
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Please,,, The Vista,,,, I'm Begging
I've always found that when I was hoping for something I never get it but when I am not looking or thinking about it, then it drops. :( Good luck to all who are searching for a vista though!
I've always found that when I was hoping for something I never get it but when I am not looking or thinking about it, then it drops. :( Good luck to all who are searching for a vista though!
85942727.pngbvQdpRl.pngSnowsquall Coli Services - training & farming services
I have gotten one vista so far. I want two, because I want one for use and one for hibden. I got someone to level 25. I've got genes and eggs and eliminate. I've got the start of carpal tunnel.

Where is Number Two??
I have gotten one vista so far. I want two, because I want one for use and one for hibden. I got someone to level 25. I've got genes and eggs and eliminate. I've got the start of carpal tunnel.

Where is Number Two??
OjYCOIV.png BiXaltQ.gif
Any advice where to grind for the forums vista? I'm assuming all enemies have equal chance to drop it, but goodness am I getting tired of grinding. I've jumped venues just to keep myself from going crazy, but it's not working anymore aha. </3 Like OP, I've scored lots of random, good loot. But this hibden task has been haunting me for a year and i just want to finish it. I have like 10 scenes from last year and this year, but I haven't gotten a single vista. [emoji=pearlcatcher sad size=1]
Any advice where to grind for the forums vista? I'm assuming all enemies have equal chance to drop it, but goodness am I getting tired of grinding. I've jumped venues just to keep myself from going crazy, but it's not working anymore aha. </3 Like OP, I've scored lots of random, good loot. But this hibden task has been haunting me for a year and i just want to finish it.

I have like 10 scenes from last year and this year, but I haven't gotten a single vista.
nSQFe3f.png |

He/They (Pastel blue)
Likes Women (Pink)

Hello lovelies!

Call me Latte. I'm rather shy, but I love making friends. Please talk to me about my interests/All PMs are appreciated

My tendonitis is flaring something awful from trying to coli for that dang vista!!

Is there a place that is better to grind for it? I'm losing my mind lmao.
My tendonitis is flaring something awful from trying to coli for that dang vista!!

Is there a place that is better to grind for it? I'm losing my mind lmao.
It's been eleven years and I still don't have a signature...
@CrunchyLatte I think the woodland path is the best for grinding. It has 5 enemies that can drop it compared to the 2-4 most other venues have
@CrunchyLatte I think the woodland path is the best for grinding. It has 5 enemies that can drop it compared to the 2-4 most other venues have
He/She/It (Genderqueer flag)
Aromantic (Aromantic flag)
Aegosexual (Aegosexual flag)
Enigmagender (Enigmagender flag)
Void Punk (void punk flag)
Artist (Paint palette)
Cat Person
Night Vale (Night Vale logo)
Fandragon Project
Tracker :
99144246.png HW4lpxl.png
I have a MILLION scenes and no vista T.T
I have a MILLION scenes and no vista T.T
.........................wY5BsxP.png > she/her
> FR+7
> pings ok
> buy my dragons
> avatar dragon
> i've got the dr who brainrot
A double gene drop? I've never seen that before! Your luck got used up in the wrong way, lol. As is the norm for FR's RNG... Always giving you cool stuff when you are least expecting it or are trying to get something completely different.
A double gene drop? I've never seen that before! Your luck got used up in the wrong way, lol. As is the norm for FR's RNG... Always giving you cool stuff when you are least expecting it or are trying to get something completely different.
Had this issue since the event started. Dropped 5 minutes after I finally caved and bought it.
Had this issue since the event started. Dropped 5 minutes after I finally caved and bought it.
[quote name="DragonsBlair" date="2025-03-08 15:51:27" ] @/CrunchyLatte I think the woodland path is the best for grinding. It has 5 enemies that can drop it compared to the 2-4 most other venues have [/quote] mean to tell me only a few enemies can drop it? oh my god no wonder i haven't gotten it yet
DragonsBlair wrote on 2025-03-08 15:51:27:
@/CrunchyLatte I think the woodland path is the best for grinding. It has 5 enemies that can drop it compared to the 2-4 most other venues have mean to tell me only a few enemies can drop it? oh my god no wonder i haven't gotten it yet
officer, i drop kicked that child in self defense
fr +17 • she / her
The worst part is I got my one from familiar bonding believe it or not
The worst part is I got my one from familiar bonding believe it or not
OjYCOIV.png BiXaltQ.gif