Interesting AH Dragons

WolfTears' Clan
Moving like the rain Liquid like a flame Carried by a storm
Clan Info
Clan Theme Songs:
I'm Not Afraid | Shadow | Darkside
Living in the Shadows | Freaks Like Us
Clan Leaders:

Deep within a densely forested area of the Tangled Wood you stumble across a small clearing. Just beyond the clearing is a wall of thorns that blocks the entrance to the inner dwelling of a clan. It is here that you are greeted by a very busy female Mirror, who happens to be hanging up laundry on a line strung between two trees. A young hatchling climbs along her back. "Hey there, stranger! Are you lost?" She lifts her tail up out of the way as a wily familiar rushes by with a chunk of food in it's mouth. "Huh? Oh, the shrieking? That's normal." Another dragon runs by chasing after the familiar and shouting curses at it. Her eyes follow the angry dragon for a moment before she turns her attention back to you. "You are welcome to rest here for a spell. Though I wouldn't recommend it if you value peace and quiet..." She added under her breath.
"Yeowch!" Someone cries from beyond the wall of thorns and she turns her head to scold what is probably another hatchling. "Sprinkles, stop biting!" She sighs and shakes her head. "If you need help or have some business then I'll lead you to my mother, the Matriarch." There is a loud crash followed by some shouting and laughing. "Oh, uh, and make sure to keep a tight grip on anything of value." The blockade of brambles twists and unwinds when she approaches, now carrying an empty basket. Well almost empty, the hatchling hops into it and pretends to be riding in a mine cart.
About Me:
Hello there, I'm Tenshi! Any pronouns are fine. My broadcast message is usually song lyrics, because music is one of my biggest obsessions. Some other loves of mine are art, writing and crafting. I'm decent at at least one of those things, lol. You can probably tell by now, but I'm joking around more often than not. I have a hard time wording thingssometimes... okay a lot of the time. Especially when it comes to my sense of humor and sarcasm. My brain runs a mile a minute and I'm often distracted by anything and everything. So I tend to dart around from one thing to another and often forget whatever I was originally doing. I rarely ever finish anything. I'm surprised I even finished this sentence...
This Lair is pretty much just a hodgepodge of misfit dragons that form a rather dysfunctional family. They may not all be very pretty, but they serve a purpose. Except maybe for Nocturne, who despite being the clan leader is really just a lecherous trickster... Okay, even he can be useful sometimes. At least when it comes to protecting the clan.

"I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to love myself there."
-Rune Lazuli
I'm Not Afraid | Shadow | Darkside
Living in the Shadows | Freaks Like Us
Clan Leaders:

Deep within a densely forested area of the Tangled Wood you stumble across a small clearing. Just beyond the clearing is a wall of thorns that blocks the entrance to the inner dwelling of a clan. It is here that you are greeted by a very busy female Mirror, who happens to be hanging up laundry on a line strung between two trees. A young hatchling climbs along her back. "Hey there, stranger! Are you lost?" She lifts her tail up out of the way as a wily familiar rushes by with a chunk of food in it's mouth. "Huh? Oh, the shrieking? That's normal." Another dragon runs by chasing after the familiar and shouting curses at it. Her eyes follow the angry dragon for a moment before she turns her attention back to you. "You are welcome to rest here for a spell. Though I wouldn't recommend it if you value peace and quiet..." She added under her breath.
"Yeowch!" Someone cries from beyond the wall of thorns and she turns her head to scold what is probably another hatchling. "Sprinkles, stop biting!" She sighs and shakes her head. "If you need help or have some business then I'll lead you to my mother, the Matriarch." There is a loud crash followed by some shouting and laughing. "Oh, uh, and make sure to keep a tight grip on anything of value." The blockade of brambles twists and unwinds when she approaches, now carrying an empty basket. Well almost empty, the hatchling hops into it and pretends to be riding in a mine cart.
About Me:
Hello there, I'm Tenshi! Any pronouns are fine. My broadcast message is usually song lyrics, because music is one of my biggest obsessions. Some other loves of mine are art, writing and crafting. I'm decent at at least one of those things, lol. You can probably tell by now, but I'm joking around more often than not. I have a hard time wording things
This Lair is pretty much just a hodgepodge of misfit dragons that form a rather dysfunctional family. They may not all be very pretty, but they serve a purpose. Except maybe for Nocturne, who despite being the clan leader is really just a lecherous trickster... Okay, even he can be useful sometimes. At least when it comes to protecting the clan.

"I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am learning to love myself there."
-Rune Lazuli
(Eternal Youth Scroll, Remora Gene, Hati, Skoll & Supernal Brightbeast all gifted by someone truly awesome~ ♥)
Scene: Foxfire Grove
Shadow Eggs
Any familiars I don't have
Green Baldwin materials
Meat & Insects
Notes to self: Seriously, finish some of your projects!
Recent Comments

You're welcome!!!

You have lovely dragona :D

Amanita was on the front page! Their plans look so cool!

i love your avatar derg! cute but has those spooky season vibes! really makes me want to get a snapper myself, haha

Can I join?

i just wanted to say i absolutely love mermaid, she's stunning <3

Please ping me if Macaron has babies. Thank you!

Thank you for buying Dreamsicle.

Sandy is precious! Her genes now are still quite nice, but I couldn't pass up a chance for a nice matchy veil project :) I'm glad you approve!

all of your imperials are so pretty :O I really love their outfits sm!!!

ok real though lol; the og series just goes so incredibly hard. Never got into roleplay but it must've been fun :]

Finished watching one single generation and made it into my whole personality :skull: been watching the newest release though and it is ppreetty dang enjoyable ngl LOL anyway beyblade heck yeah! :DD
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