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TOPIC | Weird things about your body
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-I'm double-jointed in both my elbows.
-I'm ambidextrous (but prefer my right)
-I'm allergic to cold temperatures (ex. if an ice cube was placed on my arm for ten minutes or so, I'd develop a welt that would last 1-3 hours)
-My wrist always pops
-I'm weirdly flexible
-i'm that person where i don't have to exercise and i don't gain weight pls don't attack me
-I'm double-jointed in both my elbows.
-I'm ambidextrous (but prefer my right)
-I'm allergic to cold temperatures (ex. if an ice cube was placed on my arm for ten minutes or so, I'd develop a welt that would last 1-3 hours)
-My wrist always pops
-I'm weirdly flexible
-i'm that person where i don't have to exercise and i don't gain weight pls don't attack me

- Serena - she/her - ENTJ - author-
Hi, I love the stars and I'm not in Arcane, shocker.
Dragon Search Thread
FR time +2
I think I have slight heterochromia (One of my eyes is greenish-grey and the other is just a lot of gross grey)

I can do that 90-degrees fingertips thing, and also move my fingertips in strange ways that my friends can't and it grosses them out.

My mother has a male ribcage/extra ribs, and I think I do, too.

I have an insanely unpredictable metabolism and my body in general just confuses me.

My ears are different shapes.

According to everyone I've ever met, my eyes are a really nice shape??

Also I'm insanely ugly, I'm surprised the government hasn't come after me thinking I was a weird alien or something.
I think I have slight heterochromia (One of my eyes is greenish-grey and the other is just a lot of gross grey)

I can do that 90-degrees fingertips thing, and also move my fingertips in strange ways that my friends can't and it grosses them out.

My mother has a male ribcage/extra ribs, and I think I do, too.

I have an insanely unpredictable metabolism and my body in general just confuses me.

My ears are different shapes.

According to everyone I've ever met, my eyes are a really nice shape??

Also I'm insanely ugly, I'm surprised the government hasn't come after me thinking I was a weird alien or something.
Maedae | It | ASD
maker of fine graves
my index and middle fingers bend away from my thumb at the top joint and my ring and pinky bend towards

my ring... toe ? bends towards my toe a lot more noticably but my other toes are straight
my index and middle fingers bend away from my thumb at the top joint and my ring and pinky bend towards

my ring... toe ? bends towards my toe a lot more noticably but my other toes are straight
I can make out slight changes in color, like when there are two shades of red that are practically the same. Also I have a certain muscle in my forearm that very few people have.
I can make out slight changes in color, like when there are two shades of red that are practically the same. Also I have a certain muscle in my forearm that very few people have.
I have two keloid scars on my thigh.

My elbows are double jointed. >:D

I can bend over with my knees straight and press my hands flat to the floor.

My hair looks reddish gold in the sun even though I have light brown hair.

I can crack my spine sometimes.

I can move my left wrist and right ankle a certain way to snap the tendons together.

My toes crack when I bend them.

I'me one of those people who can eat whatever they want and not exercise and not gain weight.
I have two keloid scars on my thigh.

My elbows are double jointed. >:D

I can bend over with my knees straight and press my hands flat to the floor.

My hair looks reddish gold in the sun even though I have light brown hair.

I can crack my spine sometimes.

I can move my left wrist and right ankle a certain way to snap the tendons together.

My toes crack when I bend them.

I'me one of those people who can eat whatever they want and not exercise and not gain weight.
When I was 3, a toe joint grew in my fourth toe. At first my parents thought it was some freaky swelling, but as it turned out the entire joint – tissue, bone, everything – had put on a growth spurt to normal adult size. The entire process took a few hours at most. My pediatrician wanted to do major surgery on that toe, so my parents switched pediatricians.

As an adult I've grown into the joint somewhat, but even now the toe is deformed from the incident (I refer to it as the "shy toe" for the way it ducks under the toe next to it a bit). Still have no idea what caused it to grow the way it did. Kicker is, my thumb joint did the same thing when I was in my teens, so whatever happened happened again.
When I was 3, a toe joint grew in my fourth toe. At first my parents thought it was some freaky swelling, but as it turned out the entire joint – tissue, bone, everything – had put on a growth spurt to normal adult size. The entire process took a few hours at most. My pediatrician wanted to do major surgery on that toe, so my parents switched pediatricians.

As an adult I've grown into the joint somewhat, but even now the toe is deformed from the incident (I refer to it as the "shy toe" for the way it ducks under the toe next to it a bit). Still have no idea what caused it to grow the way it did. Kicker is, my thumb joint did the same thing when I was in my teens, so whatever happened happened again.
You know how small children can put their feet behind their heads because they are elastic little jerks? Yeah well I can do that. I'm at least a decade or two too old for that (haha can't get my age suckers)

Also, rabbit noses. They can go up and down, right? My nose does that to. I'm a bunny in disguise.

Plus, my knees are not fun. When strait and horizontal, I can pop my right knee cap out of its socket. Doesn't hurt, doesn't go back till I put it back. It's just, not quite connected for some reason. Sometimes it does that on its own accord, but then I wear a brace for a few days so it stops misbehaving. And do you know how knees can bend backwards slightly, aka locking yo knees. Yeah my knees go back for days. It can hurt if I put any weight on it, but otherwise, it's fine.

Hey you know what a cyst is? They look like deep warts to the untrained eye. I have had this one for like, three years before I asked a doctor bout it. Now I'm gunna have surgery for it in a few days. Funny, how things like that happen.
You know how small children can put their feet behind their heads because they are elastic little jerks? Yeah well I can do that. I'm at least a decade or two too old for that (haha can't get my age suckers)

Also, rabbit noses. They can go up and down, right? My nose does that to. I'm a bunny in disguise.

Plus, my knees are not fun. When strait and horizontal, I can pop my right knee cap out of its socket. Doesn't hurt, doesn't go back till I put it back. It's just, not quite connected for some reason. Sometimes it does that on its own accord, but then I wear a brace for a few days so it stops misbehaving. And do you know how knees can bend backwards slightly, aka locking yo knees. Yeah my knees go back for days. It can hurt if I put any weight on it, but otherwise, it's fine.

Hey you know what a cyst is? They look like deep warts to the untrained eye. I have had this one for like, three years before I asked a doctor bout it. Now I'm gunna have surgery for it in a few days. Funny, how things like that happen.
There was a time he thought a single
sword could save the kingdom. A
time, all regrets were yet far away...
Let's see, well for starters my thumbs move more like joysticks than an actual thumb. I can move them in basically any direction with ease because I'm double jointed with both thumbs.

Despite having a bit of scoliosis, my back is quite flexible. If
I'm lying down I can flip my legs over my head so that my knees are now on either side of my head.

My arms are flexible too. I can reach my back easily from over my shoulder. And I can link my hands in the weird way where some arm is over the should behind the ba k and the other is just normally behind the back. It's some weird stretch thats hard to explain lol. Speaking of my arms, I have this weird tendon in them that most people don't. It's some weird thing that ancient people used for climbing and stuff that has literally no purpose today.

My hair literally changes color. It's kinda weird but not that uncommon. I was born with dirty blonde hair but grew out of that a long time ago. When I was younger though, my hair would turn more blonde in the summer due to me being in the sun. It doesn't happen often any more though since I don't go outside a lot haha.

I have small teeth. I have an over bite, but my teeth are small so the dentists just kinda let me go without braces. It probably means I won't need my wisdom teeth out too.

I can move only my pinkie toes and big toes independenty. Which is weird since I don't know many people that can move their pinkie toes like I can

As for scars, I have a heck ton of those. One under my eyebrow from when I cracked my head open from running into the corner of a bookshelf when I was 3. One on my forearm, one on my elbow, one on my thigh, and on on my knee (all on the left side) from when I crashed my bike into the metal side of a bridge nearly 2 years ago. And one on top of the arm scar from the bike incident from a year ago when I cut my self on a toilet paper holder by accident.
Let's see, well for starters my thumbs move more like joysticks than an actual thumb. I can move them in basically any direction with ease because I'm double jointed with both thumbs.

Despite having a bit of scoliosis, my back is quite flexible. If
I'm lying down I can flip my legs over my head so that my knees are now on either side of my head.

My arms are flexible too. I can reach my back easily from over my shoulder. And I can link my hands in the weird way where some arm is over the should behind the ba k and the other is just normally behind the back. It's some weird stretch thats hard to explain lol. Speaking of my arms, I have this weird tendon in them that most people don't. It's some weird thing that ancient people used for climbing and stuff that has literally no purpose today.

My hair literally changes color. It's kinda weird but not that uncommon. I was born with dirty blonde hair but grew out of that a long time ago. When I was younger though, my hair would turn more blonde in the summer due to me being in the sun. It doesn't happen often any more though since I don't go outside a lot haha.

I have small teeth. I have an over bite, but my teeth are small so the dentists just kinda let me go without braces. It probably means I won't need my wisdom teeth out too.

I can move only my pinkie toes and big toes independenty. Which is weird since I don't know many people that can move their pinkie toes like I can

As for scars, I have a heck ton of those. One under my eyebrow from when I cracked my head open from running into the corner of a bookshelf when I was 3. One on my forearm, one on my elbow, one on my thigh, and on on my knee (all on the left side) from when I crashed my bike into the metal side of a bridge nearly 2 years ago. And one on top of the arm scar from the bike incident from a year ago when I cut my self on a toilet paper holder by accident.
Fae | They/he/she | FR+3
I have a dumb scar across my right cheek that I got when I was 2 y/o
Why dumb? I still remember it: I was trying to balance on top of a soccerball/beachball and near me there were stairs... Blocked by a little wooden fence/door to avoid kids from falling down the stairs... Yeah my face landed there
The scar is starting to fade tough and it makes me kinda sad, it's kind of a trademark for me.

I have a terribly poor back, my spine is slightly crooked bc bad posture and I have two slipped discs in the lower section (they used to hurt like crazy, but now that I lost, like 14kg it's not that bad)my back still cracks and pops every time I stretch tough, sometimes I make it on purpose bc I feel cramped

I feel like an old man but I'm only 18

Also I still have a baby tooth, a molar, in the lower jaw, right side, because under it there is no adult tooth to push it
If that one falls, I'll end up with a hole there, got it from my grandma, who's missing them from both sides
Also my whisdom teeth are all out and perfecrly straight (unlike me eheh) and I won't need them removed (adding this in bc a lot of ppl seem to need it, my friend is a prime example, she always gets angry when I mention it)
I have a dumb scar across my right cheek that I got when I was 2 y/o
Why dumb? I still remember it: I was trying to balance on top of a soccerball/beachball and near me there were stairs... Blocked by a little wooden fence/door to avoid kids from falling down the stairs... Yeah my face landed there
The scar is starting to fade tough and it makes me kinda sad, it's kind of a trademark for me.

I have a terribly poor back, my spine is slightly crooked bc bad posture and I have two slipped discs in the lower section (they used to hurt like crazy, but now that I lost, like 14kg it's not that bad)my back still cracks and pops every time I stretch tough, sometimes I make it on purpose bc I feel cramped

I feel like an old man but I'm only 18

Also I still have a baby tooth, a molar, in the lower jaw, right side, because under it there is no adult tooth to push it
If that one falls, I'll end up with a hole there, got it from my grandma, who's missing them from both sides
Also my whisdom teeth are all out and perfecrly straight (unlike me eheh) and I won't need them removed (adding this in bc a lot of ppl seem to need it, my friend is a prime example, she always gets angry when I mention it)

i can push my fingers into the area above my collar bone and reach down and grab it and tug on it, i try not to because im scared it will break one day when i do that but its a cool party trick to freak people out

i have a piece of pencil lead stuck in my knee pit from where i got stabbed with a pencil and it broke off in me and i didnt even get to go home from school
ive only ever broken one bone and it was my left pinky toe in 4th or 5th grade i think

i can bend my fingers backwards to be almost parallel with my hand
i have a lot of weird pains and issues commonly associated with old age so i dont get any treatment for them because im "too young"

my skin is highly sensitive, especially in certain spots and even more so when wet
i can draw on my chest by just lightly scratching myself with my fingernails and scratching otherplaces can leave painful looking marks that make everyone worry when really its just my skin being weird lol

my bottom front teeth come up into a point in the center of them, which means i can bite and tear pretty easily so i have a handy dandy self defense thing if i need it

my toes can move pretty independently, the middle ones arent as strong but they kinda work. i can pick stuff up and pinch people and do things with them so i like to pick stuff up with them when im too lazy to lean down and grab it with my hands

i have a few more things im sure but i cant remember right now

i can push my fingers into the area above my collar bone and reach down and grab it and tug on it, i try not to because im scared it will break one day when i do that but its a cool party trick to freak people out

i have a piece of pencil lead stuck in my knee pit from where i got stabbed with a pencil and it broke off in me and i didnt even get to go home from school
ive only ever broken one bone and it was my left pinky toe in 4th or 5th grade i think

i can bend my fingers backwards to be almost parallel with my hand
i have a lot of weird pains and issues commonly associated with old age so i dont get any treatment for them because im "too young"

my skin is highly sensitive, especially in certain spots and even more so when wet
i can draw on my chest by just lightly scratching myself with my fingernails and scratching otherplaces can leave painful looking marks that make everyone worry when really its just my skin being weird lol

my bottom front teeth come up into a point in the center of them, which means i can bite and tear pretty easily so i have a handy dandy self defense thing if i need it

my toes can move pretty independently, the middle ones arent as strong but they kinda work. i can pick stuff up and pinch people and do things with them so i like to pick stuff up with them when im too lazy to lean down and grab it with my hands

i have a few more things im sure but i cant remember right now

um,, hi lol
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