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TOPIC | What Did You Do In Gaming Today?
Bought my girlfriend one of the games we're missing (CyberTiger) in our N64 collection, and hoooo....boy....It's awful....A licensed golf game on the N64 is bad...Who'dathunk.

Other than that though, I popped into New Leaf to water my plants and sell stuff, reinstalled Hearthstone (Which is pointless because going in without every pay2win card is a death wish), and played some FFVI (on my way to fight Wrexsoul right now and if it weren't for my need to complete my Magicite list, I'd say screw it because Cyan is terrible.)
Bought my girlfriend one of the games we're missing (CyberTiger) in our N64 collection, and hoooo....boy....It's awful....A licensed golf game on the N64 is bad...Who'dathunk.

Other than that though, I popped into New Leaf to water my plants and sell stuff, reinstalled Hearthstone (Which is pointless because going in without every pay2win card is a death wish), and played some FFVI (on my way to fight Wrexsoul right now and if it weren't for my need to complete my Magicite list, I'd say screw it because Cyan is terrible.)
[center]I waited until he fell asleep. [img][/img] Worth.[/center]
I waited until he fell asleep.


beat the Speed! challenge in Afterbirth.
got super lucky after reset scuming a bit and got an early tech x. and practically nothing else notable, so im proud.

and now to beat The Guardian challenge.

beat the Speed! challenge in Afterbirth.
got super lucky after reset scuming a bit and got an early tech x. and practically nothing else notable, so im proud.

and now to beat The Guardian challenge.

caved in and bought the DLC for Bloodborne

got rekt 5 minutes in

caved in and bought the DLC for Bloodborne

got rekt 5 minutes in

What about Dragon Age 2? Have you tried that one? Sorry to bug you, but I'm trying to decide if I should blow more money on this series or not and any input is appreciated.

So I figured out that the reason the combat was giving me so much trouble in Dragon Age was because the difficulty level somehow reset itself to be too high. So about my earlier whining on that part... >.>
*Shuffles off stage right*

But I'm still having a hard time getting Sten to like me. Guess I'll be throwing all my gifts at him.
What about Dragon Age 2? Have you tried that one? Sorry to bug you, but I'm trying to decide if I should blow more money on this series or not and any input is appreciated.

So I figured out that the reason the combat was giving me so much trouble in Dragon Age was because the difficulty level somehow reset itself to be too high. So about my earlier whining on that part... >.>
*Shuffles off stage right*

But I'm still having a hard time getting Sten to like me. Guess I'll be throwing all my gifts at him.
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Privately mused that it's a good thing Splatoon doesn't support mics because I've probably sworn about eight-year-olds with better dexterity than me many, many times.
Privately mused that it's a good thing Splatoon doesn't support mics because I've probably sworn about eight-year-olds with better dexterity than me many, many times.
I'm playing a few games right now, I don't tend to stay with one for long since I get bored easily and move on to other things, but the current ones are

Portal, which I am slowly learning once again I am horrid at puzzles and it is taking me a bit to work my way through it but I am enjoying my first experience with it and am glad I am going into it without having watched a playthrough before though I am looking forward to the second game

Guild Wars 2, mostly I am just playing around with my Charr trying to level him up and continue on with the story though I am more set on exploring the area I am currently in first since I must see everywhere

and, last of all, Undertale, which is tripping me up a lot since I am currently up to Sans on a No Mercy route
I'm playing a few games right now, I don't tend to stay with one for long since I get bored easily and move on to other things, but the current ones are

Portal, which I am slowly learning once again I am horrid at puzzles and it is taking me a bit to work my way through it but I am enjoying my first experience with it and am glad I am going into it without having watched a playthrough before though I am looking forward to the second game

Guild Wars 2, mostly I am just playing around with my Charr trying to level him up and continue on with the story though I am more set on exploring the area I am currently in first since I must see everywhere

and, last of all, Undertale, which is tripping me up a lot since I am currently up to Sans on a No Mercy route
Iv been replaying Plants Vs. Zombies today because my brother erased EVERYTHING I had saved (when I WAS ON THE LAST STINKIN' LEVEL) two years prior before today.

I havent tiouched the game in 2 years and I really felt nostalgic when I put it back in because /damn/

I also bought Resident Evil: Revelations and Happy Home Designer at EB games today
Iv been replaying Plants Vs. Zombies today because my brother erased EVERYTHING I had saved (when I WAS ON THE LAST STINKIN' LEVEL) two years prior before today.

I havent tiouched the game in 2 years and I really felt nostalgic when I put it back in because /damn/

I also bought Resident Evil: Revelations and Happy Home Designer at EB games today
I've lost so many hours of my life to ARK: Survival Evolved. It's so much fun if you love dinosaurs and survival games. Careful though! It's addicting.

I miss ESO though, so I'm going to try getting back into it.
I've lost so many hours of my life to ARK: Survival Evolved. It's so much fun if you love dinosaurs and survival games. Careful though! It's addicting.

I miss ESO though, so I'm going to try getting back into it.
Did some expeditions in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, and spent some time questioning whether or not it's worth continuing to play it (I beat the main story and epilogue so literally the only reason why I'm still playing is so I can recruit Yveltal).

Right now I'm downloading the two new DLC fighters for Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS - Bayonetta and Corrin. I've been itching to play as them ever since they were announced. :)
Did some expeditions in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, and spent some time questioning whether or not it's worth continuing to play it (I beat the main story and epilogue so literally the only reason why I'm still playing is so I can recruit Yveltal).

Right now I'm downloading the two new DLC fighters for Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS - Bayonetta and Corrin. I've been itching to play as them ever since they were announced. :)