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TOPIC | A small fact about yourself!
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I write songs and tour around as a professional vocalist/songwriter, I write songs for other artists but rarely at the moment. I used to do it alot more but I mostly tour around nowadays.
I write songs and tour around as a professional vocalist/songwriter, I write songs for other artists but rarely at the moment. I used to do it alot more but I mostly tour around nowadays.
I've got two completely different eyebrows. Apparently it's not as noticeable as I think it is, but when my mom dragged me to the spa to get ready for graduation the lady pointed it out and I finally proved I wasn't delusional about it.
I've got two completely different eyebrows. Apparently it's not as noticeable as I think it is, but when my mom dragged me to the spa to get ready for graduation the lady pointed it out and I finally proved I wasn't delusional about it.
xxxxxxxxxxx saccharine | she/they
plague wildclaw enthusiast.

›› triskele nest rentals
›› avatar dragon
I feel naked if I'm not wearing my beenie.
I only have one beenie but I don't leave the house without it.
I feel naked if I'm not wearing my beenie.
I only have one beenie but I don't leave the house without it.
you know how people crack their knuckles and stuff right? well i can pop every knuckle in my hands (including those tricky ones at the base of your thumb) as well as wrists, elbows, ankles, hips etc the only thing i can't pop is my neck, but i used to be able to do that too.
(the fact that i can't anymore actually might contribute to my frequent headaches though, i now realize; there's a lot of tension up there but i just cant get it to release bluh)
it takes me about forty seconds to finish loosening everything and it makes some of my acquaintances uncomfortable whoops but its something that needs doing if i've been doing one thing for too long
i'm also quite flexible in general and double jointed :>
oh yeah and i frequently lucid dream and even before i figured that out my dreams were always very vivid and i have a kind of mental list of dreams that i remember (its pretty long b/c they're usually quite interesting/fun)
you know how people crack their knuckles and stuff right? well i can pop every knuckle in my hands (including those tricky ones at the base of your thumb) as well as wrists, elbows, ankles, hips etc the only thing i can't pop is my neck, but i used to be able to do that too.
(the fact that i can't anymore actually might contribute to my frequent headaches though, i now realize; there's a lot of tension up there but i just cant get it to release bluh)
it takes me about forty seconds to finish loosening everything and it makes some of my acquaintances uncomfortable whoops but its something that needs doing if i've been doing one thing for too long
i'm also quite flexible in general and double jointed :>
oh yeah and i frequently lucid dream and even before i figured that out my dreams were always very vivid and i have a kind of mental list of dreams that i remember (its pretty long b/c they're usually quite interesting/fun)
I'm a mom of two!
I'm a mom of two!
I have three pieces of jewelry i cannot be without.
A silver necklace with a basic chain and a quite plain silver dolphin about 1cm x 1cm. I got it from my now ex-stepfather when he and mom went to Crete. It means the world to me and i feel uneasy taking it off.
A black string bracelet with solid silver beads that i managed to tie onto my wrist tight enough to not be able to take off but not so it's painful. I got this one from a friend i had in middle school but lost contact.
And lastly my thumb ring of steel with a spinny layer on top which is black with silver stars, and is the only one of these i sleep without.
I have three pieces of jewelry i cannot be without.
A silver necklace with a basic chain and a quite plain silver dolphin about 1cm x 1cm. I got it from my now ex-stepfather when he and mom went to Crete. It means the world to me and i feel uneasy taking it off.
A black string bracelet with solid silver beads that i managed to tie onto my wrist tight enough to not be able to take off but not so it's painful. I got this one from a friend i had in middle school but lost contact.
And lastly my thumb ring of steel with a spinny layer on top which is black with silver stars, and is the only one of these i sleep without.

FR +9 | Always looking up | They/Them
When I was two years old I woke up one day and started speaking with a fluent American accent
I have a large and deep scar on my right big toe from cutting it on an oyster shell while fishing
I can't scream properly it sounds like the screeching of tires
I can stretch my tongue out to the very bottom of my chin
When I was two years old I woke up one day and started speaking with a fluent American accent
I have a large and deep scar on my right big toe from cutting it on an oyster shell while fishing
I can't scream properly it sounds like the screeching of tires
I can stretch my tongue out to the very bottom of my chin
I have a difficult time conveying my thoughts and idea's so please be patient with me
1) I don't easily get cold. In fact I love the cold, it makes me feel energetic and alive. Unfortunately my asthma is triggered by cold. A vicious circle.
2) I HATE the heat. It makes me feel like a caterpillar that is so fat it can't move that has been run over by a truck.
3)I love the ocean
4)People who only care about animals for their cuteness really bother me. Such as "OH NO! SAVE THE PANDAS!!11!!1" But they couldn't care less about the ugly/scary animals that are going extinct right under their noses
5) I can run really well through the forest. Never really grew out of running everywhere. I think it's from all that time I spent cooped up or reading.
1) I don't easily get cold. In fact I love the cold, it makes me feel energetic and alive. Unfortunately my asthma is triggered by cold. A vicious circle.
2) I HATE the heat. It makes me feel like a caterpillar that is so fat it can't move that has been run over by a truck.
3)I love the ocean
4)People who only care about animals for their cuteness really bother me. Such as "OH NO! SAVE THE PANDAS!!11!!1" But they couldn't care less about the ugly/scary animals that are going extinct right under their noses
5) I can run really well through the forest. Never really grew out of running everywhere. I think it's from all that time I spent cooped up or reading.
I still like Winnie The Pooh. Bless that little chubby bear.
I also have really frickin' weird hands. Hypermobility-syndrome + left handed-ism + double-jointed thumbs + wonky pinky fingers. And I have super-soft palms. All my friends are jelly ~
I still like Winnie The Pooh. Bless that little chubby bear.
I also have really frickin' weird hands. Hypermobility-syndrome + left handed-ism + double-jointed thumbs + wonky pinky fingers. And I have super-soft palms. All my friends are jelly ~
> FR +9
> She/her
random fact about myself: i like cooking awesome meals and i'm about to RIGHT NOW if i can ever pull myself away from my laptop
random fact about myself: i like cooking awesome meals and i'm about to RIGHT NOW if i can ever pull myself away from my laptop
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