

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
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Mahogi I did watch it and I'm able to do it now. Thanks so much!!
Mahogi I did watch it and I'm able to do it now. Thanks so much!!
#1 Speckle Fan * Old Dragon Collector * FR+3
Wow x.x was really cool to read about your journey :) It really reminds me of my own! I really hated this game before, and no guide worked for me as either it was WAY too slow, or I just didn't get it. But I kept hearing whispers here and there that hey, people that get this game max out incredibly fast, so I kept batting my head at this. And THIS was born!!!
And yeah, now I myself just quickly do this when I feel like watching an episode, or even when playing a different game on another monitor (if it has pauses, like turn based games).

Aye this game is not really newbie-friendly in general, like Rubix cube, I don't think I fully understand myself yet, why those rules work xD

Hoho yes second monitor is a blessing :>

Yep it does :) as long as it's not random!

What does this mean haha xD SHOOK? I hope it's a positive emote!

GOGO on a spending spree, because now you will be able to have it all xD

OMG ??? Can you take a screenie of this?? It still shows your record when you enter the game at start :) "Your highscores" As omg this is kinda 1st place winner? XD and ye, when reallly lucky, these crazy games spawn, where just a few clicks solves everything :D I wish I would get one myself! As I still can't climb out of 6 moves haha

Nice of you to make this! It's the opposite way to do it which works too :) I guess I could add numbers too, to make it even more obvious, as I only wrote down the logic.

Correct ^^ I actually like that the last game rewards 1400 as then I know it's time to stop :) Tho there have been times where I just went on for a while until I realised I'm no longer getting monies xD

I don't recommend easy or normal mode tho, as the only thing it can do, is to maybe teach how the colors change according to how you click. Or maybe I am just too dense for those easier modes as they totally don't work for me XD As, solving the easy and medium patterns are actually harder than the hard version :) And there is much more different patterns that I had no chance to memorize.

True, getting a lucky board is, pure luck, but still cool :) As to get it solved quickly still shows that you understand what you are doing :) High score!

Same here lol, at 1st I outright ignored this game as I couldn't solve even the easy mode xD Only at 3rd attempt I finally figured out ONE way in how to do this fairly fast (which really matters to me).

1st I measure it by tiles clicked, and then who managed to do it faster :) As I am ALL about the speed >:D need that money fast(est way possible!)!

@jayriios @Everburn @Serama @Cheryy @Hodr @LordRen @Kitsunebi @Zotz @Dathomir @Canisa @SkylaDownfall12 @Darquesse @Redspike944
I'm happy you like it!! \o/
Wow x.x was really cool to read about your journey :) It really reminds me of my own! I really hated this game before, and no guide worked for me as either it was WAY too slow, or I just didn't get it. But I kept hearing whispers here and there that hey, people that get this game max out incredibly fast, so I kept batting my head at this. And THIS was born!!!
And yeah, now I myself just quickly do this when I feel like watching an episode, or even when playing a different game on another monitor (if it has pauses, like turn based games).

Aye this game is not really newbie-friendly in general, like Rubix cube, I don't think I fully understand myself yet, why those rules work xD

Hoho yes second monitor is a blessing :>

Yep it does :) as long as it's not random!

What does this mean haha xD SHOOK? I hope it's a positive emote!

GOGO on a spending spree, because now you will be able to have it all xD

OMG ??? Can you take a screenie of this?? It still shows your record when you enter the game at start :) "Your highscores" As omg this is kinda 1st place winner? XD and ye, when reallly lucky, these crazy games spawn, where just a few clicks solves everything :D I wish I would get one myself! As I still can't climb out of 6 moves haha

Nice of you to make this! It's the opposite way to do it which works too :) I guess I could add numbers too, to make it even more obvious, as I only wrote down the logic.

Correct ^^ I actually like that the last game rewards 1400 as then I know it's time to stop :) Tho there have been times where I just went on for a while until I realised I'm no longer getting monies xD

I don't recommend easy or normal mode tho, as the only thing it can do, is to maybe teach how the colors change according to how you click. Or maybe I am just too dense for those easier modes as they totally don't work for me XD As, solving the easy and medium patterns are actually harder than the hard version :) And there is much more different patterns that I had no chance to memorize.

True, getting a lucky board is, pure luck, but still cool :) As to get it solved quickly still shows that you understand what you are doing :) High score!

Same here lol, at 1st I outright ignored this game as I couldn't solve even the easy mode xD Only at 3rd attempt I finally figured out ONE way in how to do this fairly fast (which really matters to me).

1st I measure it by tiles clicked, and then who managed to do it faster :) As I am ALL about the speed >:D need that money fast(est way possible!)!

@jayriios @Everburn @Serama @Cheryy @Hodr @LordRen @Kitsunebi @Zotz @Dathomir @Canisa @SkylaDownfall12 @Darquesse @Redspike944
I'm happy you like it!! \o/
E27J5Sp.png2aALZUV.png Looking for a KS familiar!
YAY I am glad to hear! I might change a few things in the future, to make clearer wording and add clicking numbers to the pictures to hopefully make it clearest ever possible x)
YAY I am glad to hear! I might change a few things in the future, to make clearer wording and add clicking numbers to the pictures to hopefully make it clearest ever possible x)
E27J5Sp.png2aALZUV.png Looking for a KS familiar!
lmao shook can be good or bad but generally it's like when you're surprised or stirred up by something and also lacking words

In context though, HECK YEAH IT'S A GOOD THING
I had no idea this was possible that's why im shook and now I do it every time im on FR
lmao shook can be good or bad but generally it's like when you're surprised or stirred up by something and also lacking words

In context though, HECK YEAH IT'S A GOOD THING
I had no idea this was possible that's why im shook and now I do it every time im on FR
@Mahogi Sure!... once I figure out how. I don't know how to post screenshots...

(Also I got an insane record for very hard mode... 19 TURNS, 13 SECONDS! REEE!)

Moral of the story: Reflexes of a god

Also, I think that I did snatch the record! :O

Getting those games where you just zip through everything is really rare, but it pleases my OCD. Everything just falls beautifully into place. ;v;
@Mahogi Sure!... once I figure out how. I don't know how to post screenshots...

(Also I got an insane record for very hard mode... 19 TURNS, 13 SECONDS! REEE!)

Moral of the story: Reflexes of a god

Also, I think that I did snatch the record! :O

Getting those games where you just zip through everything is really rare, but it pleases my OCD. Everything just falls beautifully into place. ;v;
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
There are various ways to take a screenshot, there usually is a button on the keyboard (you need to paste it into paint after that), but I also like to use the "snipping tool", you can save directly with it.
I actually also had a good VERY HARD run, I was lucky enough to not need to apply any solutions, everything just fell into place xD I didn't try my luck there again tho lol!
There are various ways to take a screenshot, there usually is a button on the keyboard (you need to paste it into paint after that), but I also like to use the "snipping tool", you can save directly with it.
I actually also had a good VERY HARD run, I was lucky enough to not need to apply any solutions, everything just fell into place xD I didn't try my luck there again tho lol!
E27J5Sp.png2aALZUV.png Looking for a KS familiar!
Can't get enough of this. It's well written and a time saver indeed. I think it took me 30-45 minutes to max out, saving me time to do other things. Before, I would play the game with runes and Shock Switch for 1+ hours and not be able to max out quickly. I'm pretty happy that once understanding hard, I could do medium with ease (and easy has always been easy).

In short... Can't recommend the guide enough. Still can't beat my own record (8 moves, 6 sec I think), but its pretty random.
Can't get enough of this. It's well written and a time saver indeed. I think it took me 30-45 minutes to max out, saving me time to do other things. Before, I would play the game with runes and Shock Switch for 1+ hours and not be able to max out quickly. I'm pretty happy that once understanding hard, I could do medium with ease (and easy has always been easy).

In short... Can't recommend the guide enough. Still can't beat my own record (8 moves, 6 sec I think), but its pretty random.
Pyercé | they/them
mini gap links TBA
@Mahogi Here they are! :D Easy highscore: 2 turns, 2 seconds! Very hard highscore: 19 turns, 13 seconds! [img][/img] The irony here is that I've never completed a medium/hard match... R.I.P.
@Mahogi Here they are! :D

Easy highscore: 2 turns, 2 seconds!
Very hard highscore: 19 turns, 13 seconds!


The irony here is that I've never completed a medium/hard match... R.I.P.
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
Wow... (Lucky you with the 19 moves for very hard!) Try hard, but following this guide.
Wow... (Lucky you with the 19 moves for very hard!) Try hard, but following this guide.
Pyercé | they/them
mini gap links TBA
You will get there xD You just need to get lucky to spawn a lucky board (stuck in the same place lol). OH YES I know the pain, back in the day I would play Artifracture and it would be a miracle if I would max out. With this method I sometimes don't even notice that I'm done already xD

OH I thought you did 2 turns 2 seconds for a HARD game :) As the current best score is 3 moves 2 seconds :D Will you try the hard mode too?
You will get there xD You just need to get lucky to spawn a lucky board (stuck in the same place lol). OH YES I know the pain, back in the day I would play Artifracture and it would be a miracle if I would max out. With this method I sometimes don't even notice that I'm done already xD

OH I thought you did 2 turns 2 seconds for a HARD game :) As the current best score is 3 moves 2 seconds :D Will you try the hard mode too?
E27J5Sp.png2aALZUV.png Looking for a KS familiar!
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