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TOPIC | Little things that really irritate you
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@Eaglefairy OMG that must have been horrible O.O And that spider repeller sounds pretty cool, I'll have to try and find one! ^^
@Eaglefairy OMG that must have been horrible O.O And that spider repeller sounds pretty cool, I'll have to try and find one! ^^
When people look over my shoulder and read off my screen or read part of the book I'm reading, and I'm like stop.

When people tell me not to do something or get mad at me for doing something they do all the time.

When people tell me they didn't do something I know they did... Like seriously I just watched (Or heard) you do it. Don't lie to me. My eyes and ears work perfectly fine, thank you! Like one time recently someone called me a jerk for no reason what-so-ever then claimed they said "Whatever." Yea, like I would hear "Whatever" as "You're a jerk, Madison." And when I told them that what happened didn't make me a jerk, they didn't argue. So yea, they obviously did not say "Whatever".

When I say I don't know something and the person I'm talking to (In most cases the person helping me with homework I don't get) says "Sure you do". No, I obviously do not know or I would have said it. Stop telling me I know stuff I don't. I'm not a lair, especially when I just want to get my homework done. That's not the way to help me.

When something keeps happening and someone keeps blaming you for it. Seriously, I didn't do it. Get that in your head. Not only that but they demand you stop doing it. For example, when someone looses something that has nothing to do with you and they blame you for it. Seriously, just don't.

When people hunt for sport.

When people say that humans are better than animals. Seriously, what did humans do to be better than animals? What did animals do to be worse than humans? They have lives and emotions too, believe it or not! Scientists have proved that! Do not tell me we are better than animals, that makes no sense and this may be the thing that annoys me most. Seriously, how would you like it if a giant came and stepped on you and killed you just because he likes seeing dead humans? (A guy at school was killing butterflies because "He likes seeing dead animals" and because "We're better than them." I know they may be just butterflies to you but to me they are more than just butterflies. Each one of them has a life they value as much as each human. Each one has a life. Each one is an individual, beautiful creature with a life just like ours. To me, each one is more valuable than the shiniest jewel. As valuable as each human life. Nature is wonderful, and most people do not appreciate it nearly enough.)
When people look over my shoulder and read off my screen or read part of the book I'm reading, and I'm like stop.

When people tell me not to do something or get mad at me for doing something they do all the time.

When people tell me they didn't do something I know they did... Like seriously I just watched (Or heard) you do it. Don't lie to me. My eyes and ears work perfectly fine, thank you! Like one time recently someone called me a jerk for no reason what-so-ever then claimed they said "Whatever." Yea, like I would hear "Whatever" as "You're a jerk, Madison." And when I told them that what happened didn't make me a jerk, they didn't argue. So yea, they obviously did not say "Whatever".

When I say I don't know something and the person I'm talking to (In most cases the person helping me with homework I don't get) says "Sure you do". No, I obviously do not know or I would have said it. Stop telling me I know stuff I don't. I'm not a lair, especially when I just want to get my homework done. That's not the way to help me.

When something keeps happening and someone keeps blaming you for it. Seriously, I didn't do it. Get that in your head. Not only that but they demand you stop doing it. For example, when someone looses something that has nothing to do with you and they blame you for it. Seriously, just don't.

When people hunt for sport.

When people say that humans are better than animals. Seriously, what did humans do to be better than animals? What did animals do to be worse than humans? They have lives and emotions too, believe it or not! Scientists have proved that! Do not tell me we are better than animals, that makes no sense and this may be the thing that annoys me most. Seriously, how would you like it if a giant came and stepped on you and killed you just because he likes seeing dead humans? (A guy at school was killing butterflies because "He likes seeing dead animals" and because "We're better than them." I know they may be just butterflies to you but to me they are more than just butterflies. Each one of them has a life they value as much as each human. Each one has a life. Each one is an individual, beautiful creature with a life just like ours. To me, each one is more valuable than the shiniest jewel. As valuable as each human life. Nature is wonderful, and most people do not appreciate it nearly enough.)
@DragonFire I love your attitude to nature :)
@DragonFire I love your attitude to nature :)
Call me Thorn :) He/Him

Lil rainbow boi, me
  • when i tell people not to touch me and they continue to do so (my mother, mostly)
  • when people call me 'she'
  • spotify ads
  • people with superiority complexes
  • when people get me food but its spicy (im white)
  • when my family forces me to watch terrible comedy movies
  • children, in general
  • when i tell people not to touch me and they continue to do so (my mother, mostly)
  • when people call me 'she'
  • spotify ads
  • people with superiority complexes
  • when people get me food but its spicy (im white)
  • when my family forces me to watch terrible comedy movies
  • children, in general
» 22
» about me
» commissions
Gosh I have a long list:

- When people try to touch me (high fives are okay but that's it)
- When people apologize for things that aren't their fault
- and then they apologize for apologizing
- Dust, mud, or sand on my hands
- When anything is stuck under my fingernails (ughhhh so gross)
- Pop-up ads (or ads of any kind)
- Whiners
- Cold rain
- When my sister's cat tries to get to my birds
- When people say the're going to do something but don't
- Featherless dinosaurs that should have feathers
- When people buy an animal impusively
- When people neglect animals
Gosh I have a long list:

- When people try to touch me (high fives are okay but that's it)
- When people apologize for things that aren't their fault
- and then they apologize for apologizing
- Dust, mud, or sand on my hands
- When anything is stuck under my fingernails (ughhhh so gross)
- Pop-up ads (or ads of any kind)
- Whiners
- Cold rain
- When my sister's cat tries to get to my birds
- When people say the're going to do something but don't
- Featherless dinosaurs that should have feathers
- When people buy an animal impusively
- When people neglect animals
19260.png16490.png aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

taking art comms! :-)
When I get called to do something the second I sit down
When I get called to do something the second I sit down
[internal screaming intensifies]
Radio presenters who talk over the last 30 seconds of the song like excUSE ME IT'S STILL PLAYING SHUT UP
Radio presenters who talk over the last 30 seconds of the song like excUSE ME IT'S STILL PLAYING SHUT UP
Call me Thorn :) He/Him

Lil rainbow boi, me
[quote name="Galaxiana" date=2016-05-13 13:26:23] [quote name="@Nyris" date=2016-05-12 08:15:43] -When people continue to spell my name wrong (IT'S HANNAH NOT HANA OR HANNA C'MON I'VE TOLD YOU 3 TIMES IT'S ALSO A REALLY COMMON NAME??). My teachers love doing this. [/quote] My name is Hannah too, I don't usually have this problem though?? [/quote] @Galaxiana I've no idea why it happens to me, to be honest. It's a common enough name and people shouldn't get it wrong, which is why it really bugs me when it happens ;n;
Galaxiana wrote on 2016-05-13:
@Nyris wrote on 2016-05-12:
-When people continue to spell my name wrong (IT'S HANNAH NOT HANA OR HANNA C'MON I'VE TOLD YOU 3 TIMES IT'S ALSO A REALLY COMMON NAME??). My teachers love doing this.
My name is Hannah too, I don't usually have this problem though??
I've no idea why it happens to me, to be honest. It's a common enough name and people shouldn't get it wrong, which is why it really bugs me when it happens ;n;
Not being allowed to eat in lessons ;-;
Not being allowed to eat in lessons ;-;
Call me Thorn :) He/Him

Lil rainbow boi, me
it rlly annoys me when ppl use no manners while eating out somewhere for some reason? im just like,, nO CHEW WITH UR MOUTH CLOSED-- aH stOP slouching and getting ur hair in the fOOOD
it rlly annoys me when ppl use no manners while eating out somewhere for some reason? im just like,, nO CHEW WITH UR MOUTH CLOSED-- aH stOP slouching and getting ur hair in the fOOOD
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