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TOPIC | Paranormal Experiences/Thoughts?
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Do you guys believe in a sixth sense, or have you seen anything that you can't explain away?

I'm very interested in anything of that nature. When I was a small child I used to look up into the sky, often, at night. I don't remember much of my childhood, but I remember looking to the stars, and, once, seeing strange lights move far above me, soundlessly twining and maneuvering in ways that no plane or helicopter, or conventional aircraft at all, could - in a place no planes would fly because it was too far out of the way and covered with brush. Since then, I've sought out the strange and unnatural.

I'm not looking for an earthly explanation to that event, and I would appreciate you didn't try and tell me it was simply an out of control helicopter, a delusion, or a group of fireflies. I am aware of what I saw, and, if it came from here at all, it would be too highly classified for the public to know of.

I want to know what you've seen - fortune tellers who were scarily accurate, or glimpses of the future, or machines behaving erratically in your presence. Ghosts in the corner of your eye. Anything supernatural or paranormal, or any opinions on the paranormal (provided you don't bash or make fun of anyone's beliefs) is welcome.
Do you guys believe in a sixth sense, or have you seen anything that you can't explain away?

I'm very interested in anything of that nature. When I was a small child I used to look up into the sky, often, at night. I don't remember much of my childhood, but I remember looking to the stars, and, once, seeing strange lights move far above me, soundlessly twining and maneuvering in ways that no plane or helicopter, or conventional aircraft at all, could - in a place no planes would fly because it was too far out of the way and covered with brush. Since then, I've sought out the strange and unnatural.

I'm not looking for an earthly explanation to that event, and I would appreciate you didn't try and tell me it was simply an out of control helicopter, a delusion, or a group of fireflies. I am aware of what I saw, and, if it came from here at all, it would be too highly classified for the public to know of.

I want to know what you've seen - fortune tellers who were scarily accurate, or glimpses of the future, or machines behaving erratically in your presence. Ghosts in the corner of your eye. Anything supernatural or paranormal, or any opinions on the paranormal (provided you don't bash or make fun of anyone's beliefs) is welcome.
hhhh i believe in ghosts + aliens more than a lot of things, i think

the idea of the paranormal + the occult is v appealing to me !!! but i have never experienced anything, unless u count the time i was blowdrying my hair + the tv turned on out of nowhere ?? + it was just static even tho my parents have satellite in there ?? huffs

p sure it was the electricity spiking because of the blowdryer, tho

i wish i could have actUALLY experienced smth tho

or that i would

i love love love ghosts; the idea of them is v v calming to me 4 some reason ?? i don't,,, completely understand the significance of that but it just,,,, is
hhhh i believe in ghosts + aliens more than a lot of things, i think

the idea of the paranormal + the occult is v appealing to me !!! but i have never experienced anything, unless u count the time i was blowdrying my hair + the tv turned on out of nowhere ?? + it was just static even tho my parents have satellite in there ?? huffs

p sure it was the electricity spiking because of the blowdryer, tho

i wish i could have actUALLY experienced smth tho

or that i would

i love love love ghosts; the idea of them is v v calming to me 4 some reason ?? i don't,,, completely understand the significance of that but it just,,,, is
ivan, it/he pronouns
I had a few dreams that really happend years later. As a kid i ones had a dream about being at a party and we were making boats. I forgot all about it untill i was at that party making boats! I knew what was going to happen that day and what everyone would say before they were saying it.

When i'm home alone i always have the feeling that someone is there. Someone i can't see. It always creeps me out.

One night i wanted to go to the bathroom and opend the door and someone was standing there and dissapeard :| I saw just the shadow of a person but it all happend so fast that i don't know if i really saw it or my head was just messing with me :S
I had a few dreams that really happend years later. As a kid i ones had a dream about being at a party and we were making boats. I forgot all about it untill i was at that party making boats! I knew what was going to happen that day and what everyone would say before they were saying it.

When i'm home alone i always have the feeling that someone is there. Someone i can't see. It always creeps me out.

One night i wanted to go to the bathroom and opend the door and someone was standing there and dissapeard :| I saw just the shadow of a person but it all happend so fast that i don't know if i really saw it or my head was just messing with me :S
I've been telling myself that this happening was all my imagination and fear's doing, but there's a little story I thought would interest you.

A few years ago my family and I had to live in a hotel for a while because our house caught fire. I'm not entirely good with sleeping in new places. My parents wouldn't really allow me to leave the room so I ended up getting a sort of cabin fever. It ended up kind of going away, but at one point I had a sort of meltdown. I was in the "living room" and having a panic attack, knowing there was some creature in the kitchen. I saw it, not really with my eyes but with my mind. It was white, had four legs and crawled all over the walls and ceilings.

My mom eventually calmed me down, but man was I scared as hell. We moved into a rental home soon after and everything was alright.
I've been telling myself that this happening was all my imagination and fear's doing, but there's a little story I thought would interest you.

A few years ago my family and I had to live in a hotel for a while because our house caught fire. I'm not entirely good with sleeping in new places. My parents wouldn't really allow me to leave the room so I ended up getting a sort of cabin fever. It ended up kind of going away, but at one point I had a sort of meltdown. I was in the "living room" and having a panic attack, knowing there was some creature in the kitchen. I saw it, not really with my eyes but with my mind. It was white, had four legs and crawled all over the walls and ceilings.

My mom eventually calmed me down, but man was I scared as hell. We moved into a rental home soon after and everything was alright.
27493.png Johnny
FR +2
Folks that just will not stay dead aren't considered strange in my family. Every house we've ever lived in has been haunted by multiple ghosts, some less gentle than others, and every member of my family has had several experiences with the dead.

I've seen, felt, and heard spirits as far back as I remember. I've always been sensitive to that sort of thing, but I've taken to blocking it as much as possible. As a kid, it would frighten me and I even started chanting a mantra before going to sleep each night to put up a mental block because I had things crawling into bed with me at night on occasion.
I would say: I don't want to see anything. I don't want to feel anything. I don't want to hear anything. I just want to go to sleep. Please just let me go to sleep.

As a teenager, I decided to stop the chant and try to be a little more open because I thought I was old enough to deal with it. Turns out, not so much. I didn't sleep properly for months after that because something would wake me up, I couldn't walk into the basement in broad daylight because the thing that lives down there would touch me and move things, and try to scare me.

One time when I was taking a nap in the middle of the day and I was juuuuust about to dose off when I started hearing someone whisper loudly near my ear, like they were trying to get my attention. Just saying things like "Hey... hey... are you awake? Hey..." and shaking my shoulder lightly in between.
It was a young man's voice so I thought it was my brother trying to get me to look at something (like he does alot) and I just rolled over and told him to go away, but it just kept going. Finally, he asked if I was awake one more time and I just got fed up.
I flipped over abruptly so that I was facing upward where I assumed his face would be and I yelled "WELL I AM NOW, SO WHAT THE *bleep* DO YOU WANT?!" ... I didn't recognize the face of the young man that hovered over me, but it was as clear as if someone was right there. He couldn't have been more than 18, with shoulder length blond hair, fair skin, and I remember that his eyes were wide when he gasped before he dissipated before my eyes. I sat up through him before I even registered how weird that was...

As cool as that was, there were too many negative things that tried to get my attention during that time for me to want to open myself up like that again.
Folks that just will not stay dead aren't considered strange in my family. Every house we've ever lived in has been haunted by multiple ghosts, some less gentle than others, and every member of my family has had several experiences with the dead.

I've seen, felt, and heard spirits as far back as I remember. I've always been sensitive to that sort of thing, but I've taken to blocking it as much as possible. As a kid, it would frighten me and I even started chanting a mantra before going to sleep each night to put up a mental block because I had things crawling into bed with me at night on occasion.
I would say: I don't want to see anything. I don't want to feel anything. I don't want to hear anything. I just want to go to sleep. Please just let me go to sleep.

As a teenager, I decided to stop the chant and try to be a little more open because I thought I was old enough to deal with it. Turns out, not so much. I didn't sleep properly for months after that because something would wake me up, I couldn't walk into the basement in broad daylight because the thing that lives down there would touch me and move things, and try to scare me.

One time when I was taking a nap in the middle of the day and I was juuuuust about to dose off when I started hearing someone whisper loudly near my ear, like they were trying to get my attention. Just saying things like "Hey... hey... are you awake? Hey..." and shaking my shoulder lightly in between.
It was a young man's voice so I thought it was my brother trying to get me to look at something (like he does alot) and I just rolled over and told him to go away, but it just kept going. Finally, he asked if I was awake one more time and I just got fed up.
I flipped over abruptly so that I was facing upward where I assumed his face would be and I yelled "WELL I AM NOW, SO WHAT THE *bleep* DO YOU WANT?!" ... I didn't recognize the face of the young man that hovered over me, but it was as clear as if someone was right there. He couldn't have been more than 18, with shoulder length blond hair, fair skin, and I remember that his eyes were wide when he gasped before he dissipated before my eyes. I sat up through him before I even registered how weird that was...

As cool as that was, there were too many negative things that tried to get my attention during that time for me to want to open myself up like that again.
I've had several dreams that predicted future events, the biggest one was pretty crazy awesome. I dreamt about my saxophone teacher and his wife, and in my dream they had a baby with them (at the time they had no children). I told my mom, and she told him the next day when she saw him. The very next day, he and his wife found out they were expecting a baby, and the due date was several days after my birthday! The baby was just born a few days ago, and they named him the same name as my best friend! It was so crazy awesome, and I'm so happy for them and their new baby!

Some slightly paranormal things have happened throughout my life. After my first cat passed when I was young I swear I saw her walk past me one day while I was playing in the basement. And after my high school graduation, the clock on our mantel chimed. The clock hadn't been set to chime for years, and was nowhere near the hour or half-hour (where that clock would normally chime). My great-grandfather had found, repaired, and given us that clock long ago, and my whole family believes that was him acknowledging he'd seen my graduation from heaven and was proud of me.

Thankfully, all of my experiences have been pretty positive and happy c:
I've had several dreams that predicted future events, the biggest one was pretty crazy awesome. I dreamt about my saxophone teacher and his wife, and in my dream they had a baby with them (at the time they had no children). I told my mom, and she told him the next day when she saw him. The very next day, he and his wife found out they were expecting a baby, and the due date was several days after my birthday! The baby was just born a few days ago, and they named him the same name as my best friend! It was so crazy awesome, and I'm so happy for them and their new baby!

Some slightly paranormal things have happened throughout my life. After my first cat passed when I was young I swear I saw her walk past me one day while I was playing in the basement. And after my high school graduation, the clock on our mantel chimed. The clock hadn't been set to chime for years, and was nowhere near the hour or half-hour (where that clock would normally chime). My great-grandfather had found, repaired, and given us that clock long ago, and my whole family believes that was him acknowledging he'd seen my graduation from heaven and was proud of me.

Thankfully, all of my experiences have been pretty positive and happy c:

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Clan Breezewings
I used to see things in my old house. I tend toward sleep hallucinations anyway (those hallucinations you get when you're inbetween sleep and awake? Sometimes accompanied with sleep paralysis,) so for a long time I thought it was just that, or that I was going crazy.
I learned to avoid mirrors in my house at night, and to keep my head down and not look about so I didn't startle. Then I had a friend stay over the night...

She'd just woken up to get a drink, and I remember her just screaming. When I asked her to describe what she saw (and I hadn't told ANYONE about the things I kept seeing!) she described this twisting, warping thing... this sort of shadow scuttling along the walls that she'd seen in the reflection.

I kept seeing shadows moving, myself. They were usually humanoid, but that would change sometimes. I remember once also perceiving one as this patch of dark smoke that seemed like a shadow, but detached from the nearby wall in a way that shouldn't have been quite possible.
After talking to a friend that runs a small shop locally and going through numerous cleansing rituals, I haven't seen them in a long time. Of course, I've since moved out of my parents' house, as well. I remember that when I first stopped seeing them, it was as if this great...burden of negative energy had lifted. I don't know how else to describe it.
I used to see things in my old house. I tend toward sleep hallucinations anyway (those hallucinations you get when you're inbetween sleep and awake? Sometimes accompanied with sleep paralysis,) so for a long time I thought it was just that, or that I was going crazy.
I learned to avoid mirrors in my house at night, and to keep my head down and not look about so I didn't startle. Then I had a friend stay over the night...

She'd just woken up to get a drink, and I remember her just screaming. When I asked her to describe what she saw (and I hadn't told ANYONE about the things I kept seeing!) she described this twisting, warping thing... this sort of shadow scuttling along the walls that she'd seen in the reflection.

I kept seeing shadows moving, myself. They were usually humanoid, but that would change sometimes. I remember once also perceiving one as this patch of dark smoke that seemed like a shadow, but detached from the nearby wall in a way that shouldn't have been quite possible.
After talking to a friend that runs a small shop locally and going through numerous cleansing rituals, I haven't seen them in a long time. Of course, I've since moved out of my parents' house, as well. I remember that when I first stopped seeing them, it was as if this great...burden of negative energy had lifted. I don't know how else to describe it.
When it is dark enough,
you can see the stars.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I study biological sciences, and have always been an atheist. I live alone. My bathroom door sometimes closes by itself and locks itself from the inside. Sheesh. I'd love to blame air currents or some such, but there is no window in the bathroom and that lock is really hard to turn.
I study biological sciences, and have always been an atheist. I live alone. My bathroom door sometimes closes by itself and locks itself from the inside. Sheesh. I'd love to blame air currents or some such, but there is no window in the bathroom and that lock is really hard to turn.
Paranormal? Something really creepy happened when i was visiting an old dorm in my parents' collage. The air suddenly got really cold and there was frost on the windowsill, though it was really hot outside. To this day, I am still wondering what happened considering that this old run down building had been abandoned and was to be rebuilt later that year.
Paranormal? Something really creepy happened when i was visiting an old dorm in my parents' collage. The air suddenly got really cold and there was frost on the windowsill, though it was really hot outside. To this day, I am still wondering what happened considering that this old run down building had been abandoned and was to be rebuilt later that year.
I seem to have some kind of supernatural-repellent aura. Nothing interesting ever happens around me. Which is sad, because I've always thought this to be an interesting topic and wanted to collect more data.
I seem to have some kind of supernatural-repellent aura. Nothing interesting ever happens around me. Which is sad, because I've always thought this to be an interesting topic and wanted to collect more data.
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