
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | What's under the hat? Wrong answers only
There used to be salt there, but it all got spilled into the sea of a thousand currents when the hat fell for the teasers.
There used to be salt there, but it all got spilled into the sea of a thousand currents when the hat fell for the teasers.
narwhal horn,, and it retracts and extends like a toy lightsaber
narwhal horn,, and it retracts and extends like a toy lightsaber
01547b70441cd57956c9fa35703052f03d2c34b2.png _ LP/Parade

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__ LittleParade.gif _
comically big legs belonging to the hat itself, It didn't fall of in the teaser it simply skedaddled away (it's gonna be a new familiar :O)
comically big legs belonging to the hat itself, It didn't fall of in the teaser it simply skedaddled away (it's gonna be a new familiar :O)
FR + 9 (CET)
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Used to be Etheric
Whishlist, Adopts
k5xPgEO.png eKE73tL.png
that's where they keep his hidden stash of kelp for secret snacking :)
that's where they keep his hidden stash of kelp for secret snacking :)
trans guy (transgender flag)
he/it/fox pronouns (xenogender flag)
gay (mlm/nblm flag)
asexual (asexual flag)
disabled (disabled pride flag)

x a bouncing sprite of a 3-headed emperor dragon. they are white and black with cyan-blue mane and cyan-blue glowing eyes. they also have a cyan-colored aura around them. a small grey corgi wearing a pirate hat and eyepatch. he holds a cutlass in his mouth. a gif of a blue water flight flag gently waving in the wind. a clear bottle is decorated with a black falcon feather and a red plague flight charm tied to its cork. inside the bottle are a scrap of red fabric, a chunk of black obsidian, and a floating skull.
The lil pink dragon doing flips on the event page
The lil pink dragon doing flips on the event page
ping me!
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A very small pink elephant with oversized fairywings...[emoji=guardian laughing size=1][emoji=guardian happy size=1]
A very small pink elephant with oversized fairywings...
a canary of course
a canary of course
a smaller, identical hat
a smaller, identical hat
golden line with blue and white pearls and diamonds
There's a smaller Merrigan under their hat
There's a smaller Merrigan under their hat
Orca | they/he
Please check dragon profiles for pronouns before mentioning them!
An even smaller Merrigan with a hat that contains an even smaller Merrigan with a hat that contains an even smaller Merrigan... it's Merrigan all the way down. eta mind meld lmao [quote name="Orcalot" date="2024-06-08 11:46:02" ] There's a smaller Merrigan under their hat [/quote]
An even smaller Merrigan with a hat that contains an even smaller Merrigan with a hat that contains an even smaller Merrigan... it's Merrigan all the way down.

eta mind meld lmao
Orcalot wrote on 2024-06-08 11:46:02:
There's a smaller Merrigan under their hat
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