how's you?! ouo
Demons Den Links:
Hatchery | Item Shop
Accent Shop | Clan Lore
Gene Goals | Wish List
Mated Pairs | Guide Directory
Still doing that challenge. Currently trying to get a monster in Bamboo Falls to give me a chest so that I can move on to the next venue, but it doesn't look like that will ever happen. Ugh!
Oh, and I also did something I will probably regret in the nearby future :D.
Still doing that challenge. Currently trying to get a monster in Bamboo Falls to give me a chest so that I can move on to the next venue, but it doesn't look like that will ever happen. Ugh!
Oh, and I also did something I will probably regret in the nearby future :D.
From my rotting body,
flowers shall grow
and I am in them,
and that is eternity.
- Edvard Munch
forest Veils
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