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TOPIC | [guide] Coliseum Enemy Experience
Coliseum Enemy Experience

What is this guide?

In this guide, I explain the conditions under which dragons are awarded experience by defeating Coliseum enemies. The second post contains links to the amount of experience that you will gain for defeating certain enemies under particular conditions.

Experience mechanics

Every enemy gives a base amount of experience. This can be modified by your dragons' level advantage over the enemies (which, if significant enough, can give you reduced experience) or the bonus experience multipliers (which will give you increased experience).
  • The level advantage penalty multiplier is applied first to each enemy individually.
  • Each individual enemy's experience contribution (after level advantage penalty multiplier) is added up into a single sum.
  • Bonus experience multipliers (including the victory chain and event experience boosts) are applied to the total experience amount after each individual enemy's experience contribution has been summed together. Bonus XP multipliers stack multiplicatively with each other.

Level advantage penalty multiplier

If your dragons have a significant level advantage over the enemies, you may get reduced experience. The level advantage is calculated by comparing each specific enemy's level to the highest level in your party; the zone's specified level does not affect this experience penalty. Some enemies are much lower level than the zone because they debuted in an earlier zone, some are high enough level that you won't get a penalty from them while tackling multiple zones in the level-appropriate range, and so on.

Experience deteriorates by 25% per level, starting at 3 dragon levels above the enemy's level. If you've got a 25% level penalty, you multiply the experience by (1 - .25), which is .75. If you have no penalty, the multiplier is simply 1.

To find the total experience after applying the penalty, use floor (penalty multiplier * individual base enemy exp). To take the floor of a number, you simply round down to the nearest whole number. For example, floor(8.9999) = 8, not 9.

If your dragons are fighting a level 11 enemy, parties with dragons up to level 13 will gain the full amount of experience from it, parties with a high level of 14 will gain 75%, level 15 max dragons will gain 50%, level 16 max ones will gain only 25%, and all parties with dragons level 17 and above will get 0 experience from the level 11 enemy. Every dragon should gain the same amount of experience, so if you bring a level 25 dragon and a level 1 dragon to the Training Fields (levels 1-3 zone), both dragons get 0 experience due to the presence of the level 25 dragon.

Victory chain bonus

The victory chain bonus, acquired by successfully fighting consecutive battles in a zone where your dragons' levels fall underneath or within the specified levels, can give you 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% increased experience. Nothing's going to stop you from going to a zone earlier than the recommended level, but you don't necessarily get extra experience from doing so. (It's possible if you visit a zone such as the Forgotten Cave or Bamboo Falls early where a low level enemy from a previous zone appears, and then you avoid some level advantage penalty while gaining a chain bonus - but that's not always relevant.)

Note that the 5% bonus applies on the very first battle, so if you qualify for the victory chain experience bonus, it's actually impossible to get +0% bonus chain experience. This bonus is applied to the total experience of the enemy pack after the level advantage penalty has been taken into account and all of the total remaining experience has been added into a single sum.

Event bonus experience

Drakeharvest, Frigidfin Expedition, Sunparched Prowl, Springswarm, and Warrior's Way give a 50% bonus to the total amount of XP earned in a battle. This bonus is applied after after the level advantage penalty has been taken into account and all of the total remaining experience has been added into a single sum. It stacks multiplicatively with other boosts (such as the victory chain multiplier).

Total battle experience with bonuses

The total experience yield after applying all relevant bonuses is floor(((1 + bonus % / 100) for each bonus) * total enemy experience). To take the floor of a number, you simply round down to the nearest whole number. For example, floor(8.9999) = 8, not 9. So, if you're at the 15% bonus on your experience chain, you would multiply your total enemy experience by 1.15, and then you would round down to the nearest whole number. If there is also a 50% XP boost event active, you'd take total enemy experience * 1.15 * 1.5, then round down to the nearest whole number.

Every dragon in your party gets the full total experience amount. Using 2 dragons of the same level will award each of them the same experience as using a third of the same level.


To summarize:
  • Individual enemy experience = floor (individual base enemy experience * level advantage penalty multiplier)
  • Total enemy experience = The sum of all individual enemy experience in a pack
  • Total zone experience = floor (total enemy experience * experience victory chain bonus multiplier * event experience boost multiplier)
  • Total experience final amount is awarded to each dragon in the party, not divided between them.


For example, if there are four enemies, two of which are worth 400 experience, and the other two of which are worth 0 experience due to a level penalty, the total experience for that pack is 400 + 400 + 0 + 0, which is 800 experience. You would then apply the victory chain bonus multiplier, if any; without a victory chain bonus, the multiplier is 1. If a 50% XP boost event is active, you would multiply that amount by 1.5; otherwise, the multiplier is 1. At the very end, after you're done multiplying all the bonuses, you would round down to the nearest whole number. (1000.1 and 1000.9 both round down to the nearest whole number, 1000.)

Note that most of the time, if you have a level advantage penalty, you will not qualify for the experience chain bonus due to the inherent level gap. There are a few cases where this is not true, because some zones contain enemies that were found in previous zones, and this is the only time where you might experience both the chain bonus and level penalty multipliers within the same pack. Some such enemies are the Crowned Bonepriest (Scorched Forest, Sandswept Delta) and Storm Seeker (Sandswept Delta, Harpy's Roost).

Known bugs
  • Sometimes, a dragon in your party will not gain experience when it should. This is caused by lag with the server's processes, and there is nothing you can do but hope the developers fix it somehow. It is a rare occurrence, but just so you are aware, it can happen.
  • I have compared data between having the Clan Energy bonus and not having a bonus, and the amount of experience gained is the same, despite the fact that the well-fed status (having over 80% energy for 3 or more consecutive days) supposedly grants +15% Battle Experience. The +15% Battle Experience bonus does not apply.

Archived bugs
  • Level 25 dragons used to display the wrong amount of accumulated experience. This was just a visual bug. Now, their experience bars simply display as "Max Level".

Special thanks
  • Kiena and jessile for helping to gather experience data.
  • Meredith44 for lending me level-appropriate dragons to gather experience data.
  • SharonCarter for asking a good question about whether experience is split between party members, which helped me add clarification to the guide.
  • Maki for the help with experience data and the average experience chart.
  • The Flight Rising devs for adding the Game Database feature, which makes it much easier to check the base exp awarded by each enemy.
  • Anyone who updated the original encounter sheet.
  • Anyone who updates the new encounter sheet.
Coliseum Enemy Experience

What is this guide?

In this guide, I explain the conditions under which dragons are awarded experience by defeating Coliseum enemies. The second post contains links to the amount of experience that you will gain for defeating certain enemies under particular conditions.

Experience mechanics

Every enemy gives a base amount of experience. This can be modified by your dragons' level advantage over the enemies (which, if significant enough, can give you reduced experience) or the bonus experience multipliers (which will give you increased experience).
  • The level advantage penalty multiplier is applied first to each enemy individually.
  • Each individual enemy's experience contribution (after level advantage penalty multiplier) is added up into a single sum.
  • Bonus experience multipliers (including the victory chain and event experience boosts) are applied to the total experience amount after each individual enemy's experience contribution has been summed together. Bonus XP multipliers stack multiplicatively with each other.

Level advantage penalty multiplier

If your dragons have a significant level advantage over the enemies, you may get reduced experience. The level advantage is calculated by comparing each specific enemy's level to the highest level in your party; the zone's specified level does not affect this experience penalty. Some enemies are much lower level than the zone because they debuted in an earlier zone, some are high enough level that you won't get a penalty from them while tackling multiple zones in the level-appropriate range, and so on.

Experience deteriorates by 25% per level, starting at 3 dragon levels above the enemy's level. If you've got a 25% level penalty, you multiply the experience by (1 - .25), which is .75. If you have no penalty, the multiplier is simply 1.

To find the total experience after applying the penalty, use floor (penalty multiplier * individual base enemy exp). To take the floor of a number, you simply round down to the nearest whole number. For example, floor(8.9999) = 8, not 9.

If your dragons are fighting a level 11 enemy, parties with dragons up to level 13 will gain the full amount of experience from it, parties with a high level of 14 will gain 75%, level 15 max dragons will gain 50%, level 16 max ones will gain only 25%, and all parties with dragons level 17 and above will get 0 experience from the level 11 enemy. Every dragon should gain the same amount of experience, so if you bring a level 25 dragon and a level 1 dragon to the Training Fields (levels 1-3 zone), both dragons get 0 experience due to the presence of the level 25 dragon.

Victory chain bonus

The victory chain bonus, acquired by successfully fighting consecutive battles in a zone where your dragons' levels fall underneath or within the specified levels, can give you 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% increased experience. Nothing's going to stop you from going to a zone earlier than the recommended level, but you don't necessarily get extra experience from doing so. (It's possible if you visit a zone such as the Forgotten Cave or Bamboo Falls early where a low level enemy from a previous zone appears, and then you avoid some level advantage penalty while gaining a chain bonus - but that's not always relevant.)

Note that the 5% bonus applies on the very first battle, so if you qualify for the victory chain experience bonus, it's actually impossible to get +0% bonus chain experience. This bonus is applied to the total experience of the enemy pack after the level advantage penalty has been taken into account and all of the total remaining experience has been added into a single sum.

Event bonus experience

Drakeharvest, Frigidfin Expedition, Sunparched Prowl, Springswarm, and Warrior's Way give a 50% bonus to the total amount of XP earned in a battle. This bonus is applied after after the level advantage penalty has been taken into account and all of the total remaining experience has been added into a single sum. It stacks multiplicatively with other boosts (such as the victory chain multiplier).

Total battle experience with bonuses

The total experience yield after applying all relevant bonuses is floor(((1 + bonus % / 100) for each bonus) * total enemy experience). To take the floor of a number, you simply round down to the nearest whole number. For example, floor(8.9999) = 8, not 9. So, if you're at the 15% bonus on your experience chain, you would multiply your total enemy experience by 1.15, and then you would round down to the nearest whole number. If there is also a 50% XP boost event active, you'd take total enemy experience * 1.15 * 1.5, then round down to the nearest whole number.

Every dragon in your party gets the full total experience amount. Using 2 dragons of the same level will award each of them the same experience as using a third of the same level.


To summarize:
  • Individual enemy experience = floor (individual base enemy experience * level advantage penalty multiplier)
  • Total enemy experience = The sum of all individual enemy experience in a pack
  • Total zone experience = floor (total enemy experience * experience victory chain bonus multiplier * event experience boost multiplier)
  • Total experience final amount is awarded to each dragon in the party, not divided between them.


For example, if there are four enemies, two of which are worth 400 experience, and the other two of which are worth 0 experience due to a level penalty, the total experience for that pack is 400 + 400 + 0 + 0, which is 800 experience. You would then apply the victory chain bonus multiplier, if any; without a victory chain bonus, the multiplier is 1. If a 50% XP boost event is active, you would multiply that amount by 1.5; otherwise, the multiplier is 1. At the very end, after you're done multiplying all the bonuses, you would round down to the nearest whole number. (1000.1 and 1000.9 both round down to the nearest whole number, 1000.)

Note that most of the time, if you have a level advantage penalty, you will not qualify for the experience chain bonus due to the inherent level gap. There are a few cases where this is not true, because some zones contain enemies that were found in previous zones, and this is the only time where you might experience both the chain bonus and level penalty multipliers within the same pack. Some such enemies are the Crowned Bonepriest (Scorched Forest, Sandswept Delta) and Storm Seeker (Sandswept Delta, Harpy's Roost).

Known bugs
  • Sometimes, a dragon in your party will not gain experience when it should. This is caused by lag with the server's processes, and there is nothing you can do but hope the developers fix it somehow. It is a rare occurrence, but just so you are aware, it can happen.
  • I have compared data between having the Clan Energy bonus and not having a bonus, and the amount of experience gained is the same, despite the fact that the well-fed status (having over 80% energy for 3 or more consecutive days) supposedly grants +15% Battle Experience. The +15% Battle Experience bonus does not apply.

Archived bugs
  • Level 25 dragons used to display the wrong amount of accumulated experience. This was just a visual bug. Now, their experience bars simply display as "Max Level".

Special thanks
  • Kiena and jessile for helping to gather experience data.
  • Meredith44 for lending me level-appropriate dragons to gather experience data.
  • SharonCarter for asking a good question about whether experience is split between party members, which helped me add clarification to the guide.
  • Maki for the help with experience data and the average experience chart.
  • The Flight Rising devs for adding the Game Database feature, which makes it much easier to check the base exp awarded by each enemy.
  • Anyone who updated the original encounter sheet.
  • Anyone who updates the new encounter sheet.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
[center][size=6][b]Experience Data[/b][/size][/center] [size=5][u][b]Experience from enemies[/u][/b][/size] This section lists links to a spreadsheet containing the amount of experience given by individual enemies as well as the packs in which they appear, arranged by zone. [center][size=4][b][url=]- List of individual enemies -[/url][/b][/size] [size=2]Last updated Mar 26 2022[/size] [b]- Zones -[/b][/center] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url] | [url=]Blooming Grove[/url] | [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] | [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] | [url=]Thunderhead Savanna[/url] | [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] | [url=]Waterway[/url] | [url=]Arena[/url] | [url=]Volcanic Vents[/url] | [url=]Rainsong Jungle[/url] | [url=]Boreal Wood[/url] | [url=]Crystal Pools[/url] | [url=]Harpy's Roost[/url] | [url=]Ghostlight Ruins[/url] | [url=]Mire[/url] | [url=]Kelp Beds[/url] | [url=]Golem Workshop[/url] | [url=]Forbidden Portal[/url] Packs for venues are taken from the [url=]Coliseum encounter odds spreadsheet[/url]. [size=5][u][b]Other information[/b][/u][/size] I recorded the raw experience data from my encounters [url=]here[/url]. These numbers were what I used to determine each enemy's base experience. Note that this manually-collected data is no longer necessary since the Game Database feature was added. Below is a chart for the amount of experience required to level up, quoted directly from Kiena's Coliseum grinding and exalting guide. [size=4][b]Required experience per level[/b][/size] [code]Level Total Exp Exp to reach this level from previous level 2 245 245 3 886 641 4 2,287 1,401 5 6,314 4,027 6 11,859 5,545 7 20,239 8,380 8 32,120 11,881 9 48,129 16,009 10 69,655 21,526 11 97,331 27,676 12 131,595 34,264 13 170,551 38,956 14 216,227 45,676 15 270,388 54,161 16 331,269 60,881 17 403,235 71,966 18 484,854 81,619 19 577,289 92,435 20 681,852 104,563 21 793,539 111,687 22 921,048 127,509 23 1,057,258 136,210 24 1,204,710 147,452 25 1,363,652 158,942[/code] [size=4][b]Estimated battles per level[/b] (with lv25 trainers)[/size] The chart below denotes the average experience required to reach common training levels using [b]Level 25[/b] trainers. This is merely a snapshot; more detailed and up-to-date values are available on the [url=]Estimated average experience tab[/url] on the spreadsheet. The existence of a range denotes a difference between the minimum average battles (with a 0% exp chain bonus multiplier) and the maximum average battles (with a 20% exp chain bonus multiplier). The minimum and maximum average number of battles are the same in some cases. Special thanks to Maki for the [url=]suggestion and original chart[/url]. [columns] [b]Venue[/b] Boreal Wood Crystal Pools Harpy's Roost Ghostlight Ruins Mire Kelp Beds Golem Workshop Forbidden Portal [nextcol][color=white]__[/color] [nextcol] [b]Avg exp/battle *[/b] 270 614 905 1344 1190 1551 1617 1475 [nextcol][color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [b]Battles to lv5[/b] 24 11 7 5 6 5 4-5 5-6 [nextcol][color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [b]Battles to lv6[/b] 44 20 14 9 10 8-10 8-9 9-10 [nextcol][color=white]_[/color] [nextcol] [b]Battles to lv7[/b] 75 33 23 16 18 14-16 13-16 14-17 [/columns] * Average experience per battle is based on an estimate with an assumption that all packs have the same % of occurrence. As we know from the old Coliseum encounter project, not all packs have the same encounter rate. However, due to the high maintenance cost of keeping so much data up to date, we have decided that estimates based on an even % of occurrence is close enough. The values in this snapshot include the 20% exp chain bonus multiplier in the level 25 venues. For more detailed values, refer to the [url=]Estimated average experience tab[/url] on the spreadsheet.
Experience Data

Experience from enemies

This section lists links to a spreadsheet containing the amount of experience given by individual enemies as well as the packs in which they appear, arranged by zone.

- List of individual enemies -
Last updated Mar 26 2022

- Zones -

Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta |
Blooming Grove | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Thunderhead Savanna |
Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Volcanic Vents | Rainsong Jungle |
Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds |
Golem Workshop | Forbidden Portal

Packs for venues are taken from the Coliseum encounter odds spreadsheet.

Other information

I recorded the raw experience data from my encounters here. These numbers were what I used to determine each enemy's base experience. Note that this manually-collected data is no longer necessary since the Game Database feature was added.

Below is a chart for the amount of experience required to level up, quoted directly from Kiena's Coliseum grinding and exalting guide.

Required experience per level

Level Total Exp Exp to reach this level from previous level 2 245 245 3 886 641 4 2,287 1,401 5 6,314 4,027 6 11,859 5,545 7 20,239 8,380 8 32,120 11,881 9 48,129 16,009 10 69,655 21,526 11 97,331 27,676 12 131,595 34,264 13 170,551 38,956 14 216,227 45,676 15 270,388 54,161 16 331,269 60,881 17 403,235 71,966 18 484,854 81,619 19 577,289 92,435 20 681,852 104,563 21 793,539 111,687 22 921,048 127,509 23 1,057,258 136,210 24 1,204,710 147,452 25 1,363,652 158,942

Estimated battles per level (with lv25 trainers)

The chart below denotes the average experience required to reach common training levels using Level 25 trainers. This is merely a snapshot; more detailed and up-to-date values are available on the Estimated average experience tab on the spreadsheet.

The existence of a range denotes a difference between the minimum average battles (with a 0% exp chain bonus multiplier) and the maximum average battles (with a 20% exp chain bonus multiplier). The minimum and maximum average number of battles are the same in some cases.

Special thanks to Maki for the suggestion and original chart.


Boreal Wood
Crystal Pools
Harpy's Roost
Ghostlight Ruins
Kelp Beds
Golem Workshop
Forbidden Portal
__ Avg exp/battle *

_ Battles to lv5

_ Battles to lv6

_ Battles to lv7


* Average experience per battle is based on an estimate with an assumption that all packs have the same % of occurrence. As we know from the old Coliseum encounter project, not all packs have the same encounter rate. However, due to the high maintenance cost of keeping so much data up to date, we have decided that estimates based on an even % of occurrence is close enough. The values in this snapshot include the 20% exp chain bonus multiplier in the level 25 venues. For more detailed values, refer to the Estimated average experience tab on the spreadsheet.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
@Kiena - Thanks again for helping me to gather the Kelp Beds data, I've added it to the raw data and the spreadsheet.
@Kiena - Thanks again for helping me to gather the Kelp Beds data, I've added it to the raw data and the spreadsheet.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
Nochnyr and Permafrost Impaler experience added.

Currently working on a more legible format. I'll improve the experience spreadsheet later when I feel like it.
Nochnyr and Permafrost Impaler experience added.

Currently working on a more legible format. I'll improve the experience spreadsheet later when I feel like it.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
@Sylvandyr - Looks great! I really like the new format. :)
@Sylvandyr - Looks great! I really like the new format. :)
Janustraps have been added. Sorry for the delay.

I haven't worked on the new format yet, but it's on my to-do list.
Janustraps have been added. Sorry for the delay.

I haven't worked on the new format yet, but it's on my to-do list.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom

The experience you get in the kelp beds has recently changed a bit - some mobs still have a base experience of 450, but others don't.

The experience you get in the kelp beds has recently changed a bit - some mobs still have a base experience of 450, but others don't.
@jessile - Thanks for the info, I'm gonna have to put off checking till next week but if you hadn't given me the heads up, I wouldn't have noticed. I'll get the new values up asap. :)
@jessile - Thanks for the info, I'm gonna have to put off checking till next week but if you hadn't given me the heads up, I wouldn't have noticed. I'll get the new values up asap. :)
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
This needs updating, with the Kelp Beds AND the new monsters, AND Basilisk/Cockatrice need to be moved down to Woodland Path and updaetd.

I'm sorry, I just came out of a dom week and am likely going to be delayed updating this.

[EDIT]: Kelp Beds is updated.

[EDIT2]: Sandswept Delta, Bamboo Falls, and Harpy's Roost are now updated, courtesy of jessile.
This needs updating, with the Kelp Beds AND the new monsters, AND Basilisk/Cockatrice need to be moved down to Woodland Path and updaetd.

I'm sorry, I just came out of a dom week and am likely going to be delayed updating this.

[EDIT]: Kelp Beds is updated.

[EDIT2]: Sandswept Delta, Bamboo Falls, and Harpy's Roost are now updated, courtesy of jessile.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
Experience for the last few missing zones (Woodland Path, Scorched Forest) have been updated thanks to data from jessile.

We should be all up to date now.
Experience for the last few missing zones (Woodland Path, Scorched Forest) have been updated thanks to data from jessile.

We should be all up to date now.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom