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TOPIC | FR Tools - Signatures, Banners & More
@Taleirrh I like these and how simple and easy to use they are, but is there a way to add more than two images? I'm trying to make a header/signature for my apparel store and I'd like pictures of a couple apparel pieces as well as the treasure and gem images. The description seems to indicate that you can add lots of pictures, but there's only two image bars. Am I missing something? Help!! And thanks! :)
@Taleirrh I like these and how simple and easy to use they are, but is there a way to add more than two images? I'm trying to make a header/signature for my apparel store and I'd like pictures of a couple apparel pieces as well as the treasure and gem images. The description seems to indicate that you can add lots of pictures, but there's only two image bars. Am I missing something? Help!! And thanks! :)
@TimelordSnowy I noticed that, too and am having the same problem (link says "Thread Head" but the tool says "Signature Maker"). Let me know if you get it resolved! Would love to make a header for my store that matches the signature I made!
@TimelordSnowy I noticed that, too and am having the same problem (link says "Thread Head" but the tool says "Signature Maker"). Let me know if you get it resolved! Would love to make a header for my store that matches the signature I made!
@ Everyone - I have been away/unavailable for a looooooong time. It touches my heart that you're still here and still want me to update FR Tools. I need to get myself re-settled back on the site again, figure out what's going on with the new colour wheel, and then get started working again. At the risk of being a beggar, being gone for so long has, predictably, killed my food supply with dergs at 0%. Anyone want to chip in food for the developer? @DragonRising - RE font not working: Sadly font-specific problems are handled on your computer's end rather than FRTools' side. There's nothing I can do to make your computer display that properly. RE New colours: yes, that's going to be a top priority. @pokeballssohard - Aw, thank you especially for your concern about my wellbeing. I am all right, but...taking a hiatus from FR/Tumblr was necessary [i]for[/i] that statement to be true. I'm trying to get involved again. @MerlindaDragon The generators run on inserting HTML into preset 'places'. For extra images, try putting the following into the 'Body Text' section: [code]<img src="URL.PNG"><img src="URL2.PNG"><img src="URL3.PNG"><img src="URL4.PNG"><img src="URL5.PNG"><img src="URL6.PNG">[/code] @TimelordSnowy & @MerlindaDragon UGH I don't know why it decided to break the Thread Headers like that. I'll post here when I've fixed it, that shouldn't take too long.
@ Everyone - I have been away/unavailable for a looooooong time. It touches my heart that you're still here and still want me to update FR Tools. I need to get myself re-settled back on the site again, figure out what's going on with the new colour wheel, and then get started working again.

At the risk of being a beggar, being gone for so long has, predictably, killed my food supply with dergs at 0%. Anyone want to chip in food for the developer?

@DragonRising -
RE font not working: Sadly font-specific problems are handled on your computer's end rather than FRTools' side. There's nothing I can do to make your computer display that properly.
RE New colours: yes, that's going to be a top priority.

@pokeballssohard - Aw, thank you especially for your concern about my wellbeing. I am all right, but...taking a hiatus from FR/Tumblr was necessary for that statement to be true. I'm trying to get involved again.

@MerlindaDragon The generators run on inserting HTML into preset 'places'. For extra images, try putting the following into the 'Body Text' section:
<img src="URL.PNG"><img src="URL2.PNG"><img src="URL3.PNG"><img src="URL4.PNG"><img src="URL5.PNG"><img src="URL6.PNG">

@TimelordSnowy & @MerlindaDragon UGH I don't know why it decided to break the Thread Headers like that. I'll post here when I've fixed it, that shouldn't take too long.
@Taleirrh Yay you're back!!! And I will certainly use the code when the Thread Header gets working again. Glad you're feeling better!!! I have used the dickens out of the Signature Maker and it's really made my store look super professional!! :D
@Taleirrh Yay you're back!!! And I will certainly use the code when the Thread Header gets working again. Glad you're feeling better!!! I have used the dickens out of the Signature Maker and it's really made my store look super professional!! :D
@TimelordSnowy & @MerlindaDragon is fixed!

It hasn't been UPDATED with the new colours yet, but it is fixed.
@TimelordSnowy & @MerlindaDragon is fixed!

It hasn't been UPDATED with the new colours yet, but it is fixed.
And now both have been updated with the new colour scheme. The Breeding Banner maker has NOT yet been updated, as that will require a lot more coding than just adding a few more buttons, unfortunately.
And now both have been updated with the new colour scheme. The Breeding Banner maker has NOT yet been updated, as that will require a lot more coding than just adding a few more buttons, unfortunately.

Hey! I have to show my appreciation for what you've made here. I just updated all my breeding cards and it is great! Thank you for taking the time to make this. I'm glad I googled searched and wish I had found it earlier!
I am excited to see the new colors added! :)

Again, thank you for sharing.

Hey! I have to show my appreciation for what you've made here. I just updated all my breeding cards and it is great! Thank you for taking the time to make this. I'm glad I googled searched and wish I had found it earlier!
I am excited to see the new colors added! :)

Again, thank you for sharing.
@Andra Thanks! I'm hoping to add the new colours in soon. I just have some work I have to do first.
@Andra Thanks! I'm hoping to add the new colours in soon. I just have some work I have to do first.

Thank you for this!

Thank you for this!

Thank you for everything that you do~

Thank you for everything that you do~
tumblr_inline_n6kd7qPuvI1qlye38.gifWith the Wind in my heart, and Fire at my side!tumblr_inline_n6kdvu56Os1qlye38.gif